Legalize Every Drug

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
If it kills you, I don't think it should be legal.
That is a rather broad stroke. Let's get rid of the cars, hockey, dogs, doctors, ceramic tiles, bacon, Coke machines...
US should reformulate it's concept of freedom...
Do you have a recommendation?

That is a rather broad stroke. Let's get rid of the cars, hockey, dogs, doctors, ceramic tiles, bacon, Coke machines...

Dogs...? Doctors!?!?... Coke machines...? :confused: :confused: :confused:

I meant the things that is ALLWAYS harmfull...
Eventhough we could get rid of those things, if we lived in a more Natural world...

Do you have a recommendation?

Surely I have!

My Concept of Freedom:

Live without any superficial need. To live without the need of getting more and more. To be fulfilled with yourself, with no outside needs. You don't need a car to survive, do you? Or a computer, do you? It's all superficial. It's like the Eastern Religions say... Desires bring suffering. If you can be fulfilled with what you naturally got, with yourself, with NO DEPENDENCE IN THE CIRCUMSTANCES, then you are free of every suffering. ;)

You can be sure I feel fulfilled only by saying those things here... :)

PS: Look at your signature... ;)
I Love it... :)

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Freedom from any attatchments, and full emotional control is an important part of personal freedom.
Most adults don't act the way they should when it comes to drugs, their addictions come from the time when they were teenagers and were experimenting or when they were trying to fit in. People do drugs whether or not they are legalized.
The US has two legal drugs on the market. Alchohol and Tobacco. Look at all the problems we have with those. Can you imagine what it would be like if we had every drug legalized? If that ever happens we'll never be able to go back to the first two, we already tried back in the fourties-I think-and that's when organized crime sprung up and wreaked havoc upon everything in the cities. Some of those mobs still exist today. You just can't do it. The US would also look weak in the eyes of other nations if it gave up on the drug war and legalized everything. They're dangerous substances, far worse in most cases than alchohol or tobacco.
You can't have too much faith in the population as a whole.

What gives you the right to decide how people should act when they take drugs?

What gives you the right to take those drugs away when in your estimation they don't follow your rules?
I just need a cheap way to make fuel for my car and home heat. I do not have hard enough issues with drugs to have to live with the results of bans.
party drug

Went to an all night party and friends were passing around a euphoric enhancer to help us stay in the mood and party all night into the wee hours of the morning. And that it did! I tried other mood enhancers but they were not very effective. Trip2night is a great euphoric enhancer and worked wonders for me. It comes in a powdered form and mixes easily.