Killing Baby Hitler


Shiny Heart of a Shiny Child
Registered Senior Member
Let's say that genetic research becomes so advanced that it is able to predict psychological traits in humans from the moment they are born to a 99.9% degree of accuracy independant of external influences.

If you were in a position of authority and Adolf Hitler's DNA results were sent to you for review a couple of day's after he was born, stating that all evidence suggests a genocidal maniac in the making, would you order the termination of that baby?


you are asking this question from an unprovable premise.....tat our genes determine what we will become. you should read The Gene Illusion

Also, may i add, tyrants are not alone in evil, many people prop them up, and vite them in, and support them by succumbing to their propaganda. so he situation is far more complex than your simplistic question allows for
Just because the genes are the same doesn't mean that the human will develop into the same person they came from. A different time and surroundings will really alter the way anyone will become.

If its the same gene, it won't be the same being!
Hi duendy,

I agree with you regarding the method for detection and I will probably look up The Gene illusion, however the purpose of the thread is to determine whether with hindsight, people would ( or could ) kill a baby 'suspected' (99.9%) of having the capacity and will to commit great evil.
I could have used a kind of time machine scenario but the DNA one was easier to spit off the top of my head.
Sure tyrants are not alone in evil but they are the body that their allies gravitate towards.

So ...

If you could be presented with evidence (no matter how fictional for the purposes of this discussion) that determined there was a 99.9% probability that this person was going to be the active force for evil, would that level of surity be enough to terminate the life?


c20H25N3o said:
If you could be presented with evidence (no matter how fictional for the purposes of this discussion) that determined there was a 99.9% probability that this person was going to be the active force for evil, would that level of surity be enough to terminate the life?

The scenario is unrealistic as it assumes that ONE person can do so much harm, all by himself.

If there weren't so many OTHER people who ALSO thought like Hitler, people who ALSO pursued particular national-socialistic values, National-socialism would not take root.

You know, Hitler didn't go personally to each and every person in Germany, and put a gun to their head and told them to follow him, or he will shoot them.
kenworth said:
hitler ruined the moustache for everyone.

Know something? Hitler had his hair parted from right to left. I have a whirl on my scalp, so that my hair naturally parts from right to left.
My mother used to comb my hair from left to right, because from right to left, it is Hitler's way ... and my grandma made fun of me when I had it from right to left, saying I looked like Hitler. And I had long hair.
water said:
Know something? Hitler had his hair parted from right to left. I have a whirl on my scalp, so that my hair naturally parts from right to left.
My mother used to comb my hair from left to right, because from right to left, it is Hitler's way ... and my grandma made fun of me when I had it from right to left, saying I looked like Hitler. And I had long hair. that you mention it it does feel weird to have it right to left.side partings arent really good for much tho.
c20H25N3o said:
Let's say that genetic research becomes so advanced that it is able to predict psychological traits in humans from the moment they are born to a 99.9% degree of accuracy independant of external influences.

If you were in a position of authority and Adolf Hitler's DNA results were sent to you for review a couple of day's after he was born, stating that all evidence suggests a genocidal maniac in the making, would you order the termination of that baby?


Yes. Hitler or anyone related to him should be eliminated, to stop any possibility of the man ever existing again, ever, in any way, shape, or form.
c20H25N3o said:
Let's say that genetic research becomes so advanced that it is able to predict psychological traits in humans from the moment they are born to a 99.9% degree of accuracy independant of external influences.

If you were in a position of authority and Adolf Hitler's DNA results were sent to you for review a couple of day's after he was born, stating that all evidence suggests a genocidal maniac in the making, would you order the termination of that baby?



Maybe a way of stating this without being so ridiculously in the camp of nature over nurture would be "Imagine that it is 1900 and you can look into a crystal ball, and see that baby Hitler will one day be a genocidal dictator. Would you kill him now?" Slightly different question, I know, but similar.
c20H25N3o said:
Hi duendy,

I agree with you regarding the method for detection and I will probably look up The Gene illusion, however the purpose of the thread is to determine whether with hindsight, people would ( or could ) kill a baby 'suspected' (99.9%) of having the capacity and will to commit great evil.
I could have used a kind of time machine scenario but the DNA one was easier to spit off the top of my head.
Sure tyrants are not alone in evil but they are the body that their allies gravitate towards.

So ...

me::Not really. i dont see tyrants just coming out of the blue and acting as some kind of atractor for others. te SOIL i all around which grows them!....blaming tyrants soley for evil is passing the buck. scapegoating

If you could be presented with evidence (no matter how fictional for the purposes of this discussion) that determined there was a 99.9% probability that this person was going to be the active force for evil, would that level of surity be enough to terminate the life?


it's pointless---wit resppec--cause you question is deterministic. the asking of is and exploring within te confines of your preconception binds us TO that pre-conception
duendy said:
it's pointless---wit resppec--cause you question is deterministic. the asking of is and exploring within te confines of your preconception binds us TO that pre-conception

But it was Hitler who some people followed. Everyone else grew in the same soil as you put it and not everyone thought that ethnic cleansing was the right way, so there must have been something different about Hitler's makeup.
Anyway, this was not posted in the Biology and Genetics forum not least of all because I understand very little of it (as I have proved :) ).

Forget Baby Hitler and examine a Hitler contemplating ethnic cleansing on a mass scale. You see that he means to carry out a set of plans designed to ethnically cleanse but as yet he has not actually done anthing about it.

You are in the unique opportunity of making the choice to let him live or die before he has a chance to carry out his plans. Ethically speaking, would it be right to terminate someone's life because of their intentions independant of the fact that no actions have been witnessed?

This is pertninent in light of Britains decision to lock people up if they 'glorify' terrorism irrespective of any evidence to suggest that they might actually comit acts of terrorism.

My initial question was ill thought out and you pointed out the flaws very eloquently. I am solely interested in whether justice should be carried out on a hunch if that hunch is 99.9% a surity.


After world war one, the conditions in Germans were right for fascism to take place and if hitler had been killer perhaps someone else would have led the nazi party to control Germany. And this person may have been more succesfull and won world war 2. Then where would we be

Stick to the devil you know
c20H25N3o said:
But it was Hitler who some people followed. Everyone else grew in the same soil as you put it and not everyone thought that ethnic cleansing was the right way, so there must have been something different about Hitler's makeup.
Anyway, this was not posted in the Biology and Genetics forum not least of all because I understand very little of it (as I have proved :) ).

me:: no, look. the conditions for fascism didn't just begin with hitler, or even nazi Germany, they have a long long history......this is why we see the pattern of the riseof tyrants the world over. why? cause asi am alcaming the soil is right for them to pop up. so its not just A oneperson you ca safely point the finger at. rather look at the soil--the paradgm

Forget Baby Hitler and examine a Hitler contemplating ethnic cleansing on a mass scale. You see that he means to carry out a set of plans designed to ethnically cleanse but as yet he has not actually done anthing about it.

me:: as far as i know--like other tyrantslike Blair and Bush, what they d is larn hypnotizing techniques and propaganda techniques to further rteir charisma. forexample Blair is very fluent in neuro linguistic programming techniques
it is thus rather wise we study about that so asnot to GET hypnotized by it dont ya think?

You are in the unique opportunity of making the choice to let him live or die before he has a chance to carry out his plans. Ethically speaking, would it be right to terminate someone's life because of their intentions independant of the fact that no actions have been witnessed?

me:: asi keep saying. kill him/her...another will spring up. like the mythic creature-the many headed Hydra, who grew a new head everytime one was chopped off. that myth is telling us summat. that w must look deeper

This is pertninent in light of Britains decision to lock people up if they 'glorify' terrorism irrespective of any evidence to suggest that they might actually comit acts of terrorism.

me:: oh i see where yer comin from now.
itis a fukin crime that they are ridding us of our rights. it is fasicsm. exactly the same as what the nazis did.
And the real evil is is that it is the STATE who is BEHIND the terrorism!....all this disgusting behaviour of taking away popls rights is coming closer ad closer to everyone. that'w why we gotta wake up quick

My initial question was ill thought out and you pointed out the flaws very eloquently. I am solely interested in whether justice should be carried out on a hunch if that hunch is 99.9% a surity.

me:: and who is 'hunching'??.....the abuse os such power is known from history and the present time. we had laws to forbid te abuse--somewhat, and seehow Bush and Blair have/are dismantling these rights!


hey i dont agree that peoples genes tell you what they will become people can choose there own path,

BUT people none of you even said what you would do, just take this thread less serious for a change and see it as a hyperthetical non serious question please,

i know im not going to answer the question either so i contradict myself but i just want people to lighten up a tad.
Hapsburg said:
Yes. Hitler or anyone related to him should be eliminated, to stop any possibility of the man ever existing again, ever, in any way, shape, or form.

empty force of chi,read the thread.
c20H25N3o said:
If you were in a position of authority and Adolf Hitler's DNA results were sent to you for review a couple of day's after he was born, stating that all evidence suggests a genocidal maniac in the making, would you order the termination of that baby?

What if the indicators showed Hitler's creative tendencies ?

He might well look like a "keeper" !

He did, after all, try his hand at painting before dabbling in politics.

We all know after the fact that he became a "genocidal maniac", but if he'd been able to squeak by and get ito that Art Academy, we might instead be discussing his choice of subject matter, techniques of composition ,and use of color...
Hitler was a creative genius. Unfortunately, like most creative geniuses find out, he had to sell out to rise to power. Incrementally the powers that govern internationally coopted his programs and took them much further than a sane person would have.

Taking away creative genius isn't going to stop crap like that. Hitler didn't run his own program. He was used. At best we take away people who can inspire a nation and substitute mediocrity, but mediocrity is what did Germany in. Most of the geniuses left. For obvious reasons Hitler couldn't.