Kirk Cameron shows us the light

You mean like there's only two types of people:
those that categorise people and those that don't?
"There are only two kinds of people; my kind of people, and assholes" - Connie Marble from John Waters' Pink Flamingos.

Guess which of those categories Comfort and Cameron fit into?
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There is no neither. You are a child of God or a child of satan. You don't have to profess to be a child of satan. It's a default. It's like choosing black or white. There's no in-between on the list.

Who's God do you refer? There are many.
No. There's one. God the Father. The great I am. He who always was and always will be. The God who created the earth. The rest are just wannabes.:rolleyes:

(Except Jesus. He is God the Son.:worship: )
And God the Holy Spirit.
No. There's one. God the Father. The great I am. He who always was and always will be. The God who created the earth. The rest are just wannabes.

Yet, others (billions of people) consider your god a wannabee. Your god is quite impotent compared to theirs. How do you feel about that?

(Except Jesus. He is God the Son.:worship: )
And God the Holy Spirit.

But, you just stated "There's one."

Is there one or three? Make up your mind.
Not their physical/biological parents. But their spiritual Father, yes. Yes they do. They choose to follow God, Jesus Christ, or satan.

Ok, so not a child of but a follower of.

No. There's one. God the Father. The great I am. He who always was and always will be. The God who created the earth. The rest are just wannabes.

Which one is that then and why?
Not their physical/biological parents. But their spiritual Father, yes. Yes they do. They choose to follow God, Jesus Christ, or satan.

How can someone choose to believe in something?
Sounds like Pascals wager, and we know that logic is false.
Not their physical/biological parents. But their spiritual Father, yes. Yes they do. They choose to follow God, Jesus Christ, or satan.

M*W: Sandy, that sounds to cut-and-dried. Surely there are more choices than just those three! It's not logical to say one either chooses God, or they choose Jesus Christ, or if neither of those two, then the only other choice has to be satan. That just doesn't add up. Just because a person doesn't believe in Jesus or God, doesn't mean they believe in satan. I don't believe in a god, and I don't believe in a savior/god, and I also don't believe there is a satan. So, how can you label everyone specific to three labels only? That is highly judgmental and blatantly wrong.
Maybe He doesn't know you. Are you one of His children or a child of satan? There are only two choices. You are a child of God or a child of the devil. No inbetween. No 'neither.'

M*W: Surely, if he were god, he would know each and every person, even if one should follow satan. After all, he's god isn't he?
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. They're all the same God. I fogot who I was talking to and just figured this was common knowledge. The Holy Trinity.
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. They're all the same God. I fogot who I was talking to and just figured this was common knowledge. The Holy Trinity.

Common knowledge to who? Certainly not the jews, muslims, hindus or even certain sects of your own religion. Your naivety actually scares me a tad.
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. They're all the same God. I fogot who I was talking to and just figured this was common knowledge. The Holy Trinity.

So, is that three different entities, or one entity with three different names?