Konstantin Raudive's recordings of the dead

So you are seriously going to entirely dismiss this evidence based on the mere fact that the phone calls were made only once? That's not very scientific..

A common assumption about this by skeptics is that an afterlife is far less probable than mere nonexistence after death. But this isn't true. After all, none of us knows what lies after death. We are all in the same boat of total unknownness. So the probability of there being an afterlife is equal to the probability of it just being nonexistence. 50/50. Any evidence found in favor of one or the other therefore increases its probability over the other.
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So you are seriously going to entirely dismiss this evidence based on the mere fact that the phone calls were made only once? That's not very scientific..
I've not looked into it.

Phone call from the dead seemed a stretch, do you accept that?

Why didn't Grandad ring? Serious question? Or Gran?

Gran died 1973, I was 6. 19 When Grandad died and it broke my heart. My father figure all my life.
Science aside MR some of this stuff gives people hope instead of learning how to let go and accept they are gone.
That's the hardest man side.
Science aside MR some of this stuff gives people hope instead of learning how to let go and accept they are gone.

Yes..I have pondered how believing in an afterlife seems to work against the natural healthy imperative to let go and accept that our loved ones are really gone. But the sting of their being gone is never totally alleviated by hoping. You still miss them terribly and feel the void of their being nowhere in this life. So healing CAN occur, as long as one doesn't make of one's departed some sort of compensatory imaginary friend.
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This subject ties into the other field of postmortem communication called ITC or Instrumental Trans Communication. This research deals with images of dead people and text picked up on TVs and computers as well as speaking voices. Here's a video and a website all about this amazing field of research, its history and its extraordinary results. Hundreds of scientists in Europe working in this field for decades. All just a hoax? Highly unlikely!

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So your assertion is that Raudive, though a scientist, never submitted his research to peer review, never was acquainted with any researchers who could not reproduce his results? (reproducibility is, as I'm sure you know, one of the fundamentals of scientific method - just ask Pons and Fleischman, the cold fusion duo)

That doesn't sound like a real scientist to me. Surely he wouldn't have to resort to random dialing (or whatever the departed do) to reach someone like a sound engineer or acoustic science expert he had met in his professional life?
Afterthought: have any such calls been received where there is caller ID? Now that would be an interesting bit of data!
Afterthought: have any such calls been received where there is caller ID? Now that would be an interesting bit of data

Yes! About 5 minutes after my mother passed, the nurse's phone that I was using rang, and not having a cellphone, I didn't know how to answer it. But it only rang once, and I showed it to the nurse in the hall, and she said the caller ID on it said "Lisa" my mother's name. So while I didn't actually hear my mom's voice, I did get a confirmation that she was moving on and saying goodbye. We had agreed btw months before that she give me some sign when she passed--something electrical. And sure enough she did!
So your assertion is that Raudive, though a scientist, never submitted his research to peer review, never was acquainted with any researchers who could not reproduce his results? (reproducibility is, as I'm sure you know, one of the fundamentals of scientific method - just ask Pons and Fleischman, the cold fusion duo)

That doesn't sound like a real scientist to me. Surely he wouldn't have to resort to random dialing (or whatever the departed do) to reach someone like a sound engineer or acoustic science expert he had met in his professional life?
"To dispel doubts, shortly before his death, Konstantin Raudive repeated his experiments in the presence of other researchers. The experiment was carried out in the studio. There was equipment that blocked the accidental interference of any electromagnetic waves. Recordings on magnetic tape was made from three devices, the control of which was forbidden to Raudive – he only gave commands.

The recording was made within eighteen minutes, and none of the scientists in the studio detected any extraneous sounds. However, while listening to the tape on Raudive’s tape recorder, the researchers found dozens of messages.

Some voices were so clearly audible that they did not require amplification. The scientists who conducted the test were unable to explain what happened in existing physical terms, as well as establish the origin of the recorded voices.

Further analysis of the phenomenon of voices beyond the grave showed that positive results are obtained by those researchers who do not deny the existence of the other world. The same scientists who deny the reality of the existence of voices fail to make contact with the dead."---- https://www.soulask.com/you-are-dea...enomenon-of-voices-coming-from-another-world/
So while I didn't actually hear my mom's voice, I did get a confirmation that she was moving on and saying goodbye. We had agreed btw months before that she give me some sign when she passed--something electrical
This is a personal anecdote, clearly with deep personal value for you, so I will respectfully leave that one on the table. I am glad that brought some comfort.

Further analysis of the phenomenon of voices beyond the grave showed that positive results are obtained by those researchers who do not deny the existence of the other world. The same scientists who deny the reality of the existence of voices fail to make contact with the dead

This is a result commonly associated with some form of deception, or with pareidolia. The real world does not care what I believe and its phenomena occur without regard to personal beliefs - this, like the criterion of reproducibility I mentioned earlier, is fundamental in science as it separates itself from superstition. Phenomena that can only be observed by believers fall under the category of metaphysics. Not science.
The recording was made within eighteen minutes, and none of the scientists in the studio detected any extraneous sounds. However, while listening to the tape on Raudive’s tape recorder, the researchers found dozens of messages.
The tape was not played on a different machine, brought in by an independent party? Hmm.
This is a result commonly associated with some form of deception, or with pareidolia. The real world does not care what I believe and its phenomena occur without regard to personal beliefs - this, like the criterion of reproducibility I mentioned earlier, is fundamental in science as it separates itself from superstition. Phenomena that can only be observed by believers fall under the category of metaphysics. Not science.
"The replication crisis[a] is an ongoing methodological crisis in which the results of many scientific studies are difficult or impossible to reproduce. Because the reproducibility of empirical results is an essential part of the scientific method,[2] such failures undermine the credibility of theories building on them and potentially call into question substantial parts of scientific knowledge.

The replication crisis is frequently discussed in relation to psychology and medicine, where considerable efforts have been undertaken to reinvestigate classic results, to determine whether they are reliable, and if they turn out not to be, the reasons for the failure.[3][4] Data strongly indicate that other natural and social sciences are affected as well.[5]

The phrase replication crisis was coined in the early 2010s[6] as part of a growing awareness of the problem. Considerations of causes and remedies have given rise to a new scientific discipline, metascience,[7] which uses methods of empirical research to examine empirical research practice."-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replication_crisis-
"In 1959 Swedish artist and filmmaker Friedrich Jurgenson was making a tape recording and during playback he discovered what sounded like a human voice on the tape. He put it down to faulty equipment but when he searched other tapes, he found more voices, which seemed to be messages from his dead mother. Jurgenson recounted the experience in a book titled Voices from Space. The book impressed Raudive and subsequently he and Jurgenson collaborated for a time and encountered more voices.

Later, Raudive undertook his own research amassing a collection of thousands of voice recordings and in 1968 his work was published in German under the title, Unhörbares Wird Hörbar (The Inaudible Becomes Audible).

In 1969 after being approached at the Frankfurt Book Fair, British publisher Colin Smythe asked his colleague Peter Bander to assess Raudive's book with a view to publishing it in English, and, unbeknown to Bander, did his own experiments with positive results.

Since that time Jurgenson and Raudive's experiments have been replicated thousands of times by researchers and enthusiasts all over the world and Breakthrough remains a classic in the genre.

The communicators overriding message? "We are not dead!"--- https://colinsmythe.co.uk/authors/raudive-konstantin-phd/