Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Valued Senior Member
If we use the Hebrew word karav for at hand , the verse translates to The Kingdom of Heaven is now not in the future as many Christians believe! Since this is more likely than not the correct translation, how does this affect your belief about heaven and what was it that Jesus trying to relate to his followers?
"at hand" does not mean now though.

If the bible was written in Hebrew then translated into Greek the original verse was The Kingdom of heaven is now! In Hebrew karav means now when translated into Greek it became at hand!
I think Jesus saw a messed up religion and society and decided to craft a new religion until h e was around 30 and then come out and transform Israel with his new teachings of love.
If the bible was written in Hebrew then translated into Greek the original verse was The Kingdom of heaven is now! In Hebrew karav means now when translated into Greek it became at hand!

Now or at hand are very close. at hand mean "within reach".
If we use the Hebrew word karav for at hand , the verse translates to The Kingdom of Heaven is now not in the future as many Christians believe! Since this is more likely than not the correct translation, how does this affect your belief about heaven and what was it that Jesus trying to relate to his followers?

Anyway that's what Jesus said too.
quinnsong, are your sources good?

The word near in the English translation of the scriptures comes from the Greek word Engiken. If we translate near into Hebrew we get karav which means "to be where something or someone is". Which I take to mean in the presence of right now!
The Kingdom of Heaven is more of a metaphor for individual enlightenment/ revelation than it is a place your soul goes after death.
The Kingdom of Heaven is more of a metaphor for individual enlightenment/ revelation than it is a place your soul goes after death.

Many Christians believe this is a future event in which Earth becomes literally like heaven,though. The translation I put forth would certainly question that!
This is the lesson of Zen as well, the more we seek for something, the further we push it away. How to seek for something that is so close if it were a snake it would have bit you!
Heaven on Earth…


Where in the Woe is Purgatory’s bane?
Purgatory’s on Venus, where sulfurs rain.

Where in the Heck is that deep Hell of pain?
Hell’s found in the sun’s heart, oh, hot burning pain!

Where in the name of Heaven is Paradisea?
Of Heaven’s site, no one has any idea—

Really now, where’s Heaven one and the same?
It’s the world’s best kept secret: Earth is its name!

Yes, that’s said, but truly, where is the stead…
I must tell of them that they’re only read…

…Of those places spent after we are dead?
…It’s written of words that language bred.

‘Twas hope-ward(s) that invented all that was said?
‘Twas these that were signed for anything Divine [“said”].
The word near in the English translation of the scriptures comes from the Greek word Engiken. If we translate near into Hebrew we get karav which means "to be where something or someone is". Which I take to mean in the presence of right now!

Something looks a little familiar Here . " To Be"
How I see it " The Kingdom of heaven is all about aspirations . We aspire to pick up the pennies that fall from heaven . Now with the way information banks are being broke open it is more like dollar bills falling from heaven So in that The Kingdom of heaven is at hand . Our Hands . The hands of the living for the dead have no stake in the living , Nor do the ones yet " To Be" . It is up to us for there are no others . There is us that have the hands to bring a better life for the future of humankind
Something looks a little familiar Here . " To Be"
How I see it " The Kingdom of heaven is all about aspirations . We aspire to pick up the pennies that fall from heaven . Now with the way information banks are being broke open it is more like dollar bills falling from heaven So in that The Kingdom of heaven is at hand . Our Hands . The hands of the living for the dead have no stake in the living , Nor do the ones yet " To Be" . It is up to us for there are no others . There is us that have the hands to bring a better life for the future of humankind

Thanks for putting in your two cent's worth, but it is only a penny for one's thoughts, so we'll keep the change.
If we use the Hebrew word karav for at hand , the verse translates to The Kingdom of Heaven is now not in the future as many Christians believe! Since this is more likely than not the correct translation, how does this affect your belief about heaven and what was it that Jesus trying to relate to his followers?

This generation shall not pass etc.

Yes. Archetypal Jesus was indicating that God's kingdom was in his day.

Let me give something that few want to answer.

I often ask this question of the following.
Is it cynicism or truth.


"It is demonstrable that things cannot be otherwise than as they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end.”

If things are the best they can be, then would that indicate that we are in God's kingdom?

I say yes. Not to a creator God doing anything but to nature working to evolve perfection to a higher state continuously.

Let me also give theists something to ponder.

If God is unchanging as many believe, then when exactly did the owner and king of all things, lose part of his kingdom?

When did the master of all, become the master of just some?

Answering these truthfully produce a catch 22 for theists.
