Like it or not, God is immoral.

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Like it or not, God is immoral.

This clip shows how man has defined morality. I generally agree with it as it closely resembles the morality shown in all the holy books. I see them as closely resembling the golden rule.

This clip show how what I see as a good representation of moral men judging God’s morality. I agree with their verdict and judge God to be immoral.

From the above and from all that we know of God as depicted in the Bible, one can only conclude that God is immoral.

All those with intelligence who can discern moral actions from immoral actions will agree.

Moral actions for this exercise will be those issues where God interacts with humans.

If you do not agree that God is immoral from what you have heard above, then give your reason and I will show that God chose the immoral path in whatever action you choose to use as your example of his moral action. That or I will show that any of his altruistic acts are self-serving.

Another retread of a previous propaganda piece.

Yeah, I think we all get the message. Greatest I Am doesn't like God. Since I don't believe in God it seems to be pointless redundancy. Saruman (a LOTR reference) was immoral too but who cares? Neither exist. They are simply inventive representations of the dark side of the human mind. God is created in man's image, IMO of course.
Yeah, I think we all get the message. Greatest I Am doesn't like God. Since I don't believe in God it seems to be pointless redundancy. Saruman (a LOTR reference) was immoral too but who cares? Neither exist. They are simply inventive representations of the dark side of the human mind. God is created in man's image, IMO of course.
well if he doesn't like the book type God then why doesn't he believe in a God he does like?
Yeah, I think we all get the message. Greatest I Am doesn't like God. Since I don't believe in God it seems to be pointless redundancy. Saruman (a LOTR reference) was immoral too but who cares? Neither exist. They are simply inventive representations of the dark side of the human mind. God is created in man's image, IMO of course.

I agree and try to give opportunity for the intelligent to convince others.

I think it my duty as well as the duty of others.

It is my view that all literalists and fundamentals hurt all of us who are Religionists.
They all hurt their parent religions and everyone else who has a belief. They make us all into laughing stocks and should rethink their position. There is a Godhead but not the God of talking animals, genocidal floods and retribution. Belief in fantasy is evil.

They also do much harm to their own.

African witches and Jesus

Jesus Camp 1of 9

Promoting death to Gays.

For evil to grow my friends, all good people need do is nothing.
Fight them when you can. It is your duty to our fellow man.

For evil to grow my friends, all good people need do is nothing.
Fight them when you can. It is your duty to our fellow man.

Irrational justification for evil are just that, irrational. There is no reasoning with such rationalizations. This seems to be the crux of the disconnect between what you believe and your propaganda.
Irrational justification for evil are just that, irrational. There is no reasoning with such rationalizations. This seems to be the crux of the disconnect between what you believe and your propaganda.

For a bright guy you are pretty stupid. You know all the words but just not where and how to use them.
Are you an engineer or what?

For a bright guy you are pretty stupid. You know all the words but just not where and how to use them.
Are you an engineer or what?

Then how exactly do you expect to be able to reason with someone who believes in a particular god by pretending that you share their belief? Pretending to be just as irrational only injects more irrationality.
For a bright guy you are pretty stupid.
have you ever had the experience of reading a book and getting the feeling that, since you have understood some pretty deep stuff in the past from other writers, the reason you aren't getting what the writer is saying is because the book is not written in a readable manner?
I mean, i like the concept of deriding gay-bashers, and pointing out fundie logic problems, but effective communicators realize that the audience's perception has quite a bit to do with whether they get their ideas across, and when someone doesn't understand them it may have SOMETHING to do with their choice of words.
have you ever had the experience of reading a book and getting the feeling that, since you have understood some pretty deep stuff in the past from other writers, the reason you aren't getting what the writer is saying is because the book is not written in a readable manner?
I mean, i like the concept of deriding gay-bashers, and pointing out fundie logic problems, but effective communicators realize that the audience's perception has quite a bit to do with whether they get their ideas across, and when someone doesn't understand them it may have SOMETHING to do with their choice of words.

Yep. It is all up to what the reader understands and how the righter expresses his ideas.
Maturity and previous experience and knowledge are key.

Yep. It is all up to what the reader understands and how the righter expresses his ideas.

One of your best Freudian slips!

Then how exactly do you expect to be able to reason with someone who believes in a particular god by pretending that you share their belief? Pretending to be just as irrational only injects more irrationality.

I'd say GIA is simply waiting for a savior.

In reply to the OP title, I think Greatest I am belongs to the "like it" category

I think GIA has to God and theists what is sometimes called an ambivalent attachment:

Unable to use caregiver as a secure base, seeking proximity before separation occurs. Distressed on separation with ambivalence, anger, reluctance to warm to caregiver and return to play on return. Preoccupied with caregiver's availability, seeking contact but resisting angrily when it is achieved. Not easily calmed by stranger. In this relationship, the child always feels anxious because the caregiver's availability is never consistent.
Like it or not, God is immoral.

This clip shows how man has defined morality. I generally agree with it as it closely resembles the morality shown in all the holy books. I see them as closely resembling the golden rule.

This clip show how what I see as a good representation of moral men judging God’s morality. I agree with their verdict and judge God to be immoral.

From the above and from all that we know of God as depicted in the Bible, one can only conclude that God is immoral.

All those with intelligence who can discern moral actions from immoral actions will agree.

Moral actions for this exercise will be those issues where God interacts with humans.

If you do not agree that God is immoral from what you have heard above, then give your reason and I will show that God chose the immoral path in whatever action you choose to use as your example of his moral action. That or I will show that any of his altruistic acts are self-serving.


Who are you or anyone to judge.
Yep. It is all up to what the reader understands and how the righter expresses his ideas.
Maturity and previous experience and knowledge are key.
i was just pointing out that calling someone stupid when they don't understand you might imply that you don't recognize that give and take.
Oh, but he is Greatest I Am - surely he cannot be at fault, ever!
i think the username refers to what is the ideal union object (object is the wrong word here) of the gnosis experience. i don't know if they believe they always get to be like the thing they gnosisize (gnosisate?) with.

Then again, according to your reasoning on believers, the user should just use "decent I am", so as a human it wouldn't be wrong to claim belief.