

Registered Senior Member
Evolution in action...slowly...

A bullet fired in the air during a Ku Klux Klan initiation ceremony came down and struck a participant in the head, critically injuring him, authorities said.

About 10 people, including two children, had gathered for the ceremony. The man who was being initiated was blindfolded, tied with a noose to a tree and shot with paintball guns as Freeman fired a pistol in the air to provide the sound of real gunfire, Sheriff Fred Phillips said.


So much for the 'superiour aryans' that are represented by this fine terrorist organization.:)
I always thought that bullets fired into the air go into space. hehe.
Do they still do buisness these days? what buisness could they have already? They hate everyone already, so what, they expand on this hate by beer drinking and swearing against the devil that is everyone except aryans?
Originally posted by sargentlard
Do they still do buisness these days? what buisness could they have already? They hate everyone already, so what, they expand on this hate by beer drinking and swearing against the devil that is everyone except aryans?

It's their God given right to get together and act like fucktards.
wow, id say the odds of the trajectory hitting a target that small is pretty slim, say, an act of god? if you believe in that sort of thing, which the KKK do, lol the irony is delicious
Originally posted by Carnuth
wow, id say the odds of the trajectory hitting a target that small is pretty slim, say, an act of god? if you believe in that sort of thing, which the KKK do, lol the irony is delicious

Oh you would think so, but here in Phoenix Arizona (The biggest little hick town in the world) they actually run public service announcements to remind people not to fire their weapons into the air (in a jubilant Yosemite Sam kind of way I suppose)because the resulting hail of bullets frequently injure people.
Originally posted by SpyMoose
Oh you would think so, but here in Phoenix Arizona (The biggest little hick town in the world) they actually run public service announcements to remind people not to fire their weapons into the air (in a jubilant Yosemite Sam kind of way I suppose)because the resulting hail of bullets frequently injure people.

In fact I think they tried to pass a state wide (or was it only a city ordinance?) banning random gunfire. It was however shot down, so to speak. You can't take away an Arizonan's God given right to fire his gun into the air! hehe. The whole issue was bought up by some whining bleeding heart pro-gun control liberal pansy parents after their child was killed by descending bullets fired into the air for either a fourth of July or new years celebration or something like that.
Which is why there needs to be less gun restriction in the united states! If that girl who was killed had had a gun, she could have defended herself from those randomly falling bullets! *sarcasm once more*
Or she could have at least returned random fire at the other people celebrating, and hopefully killed them dead for being irresponceable gun owners!
Those racist bastards make me ashamed to be a cracker-ass honkey bitch.

wow, id say the odds of the trajectory hitting a target that small is pretty slim, say, an act of god? if you believe in that sort of thing, which the KKK do, lol the irony is delicious

How's this for irony:

This movement has been around for some 130 years right? Its beginnings were more like special interest groups lobbying for reconstruction in ways other than petty namecalling but now what is it? A bunch of white, overweight motherfuckers I'd personally hang myself given the balls and the resources. A loud corruption shot straight out a pristine Aryan colon.

They've been gathering at their watering holes for years to do what? Scream and shout. The crowds have been gathering at these same watering holes for those same years to do what? Scream and shout. He calls you a honkey spick-nig dothead. You call him a cracker and point to the Bill of Rights.

How about this: do the unthinkable. Instead of gathering with arms folded waiting to scream and shout the fuck back, have a party. Invite all the dotheads and spics, and all those sand niggers and pepperbellies, the crackers and Polocks and Jews.....and have you a big ass party. Play some Cumbia and Salsa music. Then have a Barmitzvah. Pass out corndogs and tacos and chicken lo mein.


Where I live they gather bi-annually downtown. And its the same routine with everyfuckingbody quietly going home afterwards. Only to gather again in two years.

The unthinkable mingled with silence.

I've always fantasized about what would happen if a bunch of hot ethnic chics showed up instead and did nothing. Or if I showed up half naked sucking a hotdog. Or if we all had a party to ignore the bloody hell out of them. The precise psychological moment when to say nothing, according to Mr. Wilde.

Guaranteed they'll never show those little clown hats in my neck of the woods ever again.
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I'll bite

Actually, Gendanken, I was wondering just a little while ago whether or not to put my mod hat halfway on and thank you for adding a dimension worth discussing to this topic. It's not that I have any official problem with it, but "poetic justice", and the fact that I think I saw this topic moved from somewhere else (ah yes, Free Thoughts) were the only merits by which I could possibly justify this topic.

At any rate, so much for the background story.

Thank you. I thought it a fine idea, but was too stoned at the time to say it without sounding utterly pompous.

Well, considering your heritage, they wouldn't care for you too much.
But, considering how you look, I can't see them minding too much if you showed up nude. (I know I never do...)

I think it would definitely get some attention by the media. How exactly the situation ended up though.. I can't say.

The block party we've talked about before. I think that would probably have the better result.
ps: of course it would work
Translation: Frankly, I find Gendanken's idea as cunty as she is but, no, let me dress up what I really think with the usual bait that I brilliantly think is working. Fucking brilliant......hope she'll bite this time. Keep your fingers crossed, boys.

Actually, Gendanken, I was wondering just a little while ago whether or not to put my mod hat halfway on and thank you for adding a dimension worth discussing to this topic.
.....not to mention the watered down attempt at reminding an old friend that's its you who won the mod pod and not her.......

Thank you. I thought it a fine idea, but was too stoned at the time to say it without sounding utterly pompous.
Gasp and guffaws all over again.
Uhm. Hmm. "You're welcome, Tiassa".

Join one next time will you? We could use some sansho in our hodgepodge.

Well, considering your heritage, they wouldn't care for you too much.
That's the point, my liege. You can make anyone care with a dose of nicely dealt silence.

But, considering how you look, I can't see them minding too much if you showed up nude. (I know I never do...)
Tee hee..........whateverare you talking about..........
Well ... that wasn't the intention

not to mention the watered down attempt at reminding an old friend that's its you who won the mod pod and not her
I would hope you wouldn't take it that way, but on the other hand, and I say this without sarcasm, how I came to that point in the first place is a longer story than you like hearing from me.

It starts with a PM that set me to thinking about this topic, the realization that the thread was moved from the very place I would move it to if I chose to move it, and my own inability to overcome the focus on the irony. And yes, The Thornbirds is probably a more interesting story.
Join one next time will you? We could use some sansho in our hodgepodge.
And if I manage to make it out there, I'll try to recruit the nude bicycle corps that haunts the Fremont (Seattle) Solstice Parade every year. (They get more laughs than fat gays on a bright blue float dancing around in satin g-strings and feather boas. Oh, and pasties for their man-boobs.)