LightGigantic's Defense Thread

The right to choose fantasy over reality does not give you the right to decide your fantasies are in any way reality.

Yes sam, I AM cynical and intolerant to the fantasies of religious nutters who would deem their fantasies as reality. You may continue to do so, as I will continue not to tolerate it.

Reality is the extreme to your fantasies - I choose such an extreme.

Well, too bad you won't extend to others the rights you demand for yourself. However, it's your right to choose how you live your life.
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Well, too bad you won't extend to others the rights you demand for yourself. However, it your right to choose how you live your life.

You have every right to display your religious fantasies, sam. You have no right to claim it as reality.

One does not need to demand reality be reality. I have never demanded such.

And, you're correct in that I choose how to live my life, but I am affront at those who choose their religious fantasies that dictate my life.
And, you're correct in that I choose how to live my life, but I am affront at those who choose their religious fantasies that dictate my life.

So you choose to dictate theirs instead?
Hmmm LG is a good debater of non-serquitus, that takes a bit of imagination and distorted bit of education, stir that with a bit of stupidity, irrationalism, and circular logic, and we come up with LG.

VitalOne on the other hand, well that one is just plain nuts, I think even Leo makes more sense that he/she at times.

But at least there's one thing we havent seen here or much off, is the zealot rapture ready croud. Now here are a bunch nutjobs who just can't wait till the end of the world, these sob's want a nuclear confrontation, they want war, they want for life to end as we know it, for their religious beliefs claims this will happen, and that's what scarry about people like LG, Leo, VitalOne, and many other theist we have in forums all around the net, just awainting wishing for the end all delusion!

Feast your eyes on the retards above, VO, LG, and many others around here are mild compared to this bosos!
Wow, amazing link. Is that supposed to be the "good news" that Jesus talked about? Those people seem pessimistic and scared.
Wow, amazing link. Is that supposed to be the "good news" that Jesus talked about? Those people seem pessimistic and scared.

I've never heard of the rapture before coming here, is it an American phenomenon?
Meh there are some very extreme characters on here who choose to represent the far end of pretty much any belief system/doctrine,
it seems like those people who are useally the first to get a bit nasty.

Ah well those people are more offen than not rather predictable and cliched in their views anyway :)
What a stupid thing to say. I choose to dictate my own life and not have to be dictated by their fantasies. Sheesh.
I think her point is that as far as dictation goes, you seem to be metaphorically dressed up in funny looking over brassed military fatigues since your argument regarding "reality" boils down to "I am right because the people I agree with also think I am right" ( all at the expense of others of course)
I think her point is that as far as dictation goes, you seem to be metaphorically dressed up in funny looking over brassed military fatigues since your argument regarding "reality" boils down to "I am right because the people I agree with also think I am right" ( all at the expense of others of course)

Reality boils down to reality, and has nothing to do with me or anyone else who would agree or disagree with me.

You and Sam's god delusions, being completely different from one another, I might add, are evidence of that, while reality would disagree with you both.
Reality boils down to reality, and has nothing to do with me or anyone else who would agree or disagree with me.

You and Sam's god delusions, being completely different from one another, I might add, are evidence of that, while reality would disagree with you both.

LG and I have a lot in common, except he thinks I should become vegetarian.:p
When you argue with a fool, he pulls you down to his level and beats you with experience.

The basic problem with discussing anything with idiots is that any discussion will inevitably result in frustration.

The thing is that the one proposing a ‘truth’, a fact, is burdened with providing evidence and arguments in support of what he claims, and then still retain the intellectual integrity to remain skeptical.

Our common pool of reference is the world, or what we call reality.
We access this common pool with our senses.

Some experiences we cannot fully perceive and therefore not completely comprehend.
Here is where hypothesis and abstractions and imagination take over.
And this is where the disagreements arise.

We can all see the sun but what it is or how it blazes or how it sits up there we cannot see nor understand.
We therefore construct theories based on our sensual experiences. We judge others and their opinion by how closely they adhere to our own personal experiences and by how reliable they are, determined by their success in creating tools or constructs using them or by their success in predicting future phenomenon using them.

Some, morons, do not follow this line of reasoning. They adhere to the sensual information up to a point and then veer off when tit suits their vanity or when the desired outcome placates their fears and anxieties.
They then depend on authorities with no discernable reliability and based exclusively on the power of their cultural, institutional weight and on teachers who preach what the student really wants to believe is ‘truth’.

They then conduct verbal acrobatics and construct clever mind-games to remain loyal to a hypothetical reality, which equates it to all other hypothetical realities and then defeats them by how many promises and threats they can use to become convincing.

The argument that nobody is sure or knows the entire ‘truth’ is used to equate all opinions, as being equally valid or possible or worthy of consideration.
This message is hidden because Satyr is on your ignore list."

On the off chance that you actually have anything of merit in your post, I am sure that some magnanimous person will bring it to my attention

We also both think you are an extremist and that your views on reality are narrow and incomplete.

Interesting how you contradicted your assessment of me, all in one statement.

My veiws on reality however are equivalent to exactly what reality offers, although you certainly win hands down the views of the imaginative.

Of course, you are welcome to demonstrate a reality not offered by the existing reality, if you care to enlighten my narrow and incomplete view.
Interesting how you contradicted your assessment of me, all in one statement.

My veiws on reality however are equivalent to exactly what reality offers, although you certainly win hands down the views of the imaginative.

Of course, you are welcome to demonstrate a reality not offered by the existing reality, if you care to enlighten my narrow and incomplete view.
try this