
Really? Pasties! Man. I'd pay to see that.

I once had to oversee a community relations event that involved tap dancing elderly (70+) in skimpy leotards, and some of their numbers were relatively risque. Terrifying.

Anyway, I realize I'm off-topic, and shall desist.
Originally posted by gendanken

Translation: Frankly, I find Gendanken's idea as cunty as she is but, no, let me dress up what I really think with the usual bait that I brilliantly think is working. Fucking brilliant......hope she'll bite this time. Keep your fingers crossed, boys.

this aint a game gendy. it the new and improved spookz that is mellow and loving and other good shit

*excepting cunthed of course;)
Originally posted by gendanken

That's a suggestion. If these KKK types are anything like the Michigan Militia types they don't much care to know and mingle with the satan spawns that are non-Aryans.

Besides, it's much more funner to hate without (sound) rhyme or reason.
Originally posted by Bells
HEH... what goes up must always come down.
And classic article Kajolishot... LOL..

Since Science is devil (to them), don't firing bullets up hit baby jesus?


This all reminds me of O Brother KKK-scenario:

"All them scientists say we come decendent from monkies.
That's not my heritage."
That's a suggestion. If these KKK types are anything like the Michigan Militia types they don't much care to know and mingle with the satan spawns that are non-Aryans.
The point is not to get these racist pukes to join anything.

The point is to irritate them with the unexpected. The unthinkable. The party gathering to ignore them would be a cold shoulder with flavor.


Try staring at someone's ear next time thye're chewing your ear off. They'll shut up and wander off confused. The quickest way to fuck with anyone is psychology, boo boo.
Besides, it's much more funner to hate without (sound) rhyme or reason.
But funnest would be me mopping my floor with your face if you push your loud ingnorance too far.

Watch your back from now on, amigo. You just woke me up.
The point is not to get these racist pukes to join anything.

what a coincidence! i was gonna say the same thing!
But funnest would be me mopping my floor with your face if you push your loud ingnorance too far.

Sarcasm. Get it? ha ha ha.

Watch your back from now on, amigo.

I shall try what you suggested if things get rowdy, gend.
The party gathering to ignore them would be a cold shoulder with flavor.

You just woke me up.
Feel free to mingle in the party after some mouthwash.


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