Legalize All Dope - Cull the Herd

Oh shut up!

At least you're not as bad as a couple Americans. I have actually met Americans who could not tell you what all Canada was. Or where any of the areas of it are. Or what a 'provence' is. Most of them know of Toronto and that's about it.

True story, there's an episode of Jeopardy out there where none of the three contestants can answer where the CN Tower is. One guess was Seatle. Another was New York and the third was Vancouver. Real answer? Toronto.
Originally posted by wet1
Ok, now for a little of the real world. I can not speak for the rest of the world but in the US

Well, it's good you added that last sentence behind it, guess there is more to the real world then only the U$.

I wouldn't want to feed all the pilots, bus-drivers, cab-drivers or whatever, who is under the influence from a kind of drug, on prescription or illegal, in fact it comes down to one and the same. It is Dope, all of it.

And you can't convince me that there is never ever been a mistake or a pilot/driver in the U$ who actually is on some kind of Dope, medication, alcohol, whatever...
At least you're not as bad as a couple Americans. I have actually met Americans who could not tell you what all Canada was.

So, I guess your well educated in World Geography. Why do care so much about whether Americans know about your country? (And Im saying this only because this is the 2 or 3rd quote that Ive read of yours.) Honesly, Ive never had an interest to learn about Canada. Ever. I also dont about the geology of Mexico - doesnt mean I dont like ya'll.

Take care
Nope, I hate geography. I just take pride in knowing the world around me.

Now, only you will know if you don't have to cheat to tell me this.......but can you name the last 5 Canadian Prime Ministers?

I can name like the last 10 Presidents without a problem, and I'd say most Canadians could EASILY name the last 5 Presidents. But how many of your friends can name the last 5 Prime Ministers?
Originally posted by Tyler many of your friends can name the last 5 Prime Ministers?
Well... I can.
Not sure if I should be proud or embarrassed! :D

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Canada - wait wait don't tell me! That's just soulth of China, isn't it?

Sorry Tyler. :D
Sorry Tyler,
No, I honesly cant. I cant name any past world leaders except ones that had a major impact on history. Its good that you "just take pride in knowing the world around you", just like I take pride in my country. But it doesnt mean that you are a better person because you know more about history that I do.
"Well... I can.
Not sure if I should be proud or embarrassed!"


"Canada - wait wait don't tell me! That's just soulth of China, isn't it?"

Hey, you're gettin' close!!!!!

"Sorry Tyler,
No, I honesly cant. I cant name any past world leaders except ones that had a major impact on history. Its good that you "just take pride in knowing the world around you", just like I take pride in my country. But it doesnt mean that you are a better person because you know more about history that I do"

And Canadians see this as a value. Most of us take pride in having a firm understanding of the world around us. We, as a society, believe that it is a citizen's duty to be informed of the world or risk being ignorant to the world. Of course, there are still tons of those who are ignorant! And no, it doesn't make me a better human being. What it does make me is one with a firmer grasp on the world. Though, I won't argue that because you're an intelligent person who could still have a much more intelligent view than I on humanity and the world.

I've encountered a few Americans (just a few, no where near the majority) who thought all the stereotypes about Canada. One guy was coming up from South Carolina for hockey asked me if he needed a snowmobile to get through to Toronto. Seriously. I had to ask about 4 times if he was joking. Anyway, like I said, that is rare to find someone that unknowledgeable on the nation.

But 3 supposed intelligent contestents on Jeopardy couldn't say where the world's tallest tower was!

And the common Canadian does have a bit of a cheat on you guys for knowing past leaders.....
Some of us watch old SNL......
That means seeing Carter impressions, Reagen impressions, Bush impressions......!
Originally posted by Tyler
I've encountered a few Americans...
I had the pleasure of travelling to Canada on a hunting trip a few years back. My only complaint was that vending machines in Canada do not accept Canadian coins either! :D

...and why did the waitress just stare at me when
I requested a traditional whale-blubber sandwich?

I don't really care about borders or boundaries between countries. No one really rules or owns anything within these boundaries. I walk until I run into snow or water, then I turn around & go the other direction. All the while smoking a big fat doobie & not hurting anyone else out there.
Originally posted by ratbat
No one really rules or owns anything within these boundaries
Well, actually - The Fish Rules...
Welcome to SciForums, ratbat!

man, i don't think i could name the last ten presidents, although i'm sure that's the fault of our crappy educational system :)

by the way, do you guys have canadian bacon in canada too? or is it something else there?
Originally posted by Shamoo
...i'm sure that's the fault of our crappy educational system.
Pish-posh! Take responsibility. :)

If you know that the educational system you are toiling under is crappy, don't accept it as your soul source of knowledge; educate yourself.
  • 34th 1953 - 1961 Dwight David Eisenhower
  • 35th 1961 - 1963 John (Jack) Fitzgerald Kennedy
  • 36th 1963 - 1969 Lyndon Baines Johnson
  • 37th 1969 - 1974 Richard Milhous Nixon
  • 38th 1974 - 1977 Gerald Rudolph Ford
  • 39th 1977 - 1981 James (Jimmy) Earl Carter
  • 40th 1981 - 1989 Ronald Wilson Reagan
  • 41st 1989 - 1993 George Herbert Walker Bush
  • 42nd 1993 - 2001 William (Bill) Jefferson Clinton
  • 43rd 2001 - George Walker Bush
have to say i couldn't name the last 10 PM's either

only the last 3

Bob Hawk
Paul Ketting
and little johnny
This just in! Scientists have discovered that canadian bacon is actually just regular ham!!!