Lets make a religion

Voodoo Child

Registered Senior Member
The parameters:

- it should be as virulent as possible
- it should last as long as possible
- it should be the psychologically the most satisfying and addictive

These three attributes will ensure that I get the large, frequent cheques. You guys might get cheques as well, if you make good suggestions.
ok I got an idea lets get this guy I know hes crazy but good for the job hes name is jesus and we can tell pepole to hail us or die. well what yall think so far.
Excellent. Some foundational rules for our religion:

- The highest good is that of the Voochilia.

- All other good is only good insomuch as it fulfills the way of Voochilia.

- The Voochilian good is defined by GTG, prophet of the ultimate reality.

- One's role in life is the fulfillment of the VooChilian good. Your vocation is not to engineer software or build houses it is to facilitate the way of the Voochilia.

Also other religions, organisations, and social structures are merely imperfect attempts at describing the Voochilia. The Voochilian way has no attributes but IS everything. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism are facets of the great face of Voochilia; they try to describe what is only glimpsed for the merest second.
- it should be as virulent as possible
A good description of Christianity. Currently the most malignant religion that exists today. I'm not sure you can get any worse than that.
Originally posted by Cris
A good description of Christianity. Currently the most malignant religion that exists today. I'm not sure you can get any worse than that.

FYI prolific does not equal malignant.
sladlk werouiasdf safdlkjhlkasdf asdfflkajsdf asldfasdfal asdfdaslhklj dasdfsalhjkjkl asdflkjsafjklwkarwlkaj asdfalkjdflaksdfkshad fljkasdfkjakljsf fjklasldfkjlhjlkasf lashdfkljaklsjf lhkwequioauir wnerlpxzvoipopi, wuioreapiodsf pasofpoiapoiusf poisadfpuiopuiwaernlk Wrsfdalkhflaskouipfiqwopsdfasdweropiusdfopisvkldsauweropsdfodsfpwer! Sweropaposidfpoipioipouopipaoidsfwjeklrlkpouicvwearppoiuvbsasdfwaerupoboiusadflkjwerhkasdfioubyoiasfhwelrzxvlsadfhawerzxcvdfesarweaxczbwsdfgasfdzdgascxxasdfasdf asfddasfasdfasdfasfdsafdsa sdfdsafdsafsdaf asdflkakjsldfljkklsadfllkjasdfljlkasdfhlkhasdflhj! :mad:

asdhjklwaer uiopasdfupwaer safopiwerpoui asdfzsd qewroppoiuas werpoiwer opiu asdfas opiwerpiopoiu asdfpouioipweropui!

sadfkljkljasdf opiweropipoasid faewrpuuioasdf... awerpuipuoasd, sdafhkjlasfd kjlsafdljalksdf asdlgjfkljklhasdf! sadflhlkjaksjdflhajlsdf! :)
Xelios: I want to be your propeganda manager.

OK Goebbels, you're it.
Although, the VooChilian Way must speak to you and show you the path, technically.

I think the religion should monotheistic in a polytheistic sense: a buddhist can be VooChilian, a christian can be VooChilian, but these inaccurate ideas are merely failed attempts to describe the ultimate Voochilian reality, a form of awakening that effortlessly transcends them all. That way we escape the ire of the established religions when we convert their people: "It's not a religion, but a way of looking at life, Moslems can be VooChilian, so can humanists and Confuscians". Once our disciples have mastered the basic principles of the VooChilian being they are then able to grasp the the ultimate reality in it's rawest, most profound sense; a reality that some might called monotheistic by those who have not seen the way.
Far better than the book religions who are monotheistic and uncompromising from the outset.
NO Voochillian way.

Thou couldst be my high priest, but I am the Supreme Being and I RULE ALL! So none of that Voochilian crap.

sdfweriwerpsdf werpousdf powerposdf pouiweriweryusofiwerksdf sdhfsdkwreoiudsf xvnbsdfwer sdlsdfm, sdfweroifghjsdfhf sdhjfjdsklf dflgks ksdjewrid hjgsfds iouwerljsflk sjklthguw ghewsorousdf wseriuipgskjdrjlh! :mad:
Labels are just an imperfect way of referring to something. The VooChilian way is all so it can not labelled as it permeates all, taking on infinite contradictory properties. Beats gnashing the keyboard.