Life is not fair... fuck your so called god....


Registered Senior Member
Think of all those starving african kids etc, do they deserve this shit?? lets get this straight there is no fucking god, there is nature and it is chaotic.
And there is a reason why africa is so hot, its down to the axis of the earth and how closer the sun is to that part of the earth.

And when you die the brain holds the thoughts and no longer holds thoughts = you cease to exist, the brain is therefore dead, braincells anyone?
So why therefore give a flying fuck what happens next?

There is no need to believe in false gods, its a futile process created in the minds of humans.....You can still have morals and live life as a good person like myself but i dont live my life to a standard of which a stupid fucking book would tell me, I do it for myself.....Free will anyone???

Accept it this is reality no matter what crap you read in your book.
People just seem to think humans are something special but i dont see us that way i see humans as a more advanced species of cockroaches, as specs pm a rock that we called earth.

Amen etc...
Dug-T said:
And when you die the brain holds the thoughts and no longer holds thoughts = you cease to exist, the brain is therefore dead, braincells anyone?

But I am not my thoughts. I am not a person(ality). I am the existence.

There is no need to believe in false gods, its a futile process created in the minds of humans.....

This is also created in the mind of a human, so I guess there's no reason for me to believe it either.

Accept it this is reality no matter what crap you read in your book.

I don't accept it :)

People just seem to think humans are something special but i dont see us that way i see humans as a more advanced species of cockroaches, as specs pm a rock that we called earth.

Nice to know, I think cockroaches are scary :)
Dug-T said:
Think of all those starving african kids etc, do they deserve this shit?? lets get this straight there is no fucking god, there is nature and it is chaotic.
And there is a reason why africa is so hot, its down to the axis of the earth and how closer the sun is to that part of the earth.

And when you die the brain holds the thoughts and no longer holds thoughts = you cease to exist, the brain is therefore dead, braincells anyone?
So why therefore give a flying fuck what happens next?

There is no need to believe in false gods, its a futile process created in the minds of humans.....You can still have morals and live life as a good person like myself but i dont live my life to a standard of which a stupid fucking book would tell me, I do it for myself.....Free will anyone???

Accept it this is reality no matter what crap you read in your book.
People just seem to think humans are something special but i dont see us that way i see humans as a more advanced species of cockroaches, as specs pm a rock that we called earth.

Amen etc...

Im hearing that you are angry...
Yorda said:
it's when you dont do evil.
thats a negative definition, not a very useful one.
Christ taught that such was not the case when he told the tale of the beggar Lazarus and the rich man.

i say that good is not the lack of evil,
but evil is the lack or deprivation of good.
Lawdog said:
i can live as a good person? define good.
Good: having a desirable or positive quality/qualities such as, morally excellent; truthful; virtuous; righteous; satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree; excellent; right; proper; fit; well-behaved; kind, beneficent, or friendly; honorable or worthy; in good standing; educated and refined; genuine; sound or valid; reliable; dependable; responsible; favorable; propitious; cheerful; optimistic; amiable; agreeable; pleasant:
you dont need religion to be good, no deity required either.
Lapdog: Im hearing that you are angry...
M*W: Just because we are atheists doesn't mean we are angry.
Lawdog said:
thats a negative definition, not a very useful one.
Christ taught that such was not the case when he told the tale of the beggar Lazarus and the rich man.

i say that good is not the lack of evil,
but evil is the lack or deprivation of good.

Anyway, good and evil doesn't need definitions because everyone knows what they mean. You can't see the big picture from here, so don't try. Keep your head down. Keep it simple, just look at what's in front of you. If I eliminate all mistakes (evil) I do everyday, the good becomes visible. Good is the absence of evil (and reversed) Good and evil are products of consicousness.

I'm angry. I want to decimate some christian villages. Who's with me? GRRRRAAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!! :mad:

I'm angry. I want to decimate some christian villages. Who's with me? GRRRRAAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!! :mad:
M*W: Dear superluminal, what is it exactly that you want? Xian villages are there for the taking. Let me know what you want?

Oh, I don't know. Just a bit of burning, pillaging, gathering of young virgins for sex slaves... You know? Just the normal stuff...
You can kill and destroy us, destroy the church, annohilate human reason,
Dug-T said:
You can still have morals and live life as a good person like myself but i dont live my life to a standard of which a stupid fucking book would tell me, I do it for myself.....Free will anyone???

So you have developed your morals all by yourself have you? with no help from anyone else? really? and you have had no help from any books in doing this? wow!!

So you haven't been conditioned from day one by society, parents, friends, books, school etc to come up with your morals. You did it all by yourself ---- well done.
Dug-T said:
Think of all those starving african kids etc, do they deserve this shit?? lets get this straight there is no fucking god, there is nature and it is chaotic.
And there is a reason why africa is so hot, its down to the axis of the earth and how closer the sun is to that part of the earth.

And when you die the brain holds the thoughts and no longer holds thoughts = you cease to exist, the brain is therefore dead, braincells anyone?
So why therefore give a flying fuck what happens next?

There is no need to believe in false gods, its a futile process created in the minds of humans.....You can still have morals and live life as a good person like myself but i dont live my life to a standard of which a stupid fucking book would tell me, I do it for myself.....Free will anyone???

Accept it this is reality no matter what crap you read in your book.
People just seem to think humans are something special but i dont see us that way i see humans as a more advanced species of cockroaches, as specs pm a rock that we called earth.

Amen etc...

Are you trying to demonstrate that if life is not fair, god cannot exist? Because if you are that has no logical standing at all, in fact there is no correlation at all between the two.

God may exist and be unfair. Or God may exist and seem unfair. If there is a side to life that you do not perceive (a spiritual side), things that may seen on the surface unfair may in fact be fair.

What you say above has little effect on whether there is a god or whether you believe in him:
If a god exists whether that be a fair god or an unfair god. The fact that you believe or not has no bearing on actual existence. If god does not exist, again whether you believe or not has no bearing.

All you are really saying is, if there is a god - I dont like him. which is actually quite a stupid thing to say - IF there is a god and IF he is unfair.

All you can really say is god does not exist and try to demonstrate why this is, or god does exist and this is how I perceive it. Your opening post sort of mixes these two up and in the neither end says nor demonstates anything except ----- you have a concept of god in your mind that you dont like!