Large testicles? Well, your mother must be promiscuous


Caput gerat lupinum
Valued Senior Member

Size Does Matter in Bats' Evolution

SYRACUSE, N.Y. — For some male bats, sexual prowess comes with a price -- smaller brains. A research team led by Syracuse University biologist Scott Pitnick found that in bat species where the females are promiscuous, the males boasting the largest testicles also had the smallest brains. Conversely, where the females were faithful, the males had smaller testes and larger brains.

"It turns out size does matter," said Pitnick, whose findings were published in December in "Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Science," an online journal.

The study offers evidence that males -- at least in some species -- make an evolutionary trade-off between intelligence and sexual prowess, said David Hoskens, a biologist at the Centre for Ecology and Conservation at the University of Exeter in England and a leading authority on bats' mating behavior.

So why is sexual evolution so damn predictable? Unfaithfully, slutty female bats? Well, large testicles are your answer! I suppose adaptation is a general relation, but it's my impression that these sorts of relations are so much more pronounced when it's sex on the line.
Slutty females -> more sperm to have a better shot at inseminating them.
Oops. :eek:

I had no idea your mother was an actual whore. :D Soorrry!
if you want to know how permiscuas human females are look at penis size not tesicular size

there are 2 ways to deal with cheating, pump it out or flood it, bats and gorillas use the flood it method, humans use the pump it one
...I was talking about bats.

I don't think I want to talk about this with you.
There's a REALLY politically incorrect statement to be made here, I just can't figure out what it is...
That's why if a bat is rude to you, you should poke it in the ears.
You people have taken something beautiful like a correlation between testicle size and sluttiness and turned it into something crude.
You people have taken something beautiful like a correlation between testicle size and sluttiness and turned it into something crude.

Imagine that :)

The reason that there is a correlation is basically one of support? I mean, if you dedicate more of your body to supporting large gonads, there are less resources to support a larger brain? So, if the bats could increase, say, their carbohydrate intake, then they could have both?

Or am I totally wrong? I'm trying to learn how to think like a biologist, and it's going slowly.
How does that work? Can men suck out other guys' semen with their dicks then impregnate the woman with their own???

i dont know how effective it is but yes thats the theory, its the same as using a plunger to clear a drain. You create a vacume seal and then pull out pulling the seamon with you. Nature is never 100% effeciant though:p
But how does it work? The sucking action I mean? Penises don't have muscles that contract, as far as I know...??
actually its the women who provides the sucksion by closing around the penis producing a vacume seal, the penis just has to go deeper to force out the air BEFORE she closes.

Then when he pulls back up the seamon goes with it

There have been studies done which show that men fuck harder when they suspect inferdelity and this is why
Oh right...

Ooooh. Lovely, if I meet a guy I like, I hope he thinks I'm an unfaithful, actually, I'll just ask him to go harder. :D