Ladies, what do you think? Women and children first? Not for God?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Ladies, what do you think? Women and children first? Not for God?

I know, I know, God can do whatever he wants because he is God. Regardless of this, we are supposed to emulate him and follow his example. I think in this issue his example is quite immoral and I would break the first commandment and if told to sacrifice my son instead of me stepping up, I would tell God to go to hell real quick.

Mankind has collectively decided that in times where someone must die, women and children are to be placed above the needs or desires of men. Men are to step up and do the right thing of saving their women and especially their children.

Our standard then is that sons are to bury their fathers and not have the fathers take the un-natural and immoral position of placing themselves ahead of their sons and bury them.

If on earth as it is in heaven is to have meaning, should mankind reverse it‘s, to me, much better standard, or should we maintain our moral position and condemn the God who prefers to have his son be murdered instead of stepping up himself for the hard duty?

Of course women and children first. More women are needed than men. 1 man can get several women pregnant and have many children at one time. A woman can only have 1 kid at a time.
And we're prettier
Ladies, what do you think? Women and children first? Not for God?

I know, I know, God can do whatever he wants because he is God. Regardless of this, we are supposed to emulate him and follow his example. I think in this issue his example is quite immoral and I would break the first commandment and if told to sacrifice my son instead of me stepping up, I would tell God to go to hell real quick.

Mankind has collectively decided that in times where someone must die, women and children are to be placed above the needs or desires of men. Men are to step up and do the right thing of saving their women and especially their children.

Our standard then is that sons are to bury their fathers and not have the fathers take the un-natural and immoral position of placing themselves ahead of their sons and bury them.

If on earth as it is in heaven is to have meaning, should mankind reverse it‘s, to me, much better standard, or should we maintain our moral position and condemn the God who prefers to have his son be murdered instead of stepping up himself for the hard duty?


i would argue that it's the needs and desires of men who perpetuate death and destruction anyway. face it; men are leaders in this world, and if you can't take the heat, then get the hell out of the kitchen.
Ladies, what do you think? Women and children first? Not for God?

I know, I know, God can do whatever he wants because he is God. Regardless of this, we are supposed to emulate him and follow his example. I think in this issue his example is quite immoral and I would break the first commandment and if told to sacrifice my son instead of me stepping up, I would tell God to go to hell real quick.

Mankind has collectively decided that in times where someone must die, women and children are to be placed above the needs or desires of men. Men are to step up and do the right thing of saving their women and especially their children.

Our standard then is that sons are to bury their fathers and not have the fathers take the un-natural and immoral position of placing themselves ahead of their sons and bury them.

If on earth as it is in heaven is to have meaning, should mankind reverse it‘s, to me, much better standard, or should we maintain our moral position and condemn the God who prefers to have his son be murdered instead of stepping up himself for the hard duty?


Did you ever consider Jesus committed suicide and God did a face plant in the palms of his hands when he did , or that Jesus is a man of sin by committing suicide. He had to be smart enough to know he would be killed if he went spouting off " I am The Son Of God" Me and the Father are one . If he didn't commit suicide he could have contributed more to society and life as we know it might not be as divided. Consider Jesus saying " I didn't come to make peace in the world but to divide the world and put the father against the son the daughter against the mother, so maybe he divided him self against his God which he called his father
Of course women and children first. More women are needed than men. 1 man can get several women pregnant and have many children at one time. A woman can only have 1 kid at a time.
And we're prettier

Let us pray then that yopu are never on a ship captained by God because if their is ever an emergency, you go down with the ship while your husband floats away in the life boat.

Did you ever consider Jesus committed suicide and God did a face plant in the palms of his hands when he did , or that Jesus is a man of sin by committing suicide. He had to be smart enough to know he would be killed if he went spouting off " I am The Son Of God" Me and the Father are one . If he didn't commit suicide he could have contributed more to society and life as we know it might not be as divided. Consider Jesus saying " I didn't come to make peace in the world but to divide the world and put the father against the son the daughter against the mother, so maybe he divided him self against his God which he called his father

No. Never considered any of that.
Not with Jesus saying he was sent by the father.

i would argue that it's the needs and desires of men who perpetuate death and destruction anyway. face it; men are leaders in this world, and if you can't take the heat, then get the hell out of the kitchen.

The least you could do is speak to the issue.
I do not expect anything constructive from you but you could act like you know the topic.

I dont have a problem with "women and children first". Aside from it not being fair there are practical reasons for it.

One important reason is because it provides some order in an emergency.
The least you could do is speak to the issue.
I do not expect anything constructive from you but you could act like you know the topic.


blah, blah, blah...

men go to war because they make war. ugh.
Did you ever consider Jesus committed suicide and God did a face plant in the palms of his hands when he did , or that Jesus is a man of sin by committing suicide. He had to be smart enough to know he would be killed if he went spouting off " I am The Son Of God" Me and the Father are one . If he didn't commit suicide he could have contributed more to society and life as we know it might not be as divided. Consider Jesus saying " I didn't come to make peace in the world but to divide the world and put the father against the son the daughter against the mother, so maybe he divided him self against his God which he called his father

jesus wasn't willing to lie for the sake of the world. that's a big fucking deal. not only did he defy physical death, but also the material comforts that a deal with the devil would have surely brought. because he believed in something better, because he was in communion with god and knew better, as we all should be, and i will be.

do you not feel the confrontation between the spirit and your flesh? you realize it isn't magic right? you can look at the world and realize a huge sacrifice has to be made to correct things, right? obviously we can't correct things ourselves but the consequence of our sin doesn't hurt anything right? headed in the right direction.
jesus wasn't willing to lie for the sake of the world. that's a big fucking deal. not only did he defy physical death, but also the material comforts that a deal with the devil would have surely brought. because he believed in something better, because he was in communion with god and knew better, as we all should be, and i will be.

do you not feel the confrontation between the spirit and your flesh? you realize it isn't magic right? you can look at the world and realize a huge sacrifice has to be made to correct things, right? obviously we can't correct things ourselves but the consequence of our sin doesn't hurt anything right? headed in the right direction.

I have no conflict between my flesh and my spirit. What are you talking about ? I am poor and made that sacrifice by my conduct my dear . I could be rich , but I let my self be cheated instead of cheating. Sometimes I wonder why I do it and don't just be like everyone else. I blame Jesus for my misery , except I am not miserable, but it is not from being poor . Me being poor is a reflection of the world made by Jesus . Yet we have to go through the fire , so now the question is the world going to save Me . Am I worthy of saving ? That is the big question . If not the world is doomed for I am the common work man. The burdens of common work people is to heavy to bare and my micro cosmic life is a refection of the burdens the common person endures . Lori Listen close my dear . The sacrifice has been made already . 40 years in the making . Now all the pieces are falling into place like dominoes. No stopping now . Can you count to 10? That seems to be our separation to the day Lori, to the day
Your pretty good at cussing . I respect that . Modern language is a trip . Somethings can only be expressed using the F word .
No. Never considered any of that.
Not with Jesus saying he was sent by the father.


That is exactly the point . He said it, they didn't believe it and he was killed for saying it . He knew he would be killed. He new the nature of humanity at the time . He propagated his own murder. For a reason . To make change . Consider how the world felt about little bastard kids at the time he was born . Why would he do what he did? Disgruntled perhaps and so he sacrificed so other little bastard step children would have a better life some day. That day is now by the grace of God . I think it was Mary Magdalene"s plan . I think she was the Master mind behind the event and that is why she was washing his feet . Like a little pep talk to the big player in the passion play of life. Like a boxing coach in the corner with there fighter
or should we maintain our moral position and condemn the God who prefers to have his son be murdered instead of stepping up himself for the hard duty?

I guess you ignored me last time I pointed out that Christian theology teaches that Jesus was God. God became a man and sacrificed himself. But as God is omnipotent (supposedly) he also remained in heaven. So he experienced a father/son type relationship with himself.

I have no problem with you attacking Christianity, but it's pointless if you don't get it right.
I dont have a problem with "women and children first". Aside from it not being fair there are practical reasons for it.


What exactly is unfair about women and children first and are you agreeing with God who says that children should die before their parents?

That is exactly the point . He said it, they didn't believe it and he was killed for saying it . He knew he would be killed. He new the nature of humanity at the time . He propagated his own murder. For a reason . To make change . Consider how the world felt about little bastard kids at the time he was born . Why would he do what he did? Disgruntled perhaps and so he sacrificed so other little bastard step children would have a better life some day. That day is now by the grace of God . I think it was Mary Magdalene"s plan . I think she was the Master mind behind the event and that is why she was washing his feet . Like a little pep talk to the big player in the passion play of life. Like a boxing coach in the corner with there fighter

Thanks for the walk through fantasy lane.

Thanks also for showing how Jesus planned to have someone murder him.
That makes him culpable for murder. Nice God that.
