Literally Crazy Behavior


Valued Senior Member
I still stand by my claim that many highly religious people are in fact insane on some level. I don't mean this as an attack, just voicing my opinion. I can't find any other explanation for their behavior. When someone gets THIS worked up over an illusion, I'd don't see any other alternative source than sheer insanity. Obviously for those that don't know, Borat is pickin' fun at them :) ... the day when the congregation confirmed that Jerome was gay. (remixed but still proves my point)

What's your opinion???
I still stand by my claim that many highly religious people are in fact insane on some level. I don't mean this as an attack, just voicing my opinion. I can't find any other explanation for their behavior. When someone gets THIS worked up over an illusion, I'd don't see any other alternative source than sheer insanity.

What's your opinion???

For one, some people are just very unhappy at a certain period or point in their lives ... so they do all kinds of things in order to find happiness.
Searching for happiness can hardly be considered insane, although it may often take a downright crazy amount of courage to try out a number of things.

For two, it's not clear how you know that they are getting worked over an illusion.
For two, it's not clear how you know that they are getting worked over an illusion.

They believe that something external of themselves is entering thier body and taking over. This external thing to them is called the "Holy Ghost".

They do not see this as something they are controlling.

In essence, they believe in an imaginary friend who is controlling them providing them some overwhelming sense of happiness.

How is this not crazy?
The Holy Spirit is very real to Christians. He comes to live inside them when they are "Born Again". It is a "gift" to speak in tongues. Many born-agains do it. They are no more "insane" than you are.:)
They believe that something external of themselves is entering thier body and taking over. This external thing to them is called the "Holy Ghost".

They do not see this as something they are controlling.

In essence, they believe in an imaginary friend who is controlling them providing them some overwhelming sense of happiness.

How is this not crazy?

You didn't reply to my comment, you just basically repeated what you've said earlier anyway.
The Holy Spirit is very real to Christians. He comes to live inside them when they are "Born Again". It is a "gift" to speak in tongues. Many born-agains do it. They are no more "insane" than you are.:)

I beg to differ. I don't believe in or talk to imaginary beings.

You didn't reply to my comment, you just basically repeated what you've said earlier anyway.

Umm... no...? I'm pretty sure I've made myself quite clear in response.
I still stand by my claim that many highly religious people are in fact insane on some level. I don't mean this as an attack, just voicing my opinion.

I can't find any other explanation for their behavior. When someone gets THIS worked up over an illusion, I'd don't see any other alternative source than sheer insanity.

Perhaps best defined by biologists, it's the tendency of mammals to congregate together and somehow this convergence will beget a better thing.

Some truth behind it too.

I understand a lot of my cat's behavior by its mammilian needs- to be petted, loved, accepted unlike a reptile.

Humans would not have survived if they didn't apply to Nash's equations of mutually competing forces for a greater common good.
They believe that something external of themselves is entering thier body and taking over. This external thing to them is called the "Holy Ghost".

They do not see this as something they are controlling.

In essence, they believe in an imaginary friend who is controlling them providing them some overwhelming sense of happiness.

How is this not crazy?

You should learn to cut loose . You will feel better . Good exercise too. Did you ever think that they can't cut loose of inhibitions unless they transfer guilt to another being or entity so as to avoid personal responsibly . For Me though it is " The Devil made Me do it
I still stand by my claim that many highly religious people are in fact insane on some level. I don't mean this as an attack, just voicing my opinion. I can't find any other explanation for their behavior. When someone gets THIS worked up over an illusion, I'd don't see any other alternative source than sheer insanity.

What's your opinion???

You missed this one:

Anyway, I don't think they ar insane, the mind is a poweful thing (as in full control of the body), to the point where they can feel it is really happening to them. Imagination is not insanity, it is more perfected brainwashing than insanity.

On the other hand, yo need to have some level of insanity to fall for this, so you may be on to something here.
It's not different. Religion is a form of temporary insanity when we talk about speaking in tongues or passing out from a touch. Unfortunately many of these beliefs persist outside of the church experience.
The Holy Spirit is very real to Christians. He comes to live inside them when they are "Born Again". It is a "gift" to speak in tongues. Many born-agains do it. They are no more "insane" than you are.:)
M*W: Please explain why the holy spirit is very real to christians but not so real to non-christians.
M*W: Please explain why the holy spirit is very real to christians but not so real to non-christians.

She can not with out fabricating . The great spirit is for everyone is why . Christians just try to covet the spirit for them selves . It don't work that way though and is part of the fall of Christians losing favor . When they finally learn that the spirit is for all people the better life for all of us it will be . They can't even begin to see they worship the same as Vodue participants. That it is of the same spirit
Getting a group of people together, giving them permission and encouraging them to act out in a crazy manor, does many good things for the people hosting the show. First is that group now thinks of itself as us and they want to continue as a group, which means they are now more open to supporting the cause or religion with money and keep coming back every week for more of the same.

That looks like a bit of insanity at least once a week to me, but it gets worse when they start giving a straight 10% of their paychecks to the church.
Getting a group of people together, giving them permission and encouraging them to act out in a crazy manor, does many good things for the people hosting the show. First is that group now thinks of itself as us and they want to continue as a group, which means they are now more open to supporting the cause or religion with money and keep coming back every week for more of the same.

That looks like a bit of insanity at least once a week to me, but it gets worse when they start giving a straight 10% of their paychecks to the church.

It is a business Klown . They provide a service. Utility bills have to be paid and some churches salaries. Every body wants something for nothing . It is thinking like that that keeps Me a broke dick . You all are voiding the promise of the promissory note . You keep it up and money will have no value at all as the promise of success goes unnoticed. Go ahead devalue the dollar all you want . I don't care . I am ready for it to have absolutely no value.
I still stand by my claim that many highly religious people are in fact insane on some level. I don't mean this as an attack, just voicing my opinion.

Looks like an attack to me. That's mine.

I can't find any other explanation for their behavior.

People often behave in let's say 'uncerebral' ways when they are emotionally aroused. That's completely normal with human beings.

When someone gets THIS worked up over an illusion, I'd don't see any other alternative source than sheer insanity.

Of course, the beliefs might be the most important thing in these people's lives.

Which raises the question: Why are many atheists so passionate, and so often irrational, about ideas that they dismiss as nothing more than illusion?

It's an illusion that seems to touch the louder atheists in a deep and very sensitive place.

What's your opinion???

That the psychology of religion is a fascinating subject, but a thread like this might not be the best place to discuss it.
Medicine*Woman said:
Please explain why the holy spirit is very real to christians but not so real to non-christians.

The Bible says: you have God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They are all part of the same God--the triune God. Christians know the Holy Spirit is real because He lives inside them. He does not live inside people who do not accept Jesus Christ as their Father/Lord and Savior.
Some non-Christians may think the Holy Spirit is real, but again, they do not know Him like Christians do.
It is a business Klown . They provide a service. Utility bills have to be paid and some churches salaries. Every body wants something for nothing . It is thinking like that that keeps Me a broke dick . You all are voiding the promise of the promissory note . You keep it up and money will have no value at all as the promise of success goes unnoticed. Go ahead devalue the dollar all you want . I don't care . I am ready for it to have absolutely no value.

A business, who would have ever guessed? Is that why the guy doing the preaching lives in a very nice home and drives a luxury car? All people have their needs and wants. The trouble as I see it is when people confuse needs and wants which are two very different things.

Your needs are for survival and your wants are for everything else. In the world we have today nobody needs religion for survival and they got to be crazy to want it.