Late Night Idea on Cow Mutilations


Registered Senior Member
Now I have no idea what the cause of cattle mutilations are. They can be experiments by government scientists, aliens up above, or flat out hoaxes.. who knows.

I'm sure you people know what I mean by having a chain-reaction of thoughts. You read or hear one thing and it all of a sudden sparks an idea and then that idea sparks off something else. Anyhow, I've been reading some books on various religions lately and then snuck a peek in this folder and saw the word cattle mutilations and of course many people associate them with aliens. And seeing as how I have beliefs that the gods of the past were extraterrestrials (no, doesn't mean little green men, heh), that's how the chain-reaction of thoughts occurred.

So the whacky idea I was thinking about is why do Hindu's and Zoroastrian's, two of the oldest non-nature religions in the world (one stems from India, the other Persia), who also believe in multiple gods, hold the cow to be so sacred? And let's not forget the extraterrestrial beliefs of the Hindus from their ancient books which I'm sure is mentioned to death. Now, I have no idea why cows are so sacred to those two religions so if someone knows, go ahead and chime in.

I'm sure you know what I'm getting at now. "If" cow mutilations are the works of extraterrestrials and cows are sacred to those that have history and beliefs of extraterrestrials, perhaps those aliens or demi-gods are just coming back to retreive their sacred goods. Maybe that's why they're sacred because they belong to the gods?

So I don't know, I just thought it was a tad curious with those three things coming together (sacred cows, belief in extraterrestrials and aliens being linked to cow mutilations). And hey, this is just a late night idea that popped into mind so don't shoot me. :p

- N
I once read a book on the teachings of some high-up, supposedly Hari-Krishna man. He said that the reason that cows should be respected was because of this pretty lame analogy:

We drink the milk from cows.
As children we drink the milk from our mothers.
You wouldn't kill your mother would you?
Therefore, don't kill cows.

I don't remember who he was though, or what the book was called. The thing that struck me most about it was that he said you shouldn't question his wisdom because it was blatantly unquestionable. For some reason he's been coming to mind more and more recently...
I recall reading that caows were delared sacred so that they would not be eaten during famines, thus contributing to the problem by depriving the populace of dair products.

:m: Peace.
The Iraq Museum used to have the statues of Zeus or was that the King of Babylon as upper half human and lower half as a bull. Zeus would change himself into a bull to impress Europa, maybe he was like those Greek statues of males not too well endowed.

Would the cow as a symbol have ties to ancient legends?
Why are cows being mutilated? Obviously someone is harvesting their body parts. Those body parts are mostly the areas that have the flesh qualities to deal with moistness and dryness.

Now who would be interested in transplants and cosmetic surgeries that would use these parts?
completely speculative: its been claimed that Greys use these excrements to nourish themselves, whenever they are in a tight situation without 'food'

but that doesnt really tie in to the whole 'cow-sacred-hindu' connection with aliens? or maybe it does...

now, the half bull half man, is that different from regular Centaurs ? centaur is half horse, correct?


i believe the best way to find some answers would be to either talk with someone who knows about hinduism or try researching some of their ancient works to try and find some relevance.


i also have heard that the cow mutilations are a false hoax to make people think that ALL aliens are evil, and will abduct and mutilate YOU. (driving 'fear' into us)

and that would probably a governmental project, since they are the ones who seem to like driving FEAR into us.


take care all
minotaur = half man and half bull
centaur = half man and half horse

qualities to deal with moistness and dryness...transplants and cosmetic surgeries

I think you will find the key to your answers in what Norval has eluded to but you may not like what you find.
pretty lame analogy:

We drink the milk from cows.
As children we drink the milk from our mothers.
You wouldn't kill your mother would you?
Therefore, don't kill cows.

I think he is right, but I would to add:

We drink the milk of cows
We drink the milk of our mother
We kill cows
Do we kill our mother?

I can see why Hinduism reveers the cow as sacred. The cow gives us milk, and we grow up strong and healthy drinking this milk. Further more, the cow is not aggresive to anyone. In addition they are almost our genetic twins.

Yet, what does this sick human race do? They kill them. What is even more sick about it, humans can actually survive well without eating cow, or any other animal for that matter, yet humans still do, and yet consider themselves to be "intelligent"

At the end of the day humans are primitive animals, and they show it by their behaviour towards themselves, towards nature, and towards other life. Hence, don't be surprised, why an ET civilization would treat you as such.
We are active in the Anatolian Guardian dog breeders' community in the West. This is a 100 to 150-pound breed originated in what is now Turkey about 4,000 years ago to protect livestock against predators. (Think of a dog with the speed and agility of a greyhound but the jaw and size of a mastiff.) They are becoming popular out here because their are many "gentleman ranchers" with small spreads, which are practical to use guardian dogs for patrol. In every area where "stock mutilations" (most often goats actually) were becoming a problem, when a team of humans and lion-killer dogs stood guard at night, they invariably discovered that the perpetrator was a cougar. The cougars would eat the udders and/or other tender parts and leave the rest of the corpse or still-living animal for the scavengers. The accounts of organ removal with near-surgical precision were simply exaggerations.

A cougar did it, a bloodless site, the cougars lazar teeth did it, clean cut, no ripping, yep a courgar did it.

this pretty lame analogy:

We drink the milk from cows.
As children we drink the milk from our mothers.
You wouldn't kill your mother would you?
Therefore, don't kill cows.

Yep very lame indeed. We don't kill our mothers because they are part of our species, therefore it is immoral.
FieryIce said:
A cougar did it, a bloodless site, the cougars lazar teeth did it, clean cut, no ripping, yep a courgar did it.
There's no verifiable chain of custody on the so-called "evidence." So as a rational member of SciForums, you tell me which is a more reasonable hypothesis:

1. A group of people who lost a lot of cattle, which represented a significant financial loss, tampered with the evidence and then called the press with a tale about aliens, hoping that the notoriety and publicity would bring some tourist dollars or even a paid interview in the National Enquirer. Take into account the fact that other people with the exact same problem a few hundred miles away were a little less lazy, a little less opportunistic, and a little less eager to take advantage of gullible Americans, and simply took their dogs out and caught the cougar in the act.

2. Aliens with a technology so far advanced that they have found a way to travel faster than light (the only way you can make any but the shortest interstellar journey in less than a lifetime), and therefore undoubtedly have both communication devices and weapons far better than ours, have avoided talking to Earth's authorities, scholars, business leaders, and respected news media, in order to sneak down and grab some cow udders -- which they could probably replicate with the food processor on their ship after taking only one sample!

On second thought, anyone who habituates a scientifically-oriented website and hasn't learned now to spell "laser" is probably the wrong person to ask about "reasonableness."

Never mind.
just one remark
have found a way to travel faster than light (the only way you can make any but the shortest interstellar journey in less than a lifetime)
if aliens exist, we have no means to know their lifespan (maybe they can slow their metabolism to nil)
besides there still exists deep freeze during journey
(and there can be more than one alien specie also)
not suggesting those cows were "alienated", just the logical error behind "less than a lifetime"
it is less than a one human lifetime
There's no verifiable chain of custody on the so-called "evidence." So as a rational member of SciForums, you tell me which is a more reasonable hypothesis:

1. A group of people who lost a lot of cattle, which represented a significant financial loss, tampered with the evidence and then called the press with a tale about aliens, hoping that the notoriety and publicity would bring some tourist dollars or even a paid interview in the National Enquirer. Take into account the fact that other people with the exact same problem a few hundred miles away were a little less lazy, a little less opportunistic, and a little less eager to take advantage of gullible Americans, and simply took their dogs out and caught the cougar in the act.

2. Aliens with a technology so far advanced that they have found a way to travel faster than light (the only way you can make any but the shortest interstellar journey in less than a lifetime), and therefore undoubtedly have both communication devices and weapons far better than ours, have avoided talking to Earth's authorities, scholars, business leaders, and respected news media, in order to sneak down and grab some cow udders -- which they could probably replicate with the food processor on their ship after taking only one sample!

Forgive me for the intrusion. I just felt I needed to comment on how flawed both those hypothesis are.

1. Please explain why "Cougar" and/or "groups of people" does not support the evidence.


1. Laser precision surgerical procedures on the cattle.
2. Exsanguinate(remove all the blood) from the cattle and the surroundings
3. Surgically removal of reproductive and rectal organs
4. Clamp marks on legs
5. Precise cuts into bone, without any bone fragmentation
6. abnormal levels of radiation
7. No traces of struggle, or footprints leading to animals
8. Conciding eye-witness tesimony of UFO's and/or helicopters
9. Identical large oval shaped incisiions
10. A global phenomena

2. Please explain how you can assess the feasibility of an unobservable universe? Also support your assumptions:

1. They are travelling faster than the speed of light
2. They have avoided talking to Earth's authorities
3. They have no need for the biological material they extract, or they have the capability to replicate these biological materials from one sample on their ships

Now as a rational member of a scientific-orientated community, do you think your hypothesis is reasonable?

On second thoughts, someone who does not test their own hypothesis with the available evidence/data, is probably the wrong person to ask about "reasonableness"
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crazymikey said:

1. Laser precision surgerical procedures on the cattle.

Qualified and quantified by what method and by whom? Moulton-Howe eyeballing the scene doesn't count.

crazymikey said:
2. Exsanguinate(remove all the blood) from the cattle and the surroundings

Most reported "mutilations" are in Western states or arid regions. It doesn't take long for significant quantities of blood to be absorbed into the ground by capillary effect. Morever, blood is a valuable source of protein and signficant quantities wouldn't take long to be consumed by rodents, vermin, small animals. Each leaving the ominous appearance of "exsanguination."

crazymikey said:
3. Surgically removal of reproductive and rectal organs

Qualified and quantitated by whom? What evidence suggested that the organs were "sugically" removed by anything other than a rodent that crawled up the anal cavity after other rodents consumed this soft tissue.

crazymikey said:
4. Clamp marks on legs

Really? "Clamp" marks? Again, who qualified and quantified that assumption?

crazymikey said:
5. Precise cuts into bone, without any bone fragmentation
6. abnormal levels of radiation

Sources? Citations? Evidence? I've read about two reports of so-called cattle mutilations (the one from Alabama comes to mind) that even approached some sense of evidenciary procedure. Even then, there were some very serious assumptions that were being made without comparisson of experimental pathologies.

crazymikey said:
7. No traces of struggle, or footprints leading to animals

Cow dies of disease. Cow is partially eaten by rodents/vermin. Why wouldn't this be expected?

crazymikey said:
8. Conciding eye-witness tesimony of UFO's and/or helicopters

Of course. People love to see what isn't there when their imaginations get control of their critical thinking.

crazymikey said:
9. Identical large oval shaped incisiions
10. A global phenomena

See above.

crazymikey said:
someone who does not test their own hypothesis with the available evidence/data, is probably the wrong person to ask about "reasonableness"


From your above arguments, it sounds like you are claiming cattle mutilations are not happening. Certainly not surprising, as this is your same claim for UFO/ETI encounters. Also a no brainer, is your claim that people are all lying, cultists, fanatics or imaginaing it. As usual of course, you have no evidence to support it. Reject.

Here, educate yourself:
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Here is some photographic evidence for cattle mutilations. They are certainly happening, and have been happening for quite long:

Note: The following images maybe quite disturbing. Please view at your own discretion.


I like conspiracies a lot more than I like aliens, and since wild baseless assertions are the order of the day, I'm going to say that it is the EPA working with the defense department removing these soft tissues to study how damaging nuclear fallout from nuclear tests in the fifties is to people and livestock living in the southwestern united states. Back in the day, no one knew or cared about radioactive fallout and its long term affects, and now these studies must be conducted illegally and secretly to avoid public outrage and litigation over having never being told why the cancer rates in their towns are so high.
question to crazy: why would aliens need to mutilate thousands of cows if any reasonable nowaday science lab would have been enough with just a few cow samples?

question to SpyMoose: why leave the cattle there and not take it with them? No trace - no talks.
though they could do it (leave the corpses) with the thought of alientologists in mind ;)