Ladies, what do you think? Women and children first? Not for God?

Women and children first? Fuck off. I'm a perfectly healthy adult. Not a little treasure to be protected.
To the OP:

1. God can't die, so he could not have sacrificed himself in the place of Jesus.
2. Some say that Jesus and God were inseparable so God did sacrifice himself in the form of Jesus.
3. God could have avoided the conflict altogether by sending Jesus to Bermuda.
It's a nice sentiment Squirrel and I don't disagree with it. But if we're talking Christian doctrine here, then we need to get it right. My motivation, believe it or not, was to help GIA argue against Christianity more effectively. I wasn't being noble or anything, just passing some time on the forums :)

i believe in God.
I do not believe in religion.
religion has screwed God up.
we don't need another religion..we just need more ppl to believe in God,not religion.
Women and children first? Fuck off. I'm a perfectly healthy adult. Not a little treasure to be protected.

You can be a bull dyke for all I care but this is not about your self centered self and if in the wrong circumstances when you were a child, you might not get to be the ignorant person that you seem to be.

To the OP:

1. God can't die, so he could not have sacrificed himself in the place of Jesus.
2. Some say that Jesus and God were inseparable so God did sacrifice himself in the form of Jesus.
3. God could have avoided the conflict altogether by sending Jesus to Bermuda.

Strange though that god is Jesus and God cannot die but he can as Jesus except that Jesus did not die and only took 3 days of R & R while pretending to be dead.
Confusing but then, that is Christian theology.

Strange though that god is Jesus and God cannot die but he can as Jesus except that Jesus did not die and only took 3 days of R & R while pretending to be dead.
Confusing but then, that is Christian theology.


it's not confusing to those who understand that the purpose of christ is to transcend physical death. believing in christ is believing in a physical existence without sin, or the consequences of it, which is death. immortality. sin can, and will be, overcome.