Killing Baby Hitler

Supposing there is a gene that makes you more likely to become a fascist, genocidal despot, what if it was linked to another gene? Perhaps anyone with any ambition would test positive for having authoritarian thought. What would happen when you started aborting every fetus with ambition?

I say let the chips fall where they may. When we start messing with our genetics, we'll unravel biological and existential problems that will steal our humanity away.

Here's a spiffy little test.
F for Fascist Test
Ambition and authoritarianism are not the same thing.

If we get rid of the feeble-minded and the immoral, we won't have a US government at all.
Hitler gave up art and took up politics, it would have been better just to tell him that he should use his creative vision of how he wants the world and put it to canvas.

He was a reasonable artist but insisted on drawing what he saw rather than using emotion or creativity.

That said he did desighn the voltswagen beetle and the autobahn system but he could have done so much more if he was pushed in the right direction.
I don't believe in rockin the boat even if i had a time machine, IBM was funded by the nazis and the race to decipher codes meant computers were used (enigma), i'm not even sure the silicon chip would exist now let alone computers.
And we might not have bothered with nuclear weapons, no nuclear weapons and you get lots of little wars turning into big conventional wars anyway hence no WWIII as we have the bomb.

My grandparents never would have met so i (and a lot of other people i would think)
would not exist.

The bush familys fortune is supposedly because prescott bush funded the nazi party in the 1930's so who knows where we'd be at today, theres so many things that came out of WWII that it was probably a good thing.

Maybe WW2 would have happened without hitler, all i know is the current world you live in is the way it is because of the past, change anything and you change everything and possibly not for the better.
is the 'better the devil you know' argument right though? If you had the power to change the course of history, wouldnt you be more hopeful knowing that countries wouldn't be plunged into bloody war for years because you had personally taken out the main player? Wouldn't you just want to see what such a future might hold? Just out of curiousity?


Nah, I'm pretty ok with the way human history has gone. Besides, knowing human nature, bloody conflict is pretty much unavoidable. We like it too damned much.
c20H25N3o said:
is the 'better the devil you know' argument right though? If you had the power to change the course of history, wouldnt you be more hopeful knowing that countries wouldn't be plunged into bloody war for years because you had personally taken out the main player? Wouldn't you just want to see what such a future might hold? Just out of curiousity?



You can work out alternate historys without a time machine, it just requires alot of work and speculation, maybe a computer might be able to work it out for you one day.

I believe computers will become powerful enough that one day you will not need time travel to visit the past, you will have simulations that may also be able to display alternate events.
You can work out alternate historys without a time machine, it just requires alot of work and speculation, maybe a computer might be able to work it out for you one day.

Lacking that, there's always Harry Turtledove...

I got 3.9, but it varies for me depending on my mood.

You're .07 pts away from being a liberal airhead, Hapsburg.
My score suggests i am far right wing, which may make some sense as i WAS a member of a small fringe political party in the UK, the British National Party.

Although i do not agree with them all that much on racial issues, depends what people mean by racist, if you are a racist for being anti-immigration and believing everyone should stay out of each others business country wise then yeah.
I could be anti-muslim but im anti-all religion inc christianity (another thing me and the party do not agree on).

They are also against homosexuals, i do not really agree with that either.

When you vote for or join any party it is because you agree with most of the things they say and prefer them to the opposition, does not mean you have to agree with everything.
Unfortunatly if a party comes to power you have to go along with the things you disagreed with, the aims of members is to change the party somewhat within but it is difficult because they are only interested in their own personal opinions, a manifesto gets written and it automatically becomes a kind of law within the party of what occurs if they come to power, for the most part is was ok but it's who takes over the party in the future and what they might do to enforce the rule book can be a problem.
Hence why i do not bother with them now (except visit their website) , but i do swing that way so to speak.
Roman said:
I got 3.9, but it varies for me depending on my mood.

You're .07 pts away from being a liberal airhead, Hapsburg.
I should've gotten those 0.7 pts, too.
I am a liberal airhead, I talk too much, both on the 'net and in real life. :D