Legalize All Dope - Cull the Herd


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
A Maricopa County man was taken to a hospital Saturday night to have his stomach pumped after telling police he bit off and swallowed the thumb of his 2-year-old son. (Full text here)
Jones told deputies he bit off his son's thumb in order to match their DNA, or genetic materials, according to jail booking records that investigators have filed in the case. (Full text here)
I’ve said it before. You just couldn’t make this shit up!

And it pisses me off. Perhaps we ought to restore natural selection by giving these losers exactly what they want - free narcotics. Methamphetamines, heroin, you name it! Free from the state for all the dope heads. Open up state supported dope parlors where it will be a 24/7 drug-induced stupor until they finally take that big overdose that they want and deserve.


(There you go, Chagur.. a rant instead of remote intellectualism.)
Goofy, Goofy, Goofy ...

I knew you had it in you! Feels good, doesn't it.

Dope parlors? Hell, reservations ... Get them out of society!

Give them the basics; food, shelter, etc. and free access to their poison of choice.

Either they kill themselves, or they live out their lives in la-la-land, or they clean
up their act and are allowed back into society.

But then, I have a different perspective on things ... Like I really thought that
it would be neat to dump a few hunded pounds of mj in the Attica prison yard
and a couple of days later go in with CERT teams and move the little darling
back into their cells. But no! Gas and armed State Troopers ... And forty-nine
dead Officers and inmates.

Every one of the ten Corrections Officers killed by Troopers!

Guess I had to get in a rant too. Comes with seeing too much madness.

Take care :(

POI Six inmates killed by other inmates during the riot.
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On morals ground I disagree with any illegal substances. On a social level,however, I feel everyone has a right to do what they wish. ...and we are talking socially here.
So let's talk a little about this Dope, people. If I read it well, you just want to get rid of all the "Junkies".

Well, guess you have to get rid of all the people who use sleeping pills and medicine against anxiety too, for it is as addictive as heroin and the withdrawal symptoms are exactly the same. People, high on medication are just as bad as the people who are using heroin, cocaine, alcohol(!!!) and whatever other addictive garbage.

And please, don't come up with the weak excuse that it is a prescription from a doctor, for the side effects from sleeping pills and medicine against, for instance, anxiety are numerous. Ever looked at these side effects from legally prescribed medication?

The people who use this are not victims, they begun on the medication on own Free Will. So, away with all those people!

My goodness, what a beautiful, empty world should remain...
Yep! You're right! All coffee users, away with them! Clean the world from all addictions! Too much coffee can make a person fucked up, too! :D

(yes, I'm going already! looking for a clean coffee cup!) ;)
Yes, of course! :) :) How could I forget it? :) That would be a good clean up party!

Away with the Internet, too! ;)

What about that Goofyfish? So to see are you a real Internet "Junky"... :bugeye:

(Internet can be harmful too, you know. Look at how many time some people spend on being on the Internet, forgetting all other, important, "things" around them. I mean it you know! It can bring sadness and a lot of pain to loved ones.)
...I apologize. It's about Drug abuse here. It was certainly not my intention to fuck up the thread... :(
I think that the "Goofster"'s original idea was good, maybe a little extreem. I abhore illegal drugs, even pot, I mean after all, do you want a stoner for a airline pilot, how about a bus driver? or a surgeon, or a junky for a president. I believe that people have a moral obligation to remain if not sober, at least grounded, or centerd. All members of society have to be able to make clear and productive desitions at ALL times, without thinking through a substance fog.
Welcome to sciforums, KPADDLER.

I think for the essence of the thread's responces that we would wind up with a good chunk of people missing from the world population. I will put forth that drugs have their place and time. (That is, used for recreation) Also reflected here is that one poison is anothers gold. That it seems that obsession is the hallmark of what is reflected as undesirable.
"I think that the "Goofster"'s original idea was good, maybe a little extreem. I abhore illegal drugs, even pot, I mean after all, do you want a stoner for a airline pilot, how about a bus driver? or a surgeon, or a junky for a president. I believe that people have a moral obligation to remain if not sober, at least grounded, or centerd. All members of society have to be able to make clear and productive desitions at ALL times, without thinking through a substance fog."

I see it as a freedom of choice, but that's beyond the point of your post. You don't want a pilot as a stoner? Or don't want a pilot stoned while he flies?
And how do you know then, that a pilot or bus driver hasn't taken any drugs? Not every pilot, bus driver, cab driver or whatever driver or pilot, is tested before he does his job. He/she can be on medication which influence their behaviour, legally from a doctor.

Hell, he/she might have a little bottle with alcohol to nip from, during the flight/drive. How do you know? You ask them before you get in the plane/bus/cab, whatever? And do you think he/she will actually admit to you he/she uses any kind of drugs/medication?

There's been proven that some of the shootings at schools a few years back, or whenever it was, were done under influence of medication against anxiety.

Really, it are not only illegal drugs like heroin and/or cocaine which causes the problems.

And as far as the president concerns, do you think you'd hear about it when he smokes a joint every once in a while?

There's a lot of hidden drug abuse, more then you think...
Much more. I was speaking to a chick from Ottawa (Canada's capital) who disproved many myths about Ottawa. The entire city is basically universities and government buildings, but apparently all the gov. officials who arent conservative and all the universtiy profs smoke.

And exactly banshee..... it's the same with alcohol as it is with marijuana.
Do I want a pilot who is a stoner, or a pilot who is stoned? Neither. I do not understand the recreational value of any substance that provides an escape. What the heck are people escaping from? What the heck is made better (really, permenantly ) by getting stoned, drunk, bomed, or high. The moment that you come back from your "recreation" the problem still exsists. I much prefer to meet daily life head-on, and to deal with what comes with a clear mind, and I want my pilot to have a clear mind as well.
"Do I want a pilot who is a stoner, or a pilot who is stoned? Neither. I do not understand the recreational value of any substance that provides an escape"

Alcohol fits the bill nicely. So let's ban alcohol, right?

"What the heck are people escaping from? What the heck is made better (really, permenantly ) by getting stoned, drunk, bomed, or high. The moment that you come back from your "recreation" the problem still exsists."

It's fun. Why do you do things that you enjoy? As soon as you stop doing them, reality comes back. I enjoy playing hockey. Does it help me after I've played? No. Do I enjoy it while I'm playing? Yes.

"I much prefer to meet daily life head-on, and to deal with what comes with a clear mind, and I want my pilot to have a clear mind as well."

Yeah, well, your preference. Some of us enjoy some fun. Quite simply, it's fun. And believe me, if you smoke 4 hours before flying, there is no differential than if you've never smoked.
Do I want a pilot who is a stoner, or a pilot who is stoned?

Ok, now for a little of the real world. I can not speak for the rest of the world but in the US, the airline industry is covered by DOT regulations. The same regulations cover; truck drivers, commercial bus drivers, rail transportation, ship crews, businesses that fill government contracts and many, many, more industries. DOT requires that all workers that fall under their scope be tested at unannounced intervals for drug use. Most of those occupations pay enough that those who fall under their jursidiction value their jobs more than drug use. It is the choice they make to work the job. These testing procedures started during the Reagen era and continue today.

How do I know? I too, fall within the jursidiction of the DOT and have had to take the tests for many years now.
Just one thing I don't understand in all this... Canada has a capital???