

Kicks ass
Valued Senior Member
Does anyone believe in levitation? I watched a very interesting show on levitation on the Discovery Channel last night. They disproved the levitating indians and yogis but there was 1 story about a pope who apparently levitated all the time in front of people. I dont believe in it but it would interesting to hear other views on it:)

Groove on
You won't believe me but!

I have seen a levitating glass & a loaf of bread.
The glass rose from a table,hovered for a few moments & fell back down.The loaf of bread rose from a basket on the table went sideways & fell to the floor.
It was at an ex girlfriends house,which they said was haunted.
I am telling you what I saw,it was back in the 60s so no drugs or any thing like that.
No big deal. I levitate myself and other stuff all the time.
How do I do it? I just do it. Like breathing. Like reaching out for a bag of chips. I just do it.

So how long do you levitate for? You can give an average time. Aaaannnnddddd, can you make other things levitate also?? And how?
I'm not teasing anyone. I levitate myself and other stuff. I can't say why or how. I just do it.
Anyone who wants to visit me, can. I'll do my little tricks, you can film it or whatever.
Adam, I dont suppose you will tell us the secrets to your optical illusion will you? =D

Oh has anyone heard of the levitron. I've had one for a long time I wana get the newer one that floats high, and I also wana get that addon that makes it spin forever in midair. Anyone know where I can get them for a cheap price? I can never be able to keep them in the air longer than 2:30. Tips are welcomed. =D
Never levitated, myself...

But my vision said that I will do Tai Chi in the forests of Nelson in the autumn of this year, levitating... :)

Hi Adam, I can levitate myself in the same way using my legs;) it's just will power.

If there is no trick to it you have my attention and a few Melbourne scientists who can meet you at any pub or uni in Melb to test your claims.

Now if you give me a stage, I have a way of levitating and flying around the stage without using any wires or forklifts or other obvious tricks.

If any magicians would like to buy it email me:D
if you want to see something trippy watch for "David Blane's Street Magic". His levitation is by far the most impressive I have ever seen.
Here's one for ya, it's a good party game and it takes five people.

The heaviest person sits on a straight backed chair and everyone else stands around them.
The people stood up clasp their fingers together with the index fingers pointing out and fused together if you see what I meanso with your thumbs pointing upward your thumbs and forefingers make like a nike tick?

Anyhoo you insert your forefingers into each corner of the chair under the seated person and try to lift. This should prove difficult if not impossible.

Now here comes the tricky part. The leader places an outstretched right palm face down about three inches above the head of the seated person and the person to their right places their right palm over it about two inches higer and so on.

Then the same with the left hands. You now have a seated heavy person with eight palms face down in a tower over their heads.

The chant is very important

ahwaeh camman a wana layu

All should repeat the chant six times getiing louder each time.

At the end of the chant, speed is of the essence
As one, each person must break away, assume the clasp and insert under the chair where they were before. Then lift and watch that sucker fly to the ceiling.

It works and it's great fun when you're drunk

brief note:

You can't hold them for long so up and straight down should be the order of the day

Have fun:D

Does that really work ?!??

While we're both in the same place we could get three others and experiment?