Legal Definition of Human

You can sue the owner of the dog for the dog barking at you. If the dog barks on you, you should remove it, lest its paws muddy your clothing.
Ophiolite said:
You can sue the owner of the dog for the dog barking at you. If the dog barks on you, you should remove it, lest its paws muddy your clothing.

Why not the Dog , is he not Human ? is that in the law ?
Fafnir665 said:
Are you sure a clone would be considered a legal human?

I would say it would be, if there was legal humans. The only thing they don't do like us, is have a birth of any sort like ours. But you would even call a test tube baby, a "legal" human.
Main Entry: you
Function: pronoun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English Eow, dat. & accus. of gE you; akin to Old High German iu, dative of ir you, Sanskrit yuyam you
1 : the one or ones being addressed -- used as the pronoun of the second person singular or plural in any grammatical relation except that of a possessive <you may sit in that chair> <you are my friends> <can I pour you a cup of tea> -- used formerly only as a plural pronoun of the second person in the dative or accusative case as direct or indirect object of a verb or as object of a preposition; compare THEE, THOU, YE, YOUR, YOURS
2 : ONE 2a
p.s. I think that you are not only Wounded Iraqi Muslim, but also Anomalous and Singularity in one person.
Well, I thought he'd at least try to look a bit different.
Guess somebody should notify JamesR about this, so he can ban 2 of preference.
What is legally considered a human being?
Human being. See Monster.
Monster. A human being by birth, but in some part resembling a lower animal. “A monster… hath no inheritable blood, and cannot be heir to any land, albeit it be brought forth in marriage; but, although it hath deformity in any part of its body, yet if it hath human shape, it may be heir.” 2 B1. Comm.246.
Law Dictionary by James Ballentine
Definition – Noun

1 : the exchange or buying and selling of goods, commodities, property, or services esp. on a large scale and involving transportation from place to place
: See also trade
see also commerce clause Fair Labor Standards Act in the Important Laws section
2 : the act of engaging in sexual intercourse
Recursion - noun
Definition: see recursion

If it looks like a human, and it walks like a human, and it quacks like a human, then, guess what, it is a HUMAN!!!
you all look very confused, so here's the correct definition of human: a being who can think consciously. animals can't do that, so humans are not animals.

btw, don't try to look up the definition of human in encyclopedias or dictionaries because the definition is usually wrong.
..., so here's the correct definition of human: a being who can think consciously. animals can't do that, so humans are not animals.

Can you show conclusively that other animals can't think consciously?

Storing food for the winter seems to me to be conscious thought ...and many animals do it. And if you say that it's purely "instinctive", then show why it's NOT instinctive for similar acts by humans.

Baron Max