Life after Death? More Life?

"There is no such thing as a free lunch" - anon

Quite simply if people want a life after death, then it will mean having to work for it. For instance building large matrice arrays, connecting with peoples minds and building a facsimile of the world in which the living reside.

However there are so many points to this, for instance it would cost money, it would require numerous people to put together, an individuals lifestyle would have no privacy and would be open to criticism.

Without the effort made to establish such a system then we all go back from where the universe was born, Oblivion.
out of fear we created astral bodies so that we would not die when the physical body dies.

fear makes many people believe in an afterlife.
but fear also makes people live, and not die, even after the body dies.
fear is repulsion. fear of oneself. of infinity. nothingness. the other reality.
fear to lose the person, the mask.
I like to believe that consciousness survives death but i find no evidence for it. My money is that after death we simply decompose in the ground and we're as aware of the world as before we were born.

I don't fear death. It is the natural order of all things. It influences the way I live my life because I realize that the here and now is all there is, and it's up to me to make the most of it. I don't make decisions based on what reward or punishment I am going to get after I die. I make decisions based on how it will affect me and others around me, and what lasting impact it will leave for my children and future generations.
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I have asked dying relatives and friends to just do one thing to communicate with me when they died. As of this time none have been able to do so. It isn't a scientific experiment but one which I thought could answer the question for myself at least. I am willing to give it more tries as more friends and relatives pass away to see if any of them can be able to communicate with me. Until one of them actually does , I believe there's nothing after a human dies but nothing. Sorry to put a doubt in whatever you believe if I seem to be doing so but it is just one way to understand a truth. Just ask someone you know that is about to die if they would communicate with you somehow and see if they ever do. :shrug:
The same as before life.

I think if people can actually confront the probability that there is nothing at all, confront it and deal with it, without some hand-me-down garbage myth - they become powerful. Powerful and probably more considerate of other "life". It's truely a rare thing.