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The Roman Catholic Church is preparing to abolish limbo, the place between heaven and hell reserved for the souls of children who die before they have been baptised.

The Church's 30-member International Theological Commission yesterday began a week-long meeting to draw up a text for Pope Benedict XVI, which is expected to recommend dropping the concept from Church doctrine.

Limbo has been part of Catholic teaching since the 13th century and is depicted in paintings by artists such as Giotto and in literary works such as Dante's Divine Comedy.

The commission was first asked to study the after-life fate of the non-baptised by the late Pope John Paul II.

Pope Benedict is expected to approve the findings. In 1984, when he was Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and the head of the Vatican's doctrinal department, he called limbo "a theological hypothesis".

"It is linked to the cause of original sin, but many babies die because they are victims," he said.

Swiss Cardinal Georges Cottier, Theologian of the Pontifical Household, yesterday told La Stampa: "We need to consider it and take into account the fact that many children die victims of modern evils - hunger in the world, for example, and many ills coming from huge social disorder and misery, let alone the fruits of abortion and such things."

More than six million children die of hunger every year in underdeveloped countries where the Church is keen to see its support continue to grow.

It is concerned that the concept of limbo may not impress potential converts.

The Church is aware that Muslims, for example, believe that all children go straight to heaven without passing any test.

The most decisive modern Catholic text on the issue dates back to 1905 when Pope Pius X stated: "Children who die without being baptised go to limbo, where they don't enjoy God, but don't suffer either, because whilst carrying the original sin... they don't deserve paradise but neither do they deserve hell or purgatory."

Catholics also believe that because fertilised ovum and aborted foetuses have human souls they, too, go to limbo.

Any views to share?
A "belief" being laid to rest on the grounds that "the concept of limbo may not impress potential converts"???

I am just gob-smacked, to be honest, if this is true.

Where next? Getting rid of the "There is a God" belief? :D
I thought I heard on the news today that 'limbo' - according to the Pope - was just a "hypothesis".

I thought this omittance also rang true for the rest of his ridiculous religion.
Most of Catholic doctrine is just that. There's no "what if...?" attached to any of it.
I just found it funny how he was implyingthat limbo was just 'hypothesis' but heaven somehow wasn't.
Not in the field of Catholic theology it isn't.

Neither in science, which really has nothing to say about the subject.
alexb123 said:
The Roman Catholic Church is preparing to abolish limbo, the place between heaven and hell reserved for the souls of children who die before they have been baptised.

The Church's 30-member International Theological Commission yesterday began a week-long meeting to draw up a text for Pope Benedict XVI, which is expected to recommend dropping the concept from Church doctrine.

Limbo has been part of Catholic teaching since the 13th century and is depicted in paintings by artists such as Giotto and in literary works such as Dante's Divine Comedy.

The commission was first asked to study the after-life fate of the non-baptised by the late Pope John Paul II.

Pope Benedict is expected to approve the findings. In 1984, when he was Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and the head of the Vatican's doctrinal department, he called limbo "a theological hypothesis".

"It is linked to the cause of original sin, but many babies die because they are victims," he said.

Swiss Cardinal Georges Cottier, Theologian of the Pontifical Household, yesterday told La Stampa: "We need to consider it and take into account the fact that many children die victims of modern evils - hunger in the world, for example, and many ills coming from huge social disorder and misery, let alone the fruits of abortion and such things."

More than six million children die of hunger every year in underdeveloped countries where the Church is keen to see its support continue to grow.

It is concerned that the concept of limbo may not impress potential converts.

The Church is aware that Muslims, for example, believe that all children go straight to heaven without passing any test.

The most decisive modern Catholic text on the issue dates back to 1905 when Pope Pius X stated: "Children who die without being baptised go to limbo, where they don't enjoy God, but don't suffer either, because whilst carrying the original sin... they don't deserve paradise but neither do they deserve hell or purgatory."

Catholics also believe that because fertilised ovum and aborted foetuses have human souls they, too, go to limbo.

Any views to share?

M*W: No surprise here. Like every other business out there, they need to reinvent themselves every so often. Madonna does it. Beyonce does it. For god's sake, even Paul McCartney does it. Retail business is no different. Target wants to pull in more customers. Walmart and Sears hope to acquire a fancier image. Public appeal -- that's the name of the game. Jesus saves! At today's prices, that's a miracle!
Not in the field of Catholic theology it isn't.

Neither in science, which really has nothing to say about the subject.

I'm talking about the field of common sense. When someone states confidently that something is just a guess whilst things such as 'heaven' are accepted fact, now that's funny.

What I would LOVE to see is how quickly the RC theists I know stop believing in "Limbo" after fervently believing in it correct as part of Roman Catholicism for between 5 years to 3 odd decades.
I remember reading about this a few months ago. I find it utterly humerous that an entire dimension is being wiped from existence because it isn't marketable. Perhaps they should add "Candyland" to their doctrine in the absence of Limbo. Now that's an after-life I can sink my teeth into.
This is really weird stuff and I am shocked that the church can even talk about this, as if the Pope can do anything about 'Limbo' even if it is real, weird.

Also lets think of all the RC parents who have lost a child and believed it was in 'Limbo' res they hoping and prays that limbo is no more? Will they be pleased if Limbo is no more? This is really deranged thinking!

M*W nice reply I think you hit the nail on the head.
Maybe a RC Poet had a kid that died and he called the kid Jimbo. Has the Pope given people like this any thought? I don't think so.
Jaster Mereel said:
The Roman Catholic Church is dying.

M*W: Tis true, tis true. Except in the barrios of Brasil and in the bowels of
Afrika, where the Christian evanglical conversion rate and the mortality rate are statistically significant. Fill 'em full of the holy spirit while they starve to death. Somehow, that doesn't make death come easier.