Killed for not being Christian


Deus Ex Machina
Registered Senior Member
Man shot and killed for non-belief
October, 2004

An argument over the existence of God led to the murder of a Detroit-area non-believer.

According to an Oct. 18 report in the Community edition of the Detroit Free Press, a 49-year-old man shot another man with a revolver and a shotgun because the victim didn't believe in God.

The incident occurred in a suburb of Detroit, Mich. According to the Free Press, the shooter told police he was an Eagle Scout. Just before the shooting, the 62-year-old victim reportedly told the shooter there was nothing that could make him believe in God.

When the shooter asked the victim how long it would take him to believe in God, the victim responded: "Not until I hear Gabriel blow his horn." The victim then tipped his hat, and the shooter opened fire.

"I did it because he is evil; he was not a believer," the suspect told police.

At the police station, the shooter said he believed there is a God. Then he said, "Maybe there's not."


I just saw this. What always amazes me about these stories is the bias in the media coverage (or lack thereof). This appears to be a rather obscure story. However, had the shooter been Muslim and the victim Christian the media frenzy would have been daunting. Or, worse yet, imagine had the shooter been the atheist. What a field day the talking heads could have had on CNN or FOX news. You *know* its true, if it was a Christian shot by any non-Christian, the media would have been all over it.
c20H25N3o said:
Terrible tragedy. For both of the people involved.

Let's compare to:
God hates wickedness and I am glad He kills the unrepentant. I do not want them anywhere near me or mine. You are glad are you not when murderers found in your neigbourhood are removed from your presence? You are glad because your children are safer? What if whole nations were filled with wickedness? How do you find a prison big enough for them? You do not. You exterminate them. God cannot live with inequity. If you say God is wicked for removing the wicked from the land how stupid are you? I know to keep my mouth shut.



Talk about being a hypocrite..
§outh§tar said:
Let's compare to:

Talk about being a hypocrite..

My point is that no man has the right to condemn another to death by his own mortal hand. Only God has the right to decide because it is His creation. If we live by the sword we die by the sword. It does not matter how frustrated we Christians become with unbelief and wickedness, it is not up to us to take the matter into our own hands. To do so is to distrust the one we hold dear to. We are not to save ourselves but instead trust that we are saved. As it is written "Do not fear those who can hurt the body and do no more."
I was asked to speak on why God judged the wicked and punished them. I said that He was just to do so because they were unrepentant. The chap who killed the unbeliever thought he had the right to play God which none of us do. That man will now go to prison for a very long time and deservedly so. Maybe he will learn his lesson in prison i.e. that he must not assume the will of God but rather say "Not my will be done but your will be done" and then walk humbly with his God as he is instructed to do.
It seems a cheap shot to yoke all believers with the first murderers you can find. No wonder the people of the day yelled for Barrabus to be freed in place of Jesus. How little they understood of the grace that was being shown them and no wonder when they looked upon Him who they had pierced did one say "Surely He was the Son of God". When all is said and done, when you have a dead body in front of you, a death that you yourself approved of, it really is a reminder that you yourself are mortal. What is the judgement against that which approved of another man's death since all men have sinned? Now you may say to me "But you approved of God killing the unrepentant, so you are a hypocrite!" but I say to you that if God Himself did not do a little cleaning up, the righteous would be calling out to Him for justice as their children are dragged off to be raped and their homelands are destroyed and as their loved ones fall by the sword, as the strong of the land persecute the weak of the land claiming genetic superiority.
But God is just and has provided a way for all men to be saved that no accusation may be laid upon Him. Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life and no one may come to the Father other than through me"
Those who trust in Jesus who is alive and sits at the right hand side of God, will be saved. Those who do not are perishing already having rejected the Life. There is no need to take a sword to those. Their unbelief is their own worst enemy. It is why we speak of the good news of the gospel so that no man may be lost. This is why we speak of our faith. That it may be understood and believed.


To be honest im not surprised, its indoctrinated into christians that non-believers are evil, and must be converted, so this sort of thing is inevitable, what more can be said?
Lemming3k said:
To be honest im not surprised, its indoctrinated into christians that non-believers are evil, and must be converted, so this sort of thing is inevitable, what more can be said?

Actually Christians believe that no one is good and that only God is good. When a Christian hears unbelief it does pain the Christian because they were once unbelieving too and it allows them to see how merciful God was to them. They have found an oasis in the desert and wish to tell other people thirsting that it is there too. It is hard for the Christian to accept the words of the unbeliever when they say they have no need of the water that has been found because they cannot imagine being in the unbelieving state again. The Christian also once said "I am not thirsty for God's love", but when God showed his unending grace and mercy to them when they asked for a cup of water, it became glaringly apparent to the Christian just how thirsty they truly were after the first sip.


I see an extremely slippery slope here c20 and you are on it. The problem is once you start labeling non-believers as wicked or unrepentant and saying that your (believers) supreme leader hates them then the rest just follows whether you think it should or not. You can't explain away your post cited by southstar, in my estimation THAT is bitter and embodies evil. As a non-believer I harbor no such wish for eternal damnation for any other human being believing or non. I wish to see justice for criminals but don't hold out for any god to devise a more wicked and cunning punishment than any human being can even imagine (who could do something like that but an evil man?)

PS I am not thirsting and I am not evil, I have tasted christian faith and jesus' love etc. and it left a sour taste in my mouth.
what the f*@# does being thirsty and belief in god have in common.
that comparsion is the most stupid yet.
nobodys will say I dont need the water, but they will say I dont need you fantasies, ones is a definite need, the others not.

talk sense please, oh how stupid of me you cant, well you have'nt done yet.
the preacher said:
what the f*@# does being thirsty and belief in god have in common.
that comparsion is the most stupid yet.
nobodys will say I dont need the water, but they will say I dont need you fantasies, ones is a definite need, the others not.

talk sense please, oh how stupid of me you cant, well you have'nt done yet.

I am talking about thirsting for God's love. At one time I was very rich and needed nothing at all. If someone had said I needed God's love then I would have called them a fantasist too. But I was not happy with all my riches. I was never content, always striving to fulfill some selfish ambition or other to increase my wealth. The richer I became the more despondant I became and I fell into a life of drug abuse to patch up the feelings of utter despondancy. It very nearly took me to my grave as I was desperately suicidal. It was in this state that a couple of Christians reached out to me and told me I needed to know God's love. I was very sceptical but the look of contentment in their faces was undeniable and I knew it was that that I had been searching for. So I went along with them to a Worship Group where I was essentially bored and dissapointed that God was not there handing me happiness on a plate. Then they asked if they could pray with me and I said 'Yes'. They did and I said from my heart "Jesus if you are there, you know I am a wreck and you know that all I want is peace. Take all my doubts away and show me yourself."
The next thing I know is that I am falling backwards and being caught and laid gently to the ground. Some force is ripping through my entire being, healing me and whispering to me that I am being washed in blood, purified by the blood." I had no idea what this meant. I had no understanding of Christian theology at all at the time that this happened. I just knew that I had been shown who He was and my God was He beautiful. That Spirit has never left me and I thank God and Jesus for it every day because I am now content. I no longer thirst for God's love because my cup overfloweth with it.
I cannot deny what has happened to me anymore than Saul/Paul could deny what happened to him on the road to Damascus.
I cannot believe that God showed me His Spirit just because I asked but He did and it was much more Holy and precious than I ever could have realised at the time of asking. It is salvation. Eternal life as a free gift.


the preacher said:
amen to that, I say amen to that c20, and gawd took the heathen and made him a believer Hallelujah, I say Hallelujah. you've been watching amen tv again.
heres a nice little thread to check out.
you got conned, all we've ever asked is you keep you preaching to yourself.

Mock all you want. You do not even know me and I do not know you.

At the police station, the shooter said he believed there is a God. Then he said, "Maybe there's not."

By his own mouth "maybe there is not" Just goes to show you that this man was never a Christian. Oh he definitely was religious but never a follower of the Messiah Jesus.

This man has done a despicable act of evil. He has killed a non-believer it would be far better if he had killed a true follower of Jesus then killed a non-believer then both would still have hope. That’s why Jesus told us to love our enemy and not to resist an evil person. Where there is life there is hope, That poor man died in unbelief, what a terrible thing.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Actually Christians believe that no one is good and that only God is good.
Then dont you all go to hell? I've spoken to many different christians and they all give different views on this, do you go to hell for being bad or for not believing in god?

That’s why Jesus told us to love our enemy and not to resist an evil person.
Who decides what makes an evil person?

That poor man died in unbelief, what a terrible thing.
Whats so terrible about it adstar? That he didnt believe or that he died for it?
Well hey, Jesus says in a parable in Luke 19:27 to kill disbelievers! Look it up, its a pretty clear passage. And if that passage is ''wrong'' or ''out of context'' then how dare they try to quote any other passages? And if it is ''right'' -- then it shows pretty clearly that any arguments from Christians about how brutal Islam is, are quite hypocritical.
Gravity said:
Well hey, Jesus says in a parable in Luke 19:27 to kill disbelievers! Look it up, its a pretty clear passage. And if that passage is ''wrong'' or ''out of context'' then how dare they try to quote any other passages? And if it is ''right'' -- then it shows pretty clearly that any arguments from Christians about how brutal Islam is, are quite hypocritical.

The one who has a right to kill that unfaithful servant is not the other faithful servants who have no right over the master's property but rather the master of that unfaithful servant i.e. The Creator of all that there is.
When we do nothing with the love that we are shown and turn round to God at the end of the day and say 'Well I did not show anyone any love because I knew you were an evil God who just kills people" what is that master supposed to do? Look how that same master rewarded the faithful servants.

This parable of Jesus was to explain His words about how much will be given to those who have a lot (of love to give) and how those who show no love for what they have been given will have even the little bit they have taken away from them because they have proved to be untrustworthy.

But you know this is the true meaning Gravity. It is good of you to test our bible knowledge in this way. It is excellent to be forced to interpret parables for your sake. I thoroughly enjoy it.


BS, c20 - the passage says: "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay [them] before me."

You can gussy it up anyway you want, but its like putting lipstick on a pig. The fact remains that you interpret as best suits you. You'll take a passage word for word if it fits your view of how it *should* be, or throw a BS backstory explaination on it if you don't like the literal reading.

And, you are arrogant enough to think that its YOU who should be "forced to interpret parables".

David Koresh, The 9/11 Pilots, The Spanish Inquisitions (and millions more events in history) each justified by people using their interpretations of their holy book.
Gravity said:
BS, c20 - the passage says: "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay [them] before me."

You can gussy it up anyway you want, but its like putting lipstick on a pig. The fact remains that you interpret as best suits you. You'll take a passage word for word if it fits your view of how it *should* be, or throw a BS backstory explaination on it if you don't like the literal reading.

And, you are arrogant enough to think that its YOU who should be "forced to interpret parables".

David Koresh, The 9/11 Pilots, The Spanish Inquisitions (and millions more events in history) each justified by people using their interpretations of their holy book.

It was a parable Gravity. Judge me by my actions anyway, do you see me killing anyone? I have no intention of doing so and I really dont appreciate being yoked to murderers and terrorists but if it adds weight to your argument then whatever.


c20 you caused the connection yourself, with your statements. would you like me to reprint them again. it does'nt add weight, it is the argument