
Originally posted by Captain_Crunch
i just thought i would tell you all that i have now ignored Joeman as he makes these forums an unpleasant place with his constant attacking of me.

I wasn't attacking you. You are way too sensitive. I just used you as an example to counter the stereotype against Americans.

If people here don't say Americans are stupid and ignorant, I wouldn't have mentioned it.

Also I didn't make this place unpleasant. I only make you unpleasant and couple others.
What do young Latvian-folk do for fun in your country?
same as everywhere I think. we don't live in caves lol
mostly hip-hop, skate boarding, partyes, drag racing, also computer games
also we have a big drinking problem over here.
and it's even worse with the girls:(
Is there alot of crime where you live, and in Latvia in general?
as in every country. nothing extreme... a lot of cases when overdozed narcomans attack though

How does your school system work, how long do you have to go for?
you can go to kindergarten if you wnat. school starts in 6 or 7 years (you can choose)
I was the smartass and chose 7 hehehe
you learn up to form 9 and then you have to do a state exam. Later you advance to forms 10-12.. After that you can go to university .... or army.
Whats the food like? I mean, whats a typical meal consist of, really?
my sister lives in UK and she says that she can cry, when thinks of our food that isn't available there. Also my friend from Italy said , he likes our kitchen more than his.
the key secret is 110% natural. Many don't use presrvatives and chemicals, because they have no money for them. Also here people don't buy fishstiks, McDonald is also quite unpopular.
People less and less buy coke. We have our own national drink "kvass". It's a lot like soft drinks only with more natural ingredients.
So yeah- our food is quite good. Many people from other countries really like it.
typical meal- hmmmm- we don't have usually first course, second and so on.
usual dinner- rissoles with boiled patatoes, cucmber or tomatoe salad with sour creem or
sour preserved cucumbers (they are put in jars with viniegar, parsleys and whole buch of other greens and held for some months or so.

timezone- GMT + 2.00
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I find this all very interesting, please keep it up.
Originally posted by Deepuz
Why don't you have a decent football team?? :p

They have superstar Marian Pahars in Southhampton. I probably know more about Latvian football than he does.
Originally posted by Firefly
Where is it?! :confused:

What are the roots of the language?

Our language has dirrect roots in sanskrit and ours and Lithuanian languages are the most ancient from all indoeuropean languages that have survived to this day

after the fall of USSR nationalistic partyes took over. then formed the liberal partyes .
From 1991 we have had Mostly right wing partyes or partyes who weren't/aren't left in power.
The lef wing partyes are all communists who left over after the fall of ussr and lead anti-national/latvia possition. They want us back under thee full infuence of Russia and of course the return of old times. Three biggest partyes are funded by Russian communists (not openly of course).
Then there are two rich dudes- one controls the oild transport through our country, the other controls the food production. They both are big gamers in politics and fund the partyes [the food one Andris Skele even has his own party) which are at power. That oil dude Lembergs also funds one left party.
The left wingers use our overstructuring period which is hard and not all is sored out yet, against the power partyes. They won in the previous self government elections of our capital. They have a mayor now. I'm happy that they have screwed up so many things, that nobody hopefully will want to vote for them in main elections held this year (October). They are a good opposition party, but they suck when they have power. It was even said by one of their founders in 1920s.
So mostly we have here battles between left and right wingers. Left wingers i.e. communists have large support because of the big russian community here - about 38% :(. That's the result ov russian emigrant policies- they sent to the far north or killed about million latvians (then it was 1/3 of our population) and sent in a lot of russians. Now our population is 2.3 million and ~38% are russians :mad:

point out smthing specific you want to hear more about
Football is not so popular in our country HOCKEY is.
even if our hockey team loses and screws everything up- people and I cheer about them.

when our team won Russia with all their NHL stars - that kind of party wasn't ever before in Latvia. Everybody was going by strrets and singing our national anthem, also our hockey song lol
olee olee olee olee olee olee Latvia , it's our second anthem. Then we formed a large procession and put flowers by the russian embassy:D
that was a great day
Population 1,394,000 in Latvia including over 500,000 Latgalians.

Population total all countries 1,500,000 (1995 V. Zeps).

Region Also spoken in Australia, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, New Zealand, Russia (Europe), Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Venezuela.



Classification Indo-European, Baltic, Eastern.

Comments Tamian is a subdialect of Central Latvian. Latvians do not like the term 'Lettish.' National language. Grammar. Roman script. Christian. Bible 1689-1995.

More info.
And yet mroe info.
i hadnt really heard of Latvia before this thread apart when avatar was telling where he was from but it sounds an interesting place, i want to visit it one day.
Same here actually. Although i do plan on seeing just about every country that doesnt have any political strife or other military action going on at the time..
"Interactions with Lithuanians on an official level can be somewhat of a harrowing experience. They are often rude, curt and generally unfriendly. Expect a similar reaction if you are identified as a stranger‚ a foreigner. On the opposite end of the spectrum, if you are considered a friend, relative or someone who deserves help or attention, the experience can be amazingly and sometimes almost overwhelmingly hospitable. Lithuanians will open up their homes and hearts. Its a difficult dichotomy to accept, especially since the difference can be so drastic. I'm convinced foreign "experts", coming to Lithuania, could walk away with a completely different impression of Lithuania, especially if all they see are the public spaces and are limited to formal interactions.

Lithuanians are not public people. After 50 years of oppression, the public sphere has been severely damaged. People stroll cobble-stone streets without daring to make any sign of personal expression. Of course, this affects day to day interactions. Since I am currently residing in a country that considers complaining a national pastime I'll allow myself a gripe or two relating to the dehumanizing way individuals are still allowed to treat one another in a country that is supposedly moving towards a democratic society."

can i replace lithuanians with latvians?
Lithuanians are from a different country..

Edit: Disregard the above! A read below :)

Does this mean Americans can be called Canadians, and vice-versa?
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yes you can , spookz:) :grin:
Although they are a different country our languages are alike , we both are balts and our tribes in ancient times lived together. Like a big family that was torn apart , when Germans and even more when Russians came.

Our character traits and traditions are very alike.
and we are quite friendly towards each other
you can't do that!
we are quite different.
bagpies are also different, culture is different.
we have nothing in common
Latvians do not like the term 'Lettish
and you know why?
because it's a dirrect translation from the russian
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There Bagpipes,from Avatars description sound more like Irish Bagpipes Than Scots ones!