Kirlian Effect

Heat is an energy. Consider Thermodynamics.

Reiku, I just want to interject one thing in this discussion. Are you actually not aware that the so-called "Kirlian effect" is nothing more than the result of simple, ordinary corona discharge? I would think that you would know about such a basic, common thing. There's absolutely nothing mysterious or "other energy" about it. Just plain, ordinary high-voltage discharge - period.
No... i haven't studied the Kirlian effect to GREAT detail... You seem to have a better understanding of it. Can you explain more fuller?
No... i haven't studied the Kirlian effect to GREAT detail... You seem to have a better understanding of it. Can you explain more fuller?

Kirlian photography
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kirlian photography refers to a form of contact print photography, theoretically associated with high-voltage. It is named after Semyon Kirlian, who in 1939 accidentally discovered that if an object on a photographic plate is connected to a source of high voltage, small corona discharges (created by the strong electric field at the edges of the object) create an image on photographic plate. [1]

Kirlian photography is completely different from "Aura photography," in which a colorful image is produced of a persons face and upper torso, using various methods of biofeedback. People commonly use the term "Kirlian photography" to erroneously refer to "Aura photography," and vice-versa. The terms have almost become interchangeable, even though the techniques are completely different. This leads to confusion among those who not familiar with the two different techniques. The Kirlian technique is contact photography, in which the subject is in direct contact with the film which is placed upon a metal plate that is charged with high voltage, high frequency electricity. In Aura Photography, no high voltage is involved as with the Kirlian technique, and no direct contact with the film is made. The images made with an Aura camera do not result from coronal discharge, the colors are projected with fiber optics.

Kirlian's work, from 1939 onward, involved an independent rediscovery of a phenomenon and technique variously called "electrography," "electrophotography," and "corona discharge photography." The underlying physics (which makes xerographic copying possible) was explored as early as 1777 by Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (see Lichtenberg figures). Later workers in the field included Nikola Tesla; various other individuals explored the effect in the later 19th and early 20th centuries. Yet Kirlian took the development of the effect further than any of his predecessors.

In controversial metaphysical contexts, Kirlian photography, Kirlian energy, and so on, are sometimes referred to as just "Kirlian." Kirlian made controversial claims that his method showed proof of supernatural auras, said to resemble a rough outline of the object like a colorful halo. One of the more striking aspects of Kirlian photography is its reputed ability to illuminate the acupuncture points of the human body[citation needed]. An experiment advanced as evidence of energy fields generated by living entities involves taking Kirlian contact photographs of a picked leaf at set periods, its gradual withering being said to correspond with a decline in the strength of the aura. Scientifically, it is considered more likely that as the leaf loses moisture it becomes less electrically conductive, causing a gradual weakening of the electrical field at the drier edges of the leaf.

Kirlian proposed and promoted the idea that the resulting images of living objects were a physical proof of the life force or aura which allegedly surrounds all living beings. This claim was said to be supported by experiments by the Kirlians that involved cutting part of a leaf off —the Kirlian images of such leaves, it was said, still showed the leaves as whole, as though the cutting had never happened.

However, research at Drexel University in the 1970s, under the direction of William W. Eidson, was unable to reproduce the effect . When the glass used to capture the original leaf was replaced with new glass before the freshly cut leaf was photographed, they were lead to conclude that the "cut leaf" phenomenon was caused by microscopic etching in the surface of the glass which occurred during preparing the images of the uncut leaf. They also reported on a number of demonstrable causes such as surface moisture and pressure which can account for much of the variations in color, shape, and size of the resulting image.[citation needed]

In addition to living material, inanimate objects such as coins will also produce images on the film in a Kirlian photograph setup.

In the United States, Dr. Thelma Moss of UCLA devoted much time and energy to the study of Kirlian photography when she led the parapsychology laboratory there in the 1970s.

Current research continues by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov in the Russian University, St.Petersburg State Technical University of Informational Technologies, Mechanics and Optics. [1] Konstantin Korotkov has published several books including "Human Energy Field: study with GDV bioelectrography" 2002, NY, Backbone Publishing Co. and "Light After Life: Experiments and Ideas on After-Death Changes of Kirlian Pictures" 1998, NY, Backbone Publishing Co.

Dr. Konstantin Korotkov uses GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization) based on the Kirlian Effect. GDV instruments use glass electrodes to create a pulsed electrical field excitation (called "perturbation technique") to measure electro-photonic glow. [2]

The Korotkov methods are used in some hospitals and athletic training programs in Russia and elsewhere as preventative measurements for detecting stress. The Russian Academy of Science has approved the GDV techniques and equipment in 1999 for general clinical use. [3]

There has been some published research in peer-reviewed scientific journals regarding GDV and related material, including several articles in the Journal of Applied Physics.

Other people who study this phenomenon are Professor Milhomens in Brazil and Dr. Mandel from Germany
Thank you.

Not really much more that I can add to CT's copy/paste from Wikipedia. :)

Except that it's (corona discharge) is a very common thing and well understood by all electrical engineers and electronics technicians. The effect you're interested in - rather than having anything at all to do with some mysterious "life force" - is produced in ANY substance that will conduct electricity, living OR inanimate. Like a living thing that conducts due to the presence of salts and other conductive substances - AND thing like a piece of metal, copper wire, power transmission lines, a glass of common sea water (in fact a glass of water containing ANY dissolved salt, acid or alkali) a wet string, and hundreds of other things. Life plays NO part in it. Even the body of a long-dead animal will work. :D
Heat is an energy. Consider Thermodynamics.

Let me put forwards a simple visualisation to you to prove a point.

Think of an ICE CUBE. It's made as you know from H[sub]2[/sub]O (Dihydrogen Monoxide, Okay I linked that because it's an interesting article on it and well it suits the forums well.)

As you should also be aware the overall atomic state is obviously made up of energy, now the point is that an ICE CUBE is not HOT and therefore isn't made up of HEAT (at least in regards to normal run of the mill temperatures).

Now you could get picky and suggest that that everything is warm in regards to 'Absolute Zero' (0 Kelvin or –273.15 °C)
Heres an interesting Q & A page for you to have a look at (or just read my quote from it)
What is zero degrees Kelvin? said:
If it was possible to cool something to 0 Kelvin then this is where all particle motion and vibration would cease. However, quantum mechanics forbids zero particle motion and hence no material can be cooled to exactly 0 Kelvin.

Ergo, If it was possible to freeze something to 0 K it's particles would cease to move and therefore stop generating Friction (Heat) does it however suggest the 'Destruction' of energy if something was frozen? (Obviously not if you take into consideration that Energy can't be destroyed.)

Admittedly it was fun chasing up some information for the point I was trying to make, although admittedly I might have read your statement wrong initially.

[Off Topic]
What's interesting though is that basically every wavefunction generated via radiological antenna arrays (like mobile phones, Radio and Television) generate 'Heat' in regards to Friction. This planet wide bombardment obviously heats up what molecules it excites and made me theorise that perhaps the Arctic permafrost wasn't being thawed so much by pollution and greenhouse gases as more down to our own ineptness for allowing Capitalism to shape the amount of radiation we deem acceptable on a planetary scale.
Even though i knew all of this, i would like to add, even if we could freeze the vacuum down to zero-temoeratures, there is still an enormous amount of energy still remaining. This is the paradox of the Zero-Point Energy Field.

Thanks Stryder for the links - i'll take a look.
The Korotkov methods are used in some hospitals and athletic training programs in Russia and elsewhere as preventative measurements for detecting stress. The Russian Academy of Science has approved the GDV techniques and equipment in 1999 for general clinical use. [3]

Sorry to you science wiz's,I am a pretty practical bloke with only intermediate scientific knowledge.

Thanks for above info cosmic traveller above I have read this article also in the past.I wonder if you local doctor in Russia can use the GDV camera ? It would be pretty good to utilize its potential 'health' assessment benefits.Probably only a superficial level of use but never less a start.

I am interested in the practical use of this GDV camera as a diagnostic tool in medicine/psychology etc as it can potentially:

1.consider the human bio energetic field as quantifiable and the results repeatable.
2. Add a new dimension to current diagnostics e.g MRI. CT, pathology.
3.If GDV readings are consistent as proposed by Dr Koroto andSoviet studies This method could be a safe simple and potent form of regular health check and preventative medicine.
4.The use of light therapy to enhance mood or pacify aggressive behavior is also worth giving further thought and research...
