Life is not fair... fuck your so called god....

Dug-T said:
Think of all those starving african kids etc, do they deserve this shit?? lets get this straight there is no fucking god, there is nature and it is chaotic.
And there is a reason why africa is so hot, its down to the axis of the earth and how closer the sun is to that part of the earth.
I don't know, do they? Why are they starving? Are they oppressed by African kings and traditions? Are the Christians feeding them and caring for them by the mercy of God? If there was no wrong in the world and if life was fair, there would be no way that God can show himself as a loving God! There would be no opprotunity to trust in God if life were fair! For God is most powerful when upholds the weak and hungry, and not the strong and satisfied. Besides, it is our own fault that we broke away from God in the first place! Since Adam ate the apple, God made him toil the ground for food. The people in Africa are in a bad situation, and it is the work of evil men who govern them.

Dug-T said:
And when you die the brain holds the thoughts and no longer holds thoughts = you cease to exist, the brain is therefore dead, braincells anyone?
So why therefore give a flying fuck what happens next?
If we are going to die anyway, why not purchase a lottery ticket because you might win!

Dug-T said:
There is no need to believe in false gods, its a futile process created in the minds of humans.....You can still have morals and live life as a good person like myself but i dont live my life to a standard of which a stupid fucking book would tell me, I do it for myself.....Free will anyone???
Are you truly free, or are your decisions influend by what your body wants?
Why are you so angry? Even now, your free will is out the window as you are subject to your emotions.
Yes, a person can have morals. There are many good Catholic priests who molest children. So, what is moral and what is conscience, and how can it be our guide if it leads to such atrocities?

Dug-T said:
Accept it this is reality no matter what crap you read in your book.
People just seem to think humans are something special but i dont see us that way i see humans as a more advanced species of cockroaches, as specs pm a rock that we called earth.
I am with you here for sure. Humans, even Christians (myself included) are nothing but grimy dust to God. Paul says our bodies are sold unto sin, but our minds do not have to be that way. The only worth humans have is that which is given by God, and we have no worth. But, the crazy thing is God says, "I know you are a sinner. I know you are a piece of crap who rapes the Earth. But, come follow me. I love you so much that I died for you."

So you see, we are not worth anything. In fact, if you broke our bodies down into chemicals. Our soup is worth about $0.82
But, God loves us anyway because he sees the future of us, and we can become valuable at the end of the race, if we choose to follow him.
jayleew said:
I don't know, do they? Why are they starving? Are they oppressed by African kings and traditions?
They should try plauges. After all it worked for Moses.

Are the Christians feeding them and caring for them by the mercy of God?
A merciful God would send self replicating bread with the obnoxious Christians.

If there was no wrong in the world and if life was fair, there would be no way that God can show himself as a loving God!
YOU MEAN - GOD DID THIS ON PURPOSE!!! Satan must feel like such a tool... such a tool :D

There would be no opprotunity to trust in God if life were fair!
And you won't get one hehe :D

For God is most powerful when upholds the weak and hungry, and not the strong and satisfied. Besides, it is our own fault that we broke away from God in the first place! Since Adam ate the apple, God made him toil the ground for food. The people in Africa are in a bad situation, and it is the work of evil men who govern them.
I'm not sure who to blame here, all the people in Africa who broke away from God before they were born, myself or those EVIL men. EEEVIL MEN. :)

If we are going to die anyway, why not purchase a lottery ticket because you might win!
If you win, give the money to me. You won't need it in the happy place.

I am with you here for sure. Humans, even Christians (myself included) are nothing but grimy dust to God.
Never let any deity convince you that you or any other person are grimy dust. You are much more than that. Even to me - and I don't know you all that well.

Paul says our bodies are sold unto sin, but our minds do not have to be that way. The only worth humans have is that which is given by God, and we have no worth. But, the crazy thing is God says, "I know you are a sinner. I know you are a piece of crap who rapes the Earth. But, come follow me. I love you so much that I died for you."

So you see, we are not worth anything. In fact, if you broke our bodies down into chemicals. Our soup is worth about $0.82
But, God loves us anyway because he sees the future of us, and we can become valuable at the end of the race, if we choose to follow him.
According to many religious Christians God is an all powerful deity. If you actually accept that this is true, humanity will never be valuable to God. Ever.
“Life is not fair” !!!!
This is what it has all come to!

Here is a mind ripe for the picking.
Who will harvest its sweet tenderness and needy spirit?
The Christian doctrine promising justice and purpose for all in an afterlife or the Communist/Rationalist promising justice and purpose for all on this Earth?

There is nothing more pitiful than the mind that has been exposed to the tragic and comedic in life and now seeks to rectify it through reason.
At this end of this path lies Nihilism which will either destroy or send this wanton soul running into the bosom of the nearest metaphysical hug.
Dug-T said:
Think of all those starving african kids etc, do they deserve this shit?? lets get this straight there is no fucking god, there is nature and it is chaotic.
And there is a reason why africa is so hot, its down to the axis of the earth and how closer the sun is to that part of the earth.

And when you die the brain holds the thoughts and no longer holds thoughts = you cease to exist, the brain is therefore dead, braincells anyone?
So why therefore give a flying fuck what happens next?

There is no need to believe in false gods, its a futile process created in the minds of humans.....You can still have morals and live life as a good person like myself but i dont live my life to a standard of which a stupid fucking book would tell me, I do it for myself.....Free will anyone???

Accept it this is reality no matter what crap you read in your book.
People just seem to think humans are something special but i dont see us that way i see humans as a more advanced species of cockroaches, as specs pm a rock that we called earth.

Amen etc...
Think of all those starving african kids etc, do they deserve this shit??
Extend your help to them if you care for them and if you have mercy.

And when you die the brain holds the thoughts and no longer holds thoughts = you cease to exist, the brain is therefore dead, braincells anyone?
So why therefore give a flying fuck what happens next?
Why afraid of death?
There is no need to believe in false gods,
That`s pretty good.
People just seem to think humans are something special but i dont see us that way i see humans as a more advanced species of cockroaches, as specs pm a rock that we called earth.
That`s special (specie-l) but we share in one earth.