Late Night Idea on Cow Mutilations

cow parts in coolers are easier to move conceal and store than entire cows. They are also easier to destroy and dispose of eventually, put it in a plastic barrel with a biohazard symbol on it and no one is going to know the difference, but if they are disposing of entire cow carcasses, and farmer John gets wind of it, remembering he has lost a few cattle mysteriously... well, he will know the government has his cows. But this way no one need be any the wiser.

I bet they have special ops guys from the department of defense to do this stuff too, like cow mutilation SWAT teams. And they don't call it cow mutilation, its "On sight livestock evisceration" or something like that.
question to crazy: why would aliens need to mutilate thousands of cows if any reasonable nowaday science lab would have been enough with just a few cow samples?

How do you know it's aliens that are doing it? It could be the shadow government conducting some sort of genetic testing or bio-warfare programs, and this would also account for some human abductions.

If it is aliens as well: If they can abduct humans, why not cattle? Cow DNA is virtually identical to our own DNA, hence for some genetic or biological harvests, whose purpose is best know to them; they would abduct them. They could theoretically modify the DNA of a cow to clone humans, or they may need these harvests for nourishment. Hey, perhaps they are the vampires of legends.
you know... for some reason I really don't care if there are or were aliens on earth, if there are shadow governments, secret plots or there are interstellar vampire fleets... it just doesn't matter
life is good and there are other problems to worry about
life is good and there are other problems to worry about

It's not for all, particularly those who are assassinated by the government to keep the secrets. If you want a troubled life and problems to worry about? Wait and watch as the NWO agenda emerges and the world is plunged into World War 3. It will be confirmed for you then, but it will be too late.
These are being done by the media to make a story for everyone to talk about and buy their papers, books and other news stories that we watch on the TV. All a hoax to make money.
not, it won't, even if it happens
I'll still have my land to die for,
but you won't understand that
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Avatar, in other words, you would just wait for it to happen. Than try and stop it from happening? If intelligence is about survival, then you're not very intelligent at all.
not really, I'd particepate in the last (?) show.
you know, Nietzsche has said: the reason humanity still exists is that it has had too little fun
That's a neat idea, Spymoose. Something I've thought about before too, almost word for word. While I was the one who posted the late night idea in this thread, even though I do believe in aliens, I have a feeling cow mutilations are more the work of research scientists than aliens.

I did read once on some website about a cop who found out that scientists were the ones who were mutilating cows for mad cow research purposes. They'd fly around in a helicopter that had infra-red detectors and would select a cow based on it's tempature gage from the detector. Supposedly the infected cow would have a lower tempature compared to the normal ones and that's how they chose which cow to work on. Someone here has probably read that story before and could chime in.

- N
Aren’t you glad you are not the ones in need of soft tissue and organs like anus, uterus, ovaries, and eyeballs? I wonder if those that do get organ transplants know where some parts come from?
There was a movie (true story) about a women with a damaged face from a car accident, the surgeon that reconstructed her face used tissue from urethral opening to construct her lips.
I guess that would depend on whose DNA is going to accept the tissue. I think as the story goes Zeus as half bull would work in a transplant situation.
It's a dirty job ain't it?
Are you insinuating Europa was a cow because as the story goes she used to enjoy bullish Zeus after she got over being kidnapped.
The National Institute for Discovery Science has been well-established as a pseudoscience site. They do a very good job of presenting "evidence" in a manner that appears scientific and published in their own "peer-reviewed journals." Perhaps they'll find something, however, and be able to publish in mainstream journals. They certainly present the most "professional" of organization of UFO/Paranormal investigators and being backed by Robert T. Bigelow's wealth is a plus for them.

Bigelow, the chap that started NIDS, funded some interesting research, such as the Roper Poll used by Hopkins to support his alien abduction fantasies and sell books. The same poll that concluded about 2% of the public believe they've been abducted.

Either way, your link was bad. Here's the correct one.
SkinWalker said:
The National Institute for Discovery Science has been well-established as a pseudoscience site.

Just because the topic of investigation is not accepted by the mainstream does not mean they can not do legitimate scientific work. All of their investigations and reports are very thorough and scientific in nature. Many of their staff have Ph.Ds and perform research in other fields as well. They are not amateurs.

SkinWalker said:
Perhaps they'll find something, however, and be able to publish in mainstream journals.

It doesn't work that way. Many things have been "found." The mainstream doesn't care. They will accept anything from an official government source without question. The FBI conducted an investigation into cattle mutilations and concluded they were all caused by natural predators. That was a ridiculous conclusion that does not support the evidence in these cases. That didn't matter to mainstream science and they closed the book on it anyway.