Limiting energy density and mass function range

No no no no no no no. No. The scientific method, as we have discussed before, starts with observation and postulates. Not dreaming.
Are you trolling just like you did in the Zeno thread.

Let's say you are trying to make a point that ideas are not part of the scientific method or that by me saying they are, that I have "ideas" in the wrong place. Maybe you are making the point that when I say it starts with ideas you want to point out observation precedes ideas. If so then that is a slim margin to prompt you to jump in and make the correction.

Are you just going to resume your trolling that left off with you insisting that there had to be a beginning to the universe because we would never get to now if there was no beginning. I hope you have realized that makes you ignorant and being ignorant makes your point that, "No no no no no no no No The scientific method, as we have discussed before, starts with observation and postulates" seem like more senseless trolling.
If you call telling you how the scientific method works when you get it wrong trolling, then I guess I am trolling... Of course, disagreeing with the thread poster is not the normal definition of trolling to rational people.
This is also being pretty economical with the truth. Had the moderation been better in A&C then you wouldn't have been permitted to post your threads there in the first place. Also, I believe the first thing DH did was to post a thread asking for member feedback which led to your active threads being moved to pseudo (which you complained about intensely at the time and then tried to laud as a good thing as you can discuss things more freely here if I remember correctly).
OK, I admit that.
If you call telling you how the scientific method works when you get it wrong trolling, then I guess I am trolling... Of course, disagreeing with the thread poster is not the normal definition of trolling to rational people.
I addressed that:

Are you trolling just like you did in the Zeno thread.

Let's say you are trying to make a point that ideas are not part of the scientific method or that by me saying they are, that I have "ideas" in the wrong place. Maybe you are making the point that when I say it starts with ideas you want to point out observation precedes ideas. If so then that is a slim margin to prompt you to jump in and make the correction.

Are you just going to resume your trolling that left off with you insisting that there had to be a beginning to the universe because we would never get to now if there was no beginning. I hope you have realized that makes you ignorant and being ignorant makes your point that, "No no no no no no no No The scientific method, as we have discussed before, starts with observation and postulates" seem like more senseless trolling.
Now you plan to troll on off topic issues that you can't seem to let go of?
Look, you brought up the scientific method and you got it wrong. Would you rather I let you carry on being wrong about something as fundamentally important as the scientific method? As I said, what I am doing is not trolling to sensible and rational people and there isn't much you can do about it apart from whine.

EDIT: I've just reread the zeno thread. I don't understand how you can be so ridiculous. You started that thread to attempt to pin something on me but couldn't provide any logical reasoning against what I've said. I pointed this out and you call it trolling. You are just an idiot most of the time but on this you really push the boat out.
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OK then Prometheus, have it your way. Clear up the conclusion that even the people who tried to support you on the Zeno thread finally came to, i.e. that you are wrong about infinity and time.

Prove your case.
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OK then Prometheus, have it your way. Clear up the conclusion that even the people who tried to support you on the Zeno thread finally came to, i.e. that you are wrong about infinity and time.

Prove your case.

Ok, Here's the question that you refused to answer back there: I have a line of length x. what is the maximum separation of two points on that line?
Ok, Here's the question that you refused to answer back there: I have a line of length x. what is the maximum separation of two points on that line?
Clearly you know the answer to that question. State the answer and lay out your case here on my thread. You make your case completely and I will respond to it.
Getting completely off topic to accommodate Prometheus, I just started reading a book by Ludlum that a friend finished and left while she was visiting us last week. It is “The Prometheus Deception”, and the first recommendation comes from the San Francisco Chronicle. It says, “Readers will remain in the dark right up until the explosive climax.”

I guess we will have to decide for ourselves.
Moved from above to restart the topic after hijacking by Prometheus.

You might want to be on topic once in awhile so here is something on topic. The thread is named, “Limiting Energy Density and Mass Function Range”. The fifteen steps that I put in the follow up post to Dragon were in response to his observation that black holes exert gravity, bringing into question my statement about there being a point where energy density exceeds the mass functioning range. I had expressed the idea that when mass ceases to function it causes gravity to cease being emitted, and leads to the destruction of the big crunch, i.e. leads to the big bang event.

Connecting the discussion that Dragon entered into to the topic of the thread is easy and he was perfectly on topic. The limit of energy density, as I explained to him was approached when the accumulation in the crunch reached much larger proportions than that of a common stellar black hole.

The black holes in the center of galaxies also exert gravity obviously but it is not obvious if there is any negation of mass to dense state energy in a galactic black hole. As I had suggested, there can be an equilibrium or near equilibrium established between the gravity of a galactic black hole and the accretion of matter into it if the negation of matter is occurring at or near the same rate as the accretion.

But this post is directed to the phrase “limiting energy density”. If there is negation of matter into dense state energy at some point in the accumulation of mass in massive black holes then that point where negation begins and mass is converted to dense state energy marks the higher density end of the mass functioning range and marks the lower end of the beginning of dense state energy density range. The top end of the dense state energy density range would be the maximum possible energy density. In QWC the concept of this maximum limit of energy density precludes there ever being infinite energy density, but no one really believes in infinite energy density do they.

EDIT: Just a quick note to follow the last point: Without a limit to energy density, i.e. if we leave open the possibility of infinite energy density, it would permit all of the matter and energy in the entire greater universe, not just our arena, to fall in. The possibility of such a catastrophe would exist if it weren’t for the thresholds and limits.

It follows that if the greater universe has always existed as is proposed by QWC, then indications are that such a catastrophe will never occur. The simple existence of a 14 billion year old arena like ours in the process of accelerating expansion indicates that limits are in place to prevent any final catastrophic big crunch outcome.

The greater universe itself would be homogeneous and isotropic. The landscape of the greater universe would be filled with arenas each like our observable universe, playing out the various stages of intersection with other arenas, overlap, collapse of the galactic matter caught in the overlap into a big crunch, big burst, expansion, intersection with other arenas, overlap, collapse, big crunch, big burst, you get the idea. There would be a potentially infinite number of arenas playing out at all times and an infinite history of time throughout which arenas have formed and played out. This would make for an energy background throughout the entire greater universe made up of CMBR which would be homogeneous and isotropic.

There are two parts of the cosmological principle; one says that on a grand scale the universe should look the same in all directions from any point within it, and the other says it should look the same on a grand scale at all times. QWC complies both from a structure standpoint, i.e. the arenas, and from a background standpoint, i.e. CMBR.

Quantum Wave Cosmology (QWC) is my personal cosmology. The methodology that I use for speculation is described in the Introduction section of that link.
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