Learning Psychic Powers *free-4-all*


Registered Senior Member
Learning/Teaching Psychic Powers *free-for-all*

Welcome ladies and geltel-men.
~*That does not meen Mr. G :D*~

Anyone that likes to learn psychic abilities and have questions.
Listen to Banshee, she can give usefull tips...
Just read this thread or PM persons you feel that can help you...
Exept for Banshee, she's very busy to keep up whit everything...
(Just ask her on one of her forums, if you realy feel you need her help).

Anyone whit some controlled psychic powers who wants to share their techniques, post it...

If Mr. G kicks in whit some of his skeptic posts, ignore it...
He mostly has pessimistic comments.
~*Although I'm only warning, it's not aimed to hurt his feelings.*~


[DISCLAIMER] I/We will NOT take responsibility for any action that you did using any of these techniques/methods. You did it yourself, out of your own free will. If you where forced by someone that was NOT on the thread, then HE/SHE is responsible for your actions, and should take it. We only post techniques here for you and others out of interest and/or to learn out of free will .
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I'm not a skeptic, but I think alot of it is subconscious deep introspection.

I dont have much time to explain, but I got a good website from some other sciforums guy.

kaballah-web.org or something like that. I cant remember the exact spelling.
It's hard not to be sceptical about things which have no evidence to back them up.

I'm using my psychic powers now to predict that I will get some more flak for my stance on all things parapsychological very soon. And so will Mr G, no doubt.

Parapsychology contains the Unexplained.

How do you want your evidence James R.??
The same way the great scientists get their evidence about all their theories? You are welcome to critisize but don't take the members who post here down with it.

Most humans live their lifes to much in the material way and they THINK to much. It should be very good to listen more to your feelings and to your body.
You could be surprised. Go away from your home town and take a long, long walk in the Woods, for instance. With as less humans around as can be. Then be quite, walk and listen...
Listen to everything that is going on in the Woods, every single sound.
It relaxes you completely if you can let it come to you and DO NOT think, just listen and feel...
It helps to make you become more aware of Nature and takes your mind of the material and human trouble of daily life.
Perhaps then you get a little bit of the feelings back which are locked away behind your material thinking way of living among so many other humans who have lost contact with themselves. They prefer to hang on to scientific theories and their material luxury. With all what belongs to it.

No feelings left, no tears to cry...

Well, what do you think has become of all that scientifical thinking and their inventions?

Look around you, in what kind of world you live now a days.
Isn't that pretty...Is it?

<i>How do you want your evidence James R.??
The same way the great scientists get their evidence about all their theories?</i>

Mostly. Yes. At least when we're talking about things which should be verifiable by the scientific method.

<i>You are welcome to critisize but don't take the members who post here down with it.</i>

I have never criticised a member of this forum, to my knowledge. I may disagree with what they say, but that does not mean I am judging them as a person. I will also defend their right to say whatever they want to in a public forum (provided they abide by the spoken and unspoken rules of that forum).

<i>Most humans live their lifes to much in the material way and they THINK to much. It should be very good to listen more to your feelings and to your body.</i>

You're assuming I don't do that. More generally, you're assuming that scientists don't do that. I'm guessing you don't know many scientists personally.

<i>Perhaps then you get a little bit of the feelings back which are locked away behind your material thinking way of living among so many other humans who have lost contact with themselves. They prefer to hang on to scientific theories and their material luxury.</i>

Scientists are actually among the most inventive and imaginative thinkers there are, alongside artists.

May I suggest to you that you learn some science. There is hidden beauty there, too. You may think science is all cold hard theory, with equations and test tubes. In fact, science is the study of the natural world in all its aspects. You may look at a flower and see its superficial beauty. I can look at a flower and see not only how it looks and smells, but also know about how it grew, what its different parts are for and how they work. I can see it as the culmination of millions of years of evolution, the product of a chain of genetic links stretching back to the dawn of life. I also see it as part of an ecosystem - its interrelation with insects which polinate it, parasites which feed on it, and symbiotic organisms which couldn't exist without it. I can think about the energy it gets from the sun and the photosynthetic processes by which its plant converts that energy to food. And the list goes on.

The flower has superficial beauty, but it also has layer apon layer of other beauties, some of which are accessible only with the scientific theories you continually put down.

<i>Look around you, in what kind of world you live now a days.
Isn't that pretty...</i>

Right back at you. :)
Science is slowly reaching the planes where shamen and psychics have travelled since dawn. Alchemy and magick demand the same minute precision as a scientific experiment. By the time virtual reality becomes the chosen form of interface when conducting these experiments, the waving and gesticulations of the scientist will be identical to those of the magus doing a incantation :D

Scientists are the children of alchemists, they should not loose their heritage :)
James R. I am not against scientists, I even read scientifical theories and they have some good theories, but it stay theories.

It are mostly the latest inventions to go into Space and try to colonize another Planet which tick me off and all the war weaponry the great inventors waist their time on.

Perhaps their imagination is a little to much for Earth right now.:)

How you think I've found my way through life until now? Just by living it? I have to deal with scientific inventions also and I don't complain about the more 'normal' inventions.

But I really hate it to see what they are busy with lately. Destruvtive and expensive inventions and nothing which can help the humans on Earth who are in need.

And that is what concerns me the most. Just another theory.

Do you live your life only by scientific theories? I guess not...

If I read your posts at Sciforums in general I have to say you have a pretty smart look at everything...;)
Alright, not menth in a bad way, but eat this quote:

By a lot of sientists, movie and series caracters and even common persons:

It all is ALWAYS possible in THEORY...

Prove that wright OR wrong...
If you can find it.
I garentee you, it'll be as tough as finding proof about psychic abilities...

Just throw away logic, and get lost in these things by trying instead of investigating area's sientific.
I readed page's that they say it did work, but their equipment didn't give an accurate desciption what it is...

I got further to techniques and what to do.
THEN you'll maybe get to the non sceptical part of your beliefs...
Don't just sit around for proof, whit theories these days I can do that and be like Mr. G
Well I won't, I'm not lazy to really wait for proof.

It's probably the most fun to discover it by yourself than by others.
They will have enjoyed conquering the hard things and felt good by overcomming those hard challanges.
I was bored in school because there was no big of a challange for me, and not what I personally wanted to do.

I learned from THAT ITSELF and try to use that lesson.

Just give it a try from the opposit direction.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha,i wish i could tell them about my bro"...

Well, as you maybe already know, I accepted Shrike's challange...
I'll begin whit the first few tip's, but Banshee and I are planning on making a thread about Astral Projection...

*Maybe I better can devine them as rules...*

1st rule: Never doubt the power you want to learn for.

2nd rule: Never doubt yourself for not being able to do this.
And do not give up or try to depend on others, I don't either.

3rd rule: DO meditate *it'll ease, sooth and relax you*.
For 15 minutes or half an hour if you have enought time to spend.

4th rule: Do NOT punnish yourself nor take it to serious.
Treat it like a game if you can, just stay at ease.
Follow it whit ease and do not forse or you'll frustrate yourself, and that can block ways to your powers.

5th rule: Try to use a good cause as a goal, not for cheap show-offs, and throw logic asside like a book frustrates you, just don't let it blind you.

These 5 simple to learn *but hard to maintain* rules will probably get you a step or two closer to your powers.
I did hear of a saying about "Your powers will respond to a need, not a disire", keep it in mind as a back-up, maybe it's true and can it support you.

More tips and techniques will pop up.
And I don't doubt that!!!

it is in my opinion that these things be kept secret,you know with skeptics around,they might even prove what is right wrong.

Zion, you have a point...

It's true that we can't trust everybody whit this.
But real skeptics are to d*mn impatient and clouded to even come close to some powers.

If James R. allows himself to overcome his own barrier, he might learn some abilities.
For Shrike, he's doubtling, but very open, he has probably the biggest chance to get these powers as a skeptic.
But Mr.G won't be able, he argues even the facts, like in comming home, dogs and cats did use telepathy and insticts to get home.

A dog or cat could just guese that thet reach The Netherlands from either Spain or France.
I did see a documentation about this on tv, a year or 3/4 ago...

I just only remember *as one of the clearest pictures ever* that there was a little dog who got impatient and barked when her master walked around a few miles further.

When the master talked to a friend and sit's down on a park bench, she was quiet, when the master stood up and walked further toward home, the dog got impatient again and barked and jumped around.

the dog did react about 1/2 or 1/4 of a second later, but she knew.
No coincidence.
I remember also a likely story about a dog who would lay before The window if his master would return from a week long work.
The partner of the master could tell by the dog when he would be on his way.

But she didn't knew it was a telepathic sense of the dog that triggered him to wait.
In a week, the dog layed 2 days sooner at the spot to wait for his master.

The lady says, Get away from there silly, he's not comming home yet, it's thursday.
Ironicly the dog didn't listen to her and stubbornly wait, as-if the lady didn't even say that.
The night of the day, his master comes home, and the lady was surprised afterwards of the event...

Since then I didn't doubt dogs have telepathy, and I could tell most of the time by our dog if my brother or father comes home...
I know myself that dad comes home in about 10 minutes, so the dog would go and wait in about 5...

I wander why they have a better telepathic sence then we do...
They dream more and think less...
we do the opposit, so that could be a logic explenation.
I gotta go, have to set my 21" monitor ready, so dad and I can drop it off for repairs...

oops, drifted away from my main reply

As I was saying, it could be untrustfull to some people, but skeptics would mostly have a hard time training it.
I can suggest we use some limits in techniques and tips, but As far as I know, psychokinesis is the worst power to give, but it's also one of the hardest, the hardest one is probably teleportation.

The only harm I'm familiar of whit telepathy is dirty words and a mayor headache.
Don't play it badly whit it, when you kick in someones face whit it, it'll somehow kick you back the same or worse...

*And still, be at ease, it's nothing to worry about as long as you don't abuse it*
I fell asleep the first time I tried to meditate-is that okay? I had a nice little nap:p
Well, it's common to fall asleep when you begin meditating.
Just ignore the hsppening, see it as a little mistake that was more helpfull than useless or bad.

A good rested mind wouldn't hurt for practicing psychic powers :D.
So just meditate again and again, don't take it hard if you'll fall asleep, you just have to get used to it...
Zion, you are very right. It was a reaction on your reply. Tried to get something from you, but you are right. Keep it to yourself.;)

Psy-learner, thank you for the explanation. :)

It is true though that most humans fall asleep during the first few times they try to meditate. But that will pass and then you really don't fall asleep no more.

Try to do it with your Inner Self awake. Take advantage of the Chakra's to meditate, it will help you to meditate and keep your Inner Self awake.

I will go there now to explane as far as I know my english good enough to explane...:p
Let's bring some life in to this!!!

This is Learning Psychic Powers *free-for-all* after all.
Free to learn of this forum skeptic or not!

But now the desperate question...
CAN ANYBODY PLEASE HELP ME TO GET THIS FORUM BACK TO LIFE???????????????????????????????????????????????????

I recently got interested in Ki Energies.
I think it has a link to psychic powers or can be used in combination...
Anybody want to teach others psychic powers?
Or inform a little bit about Ki Energies?

That's why this forums here after all :)

That's rare, 3 times 2 word I rarely use in 1 post.
Nice counting too.
*3 times-2 words-1 post*
*The 3rd time is now: rare, after all*

What a load of rubbish I always can put in a post.

Come on!
Get life back in here!
Ki Energies...

Yes Psy-learner, you are right. Lets bring some life in this thread again.

As you mentioned to me, one of the important centres in the body to concentrate on with Ki energies is located some 3 - 10 centimeters under your navel. At exactly the same place as a Chakra is located. In the belly, you can find feelings that have to do with your emotional state of mind.

If you feel real sad, your belly gives the signals. Think of it. Your belly hurts literally when you are down and sad. When you see something aweful, your belly reacts and cramps(?). The feelings are best felt in the belly. When you break down and cry, your whole belly hurts. It is an important 'place' in your body. Pay attention to it, you'll see and feel for yourself.

I don't know much about Ki energies though. You can teach me something here. Lets hear it please...;)
Sorry being late to comment in the thread.

Banshee, as i knew, it's about 2 to 3 cm UNDER the belly. but, may be you have another references. ;)

James R, if you wanna see REAL proof of psychic skills, you can go to eastern countries such as India, China, Indonesia, etc. There are lots of people has those skill. I WAS exercised several times ago. You can also meet me directly if you're really serious. I knew several training center in my country/city. Or i can take you to meet my previous teachers. Email me IF YOU'RE REALY SERIOUS want to see the proof. I learn physics too (not as good as you are, indeed), But it won't close my mind to belive things what you might think "not scientific enough".

Psy-learner. if you realy serious on Ki Energy (we call it "tenaga dalam" (=inner power) here, in my country), i strongly suggest you to get REAL teacher who can meet face-to-face. it may harm to yourself without experienced teacher. The teacher can FEEL your power/progress, and give proper directions.
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