Large testicles? Well, your mother must be promiscuous

Most people are not cops or firemen and do not have a constructive way to espress their agression.
Most people end up in normal jobs.

I don't know if there is a correlation between spousal abuse and people with "excess" testosterone that is not going to "good" use, but I do know there are correlations between spousal abuse and dissatisfaction with work/life.
Of course it wouldn't explain all cases of spousal abuse - that would be a ridiculous notion.

Stalin was a brute and street thug who came into power through murder and force.
Napoleon was an intelligent man and brilliant strategist.
There is a world of difference.

Pakistan and Iran are being thrust into the modern world as we speak.

I think it could manifest itself in many ways, depending on the individual circumstances - just like anything else.

If a person has rage, and that rage can not be expressed, it will turn inside and explode later.
When people institute boxing gyms in high crime areas, the crime invariably goes down.
When people institute nigt baskeball leagues in high crime areas, the crime invariably goes down.

These things aren't just keeping the "bad kids" busy, it is giving kids and young men the opportunity to express their aggression in a healthy way.
It gives them a constructive activity that burns off testosterone.

Take an agressive kid with a tendency towards fits of rage and restrain him in a small room.
What do you think will happen?
I think anything left in that room will be broken and the kid just may injure himself.

Take the same kid and put him on a football team.
He will calm down.

I think it's no coincidence that we are seeing a drop in healthy physical activity in children and teens while we are seeing a rise in school violence.

I agree.

I was actually much *less* volatile after I started learning martial arts, because I had something to do with my energy/rage/whatever word you want to use.
I agree.

I was actually much *less* volatile after I started learning martial arts, because I had something to do with my energy/rage/whatever word you want to use.

That's exactly why I started learning Judo. I used to have a real bad temper. It was like an 'ON' button, if a kid pushed me, they pushed it, and I lashed out, full on. There were no half measures. After I hospitalised one kid (he was a complete twat and was baiting me though) I decided to seek discipline.

It worked, now I tend to dismember people with words, not actions.
Oh this thread is so missing a satyr/wanderer
but for the sake of old times...

"Well you imbeciles all this vindicates my theory of feminization....."

BTW one-raven I'm not a "little girl" just because I like a man with hefty pair of balls and a nifty six pack!!
Oh this thread is so missing a satyr/wanderer
but for the sake of old times...

"Well you imbeciles all this vindicates my theory of feminization....."

No, the misogynist cunt would be raping the girls, the boy-men as well, castrating the men and whipping the women into a frenzy of unrealised promise, whilst smacking a few heathen heads for six and , ah..ruling the airwaves.
There's a REALLY politically incorrect statement to be made here, I just can't figure out what it is...

Wouldn't that have been, "You people are talking a load of balls!"
Incidentally this ones for Ham, I know there was an Indian guy with some bizarre inflammation disorder (Caused incidentally be some type of fly) which had balls that he was showing to tourists and villagers alike which were about the size of melon's. Poor guy while thinking it was great to have such huge balls to show off to all the women in the village probably didn't realise that such inflammations are usually prior to amputation.
I don't buy it.
Not a word of it.

I don't either. I mean, it would really only be effective at a gang bang.
Not that the pop-sci quality of Asguard's assertion isn't obvious and evocative of dubiety, but the argument does have legs: not only the large relative size of human testicles, the physiological response of female orgasm and cryptic female fertility, but the shape of the penis is hard to explain otherwise, and it's a fairly complex shape.

It doesn't have to mean gangbangs - although such events, along with rapes military and otherwise, figure in enough pregnancies to have evolutionary effect - actually observed common human behavior (having a steady partner(s) with an occasional fling, for example) also fits the "sperm competition" model of evolutionary advantage.

One factor among others, not outlandish or unlikely speculation - - - -

Bats would have especially severe weight parameters in a tradeoff involving brains and balls. Birds also. I'll place my bet now that flightless and seldom flying birds have bigger balls - and greater promiscuity, on average.