Kill All Muslims !!!

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Shield of Islam
Registered Senior Member

(WASHINGTON, D.C., CAIR) - The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today called for the termination of a Boston-area radio talk show host who allegedly said, "Let's kill all Muslims."

CAIR made that demand after receiving a complaint from a concerned Muslim
who heard WTKK-FM ( host Jay Severin's thursday afternoon program. WTKK-FM General Manager Matt Mills told CAIR that in a discussion about how Severin claims Muslims want to take over america, even if it takes centuries, Severin said, "I've got an idea, let's kill all Muslims."

"I have spoken to Jay Severin and he knows we take this seriously and do not condone offensive remarks toward any religious groups and he will be apologizing on his show Monday afternoon," said Mills in an e-mail. "He did not intend to offend anyone."

Yet, Mills also acknowledged to CAIR that if Severin had said the same thing about African-Americans that he would no longer be on the air.

CAIR Chairman Omar Ahmad said: "We believe a mere reprimand and apology is insufficient and demand that he be taken off the air as he would be if he had attacked any other religious or ethnic group."

Ahmad added that such hateful rhetoric has a direct impact on the American
Muslim community. He cited examples of anti-Muslim incidents that took place recently in Texas, such as a shooting at a Denton mosque, an e- mailed threat against the Islamic Center of El Paso (authorities made an arrest in this case today), arson attacks on Muslim businesses in San Antonio and racist graffiti scrawled on the interior of a Lubbock mosque.

The alarming increase of hate crimes against the Muslim community required
CAIR today to issue a security advisory for American Muslims called The "Muslim Community Safety Kit" booklet, designed to help local Islamic leaders protect institutions and individuals.

Last week, CAIR announced a new campaign designed to counter anti-Muslim
hate on radio talk shows. The campaign, called "Hate Hurts America," is
based on the premise that the increasing attacks on Islam by talk show
hosts harm the United States by creating a downward spiral of interfaith
mistrust and hostility.

Comments: Imagine if this radio host said KILL ALL JEWS !! I am sure the whole Radio will be closed down !!!!

Hate and Islamophobia is the new disease sweeping the west nowadays, very sad !!!
that is an outrageous statement for any one to make all life is sacred

but dont forget someone said that about the jews over sixty years ago

Hate and Islamophobia is the new disease sweeping the west nowadays, very sad !!! (you are tarring yourself with the same brush be carefull, (breaching hate about other religions))
It is very interesting that so far those who responded did not condemn what this Radio host said !!!

This is another proof of my comment about the hate and the Islamophobia sweeping the west nowadays.

You act like none of us have muslim friends and we'd all just go along with it, and most of us have learned not to take a lot of notice of radio hosts, by the way it may just be a publicity stunt/joke, and by the way read the first two lines of your post, somebodies dealing with it so if your looking for someone to condemn it its in your first two lines.
I am still waiting to hear people here condeming this hateful remarks ! but it seems the silence of the majority here means they somehow agree with the statement !!

Kill all the Blacks!
Kill all the Jews!
Kill all the Christians!
Kill all the Atheists!
Kill all the one-eyed lithuanian non-conformist frogs that go 'blort'!

Free speech is just the damndest thing aint it?
"I am still waiting to hear people here condeming this hateful remarks ! but it seems the silence of the majority here means they somehow agree with the statement !!"

PM, maybe you should actually read the thread, or ill just quote something

"that is an outrageous statement for any one to make all life is sacred"

secondly, did I say that we should kill all Muslims??? NO!!!, so dont attack me about it, if you actually want to make things better, find out this radio guys address and send him a letter
Crunchy Cat said:
Kill all the Blacks!
Kill all the Jews!
Kill all the Christians!
Kill all the Atheists!
Kill all the one-eyed lithuanian non-conformist frogs that go 'blort'!

Free speech is just the damndest thing aint it?

If racism is FREE SPEECH, then to hell with your free speech.
Proud_Muslim said:
If racism is FREE SPEECH, then to hell with your free speech.
If this was the case you would be forced to keep your mouth shut 70% of the time here
Kill all bastards!

Kill all bastards!
Kill all bastards!
Kill all bastards!
Kill all bastards!
Kick them in the head.

(Flotsam and Jetsam)​

Proud Muslim

I would recommend that you make the concession of cutting the length of your citations. This will help make it more apparent when people go out of their way to call a thread something it's not.


I disagree. The two lines of commentary are generally sufficient.

In General

"It is very interesting that so far those who responded did not condemn what this Radio host said."

On the one hand I would be disappointed in the lack of condemnation. But, as an American, I'm live in a nation that is so hung up on identity politics that my neighbors by and large won't be happy until Muslims stop being Muslims.

To the other, I'm also aware that both "land of the free" and "home of the brave" are reasonably sickening jokes about the United States right now. So the cowardice of the response is right on par with what Americans seem determined to stand for.

Given his resume, Severin should know better. He should be fired. But then again, some people view Howard Stern's fancy for making light of sexual assault as good broadcasting, so I'm of the opinion that Severin's stupidity is reflective of the American culture right now.

On the other hand, CAIR is being oversensitive. The Council on American-Islamic Relations ought to know by now that Americans are so superficial, so unwilling to be sincere, that something like Severin's suggestion should be ignored.

See, the thing is that Americans are determined to hate all sorts of things until you make them popular. If you really want to break the American hatred of Muslims, they need a more attractive Arabic representative on the silver screen than Hollywood can provide. Seriously, Grant Heslov is who most people think of when "Arabic actor" comes to mind. (He played "Faisal" in Schwarzeneggar's True Lies.) Get an Arabic hunk into the media. Brad Pitt does Troy? I'm telling you, a quarter-billion dollar movie called Fitnah starring some Arabic boy-toy would bring in the receipts worldwide as well as warm America's heart by virtue of melting its thighs.

Oh ... yeah. Something about not selling out values.

Bring me Baghdad's Freddie Prinze, Jr. Now that is a great strategy. Aim sort-of at the teen girls, but actually get a star that, like Freddie Prinze, turns up in pinup form in the cubicles of many gay men everywhere. (I don't get it, myself.) Now ... the thing is that even the girls who didn't like FPj decided to like FPj after they realized that women had to compete with gay men in lusting after Freddie Prinze, Jr. It's the strangest thing. Gays are popular right now, so what the queer likes, we're all supposed to like. Or, something. Between pop music, interior decorating, and Broadway, however, I don't think the subservient relationship of pop culture to gay men is any real surprise. But ... if the gay men like it, the rest of the country will follow. Because women like gay men, and the straight men like their women. Seriously, the way to this country's heart is either through the thighs of our women or up the asses of our gay men. Take your choice, but yes ... Americans are so superficial that a six-foot, stacked-and-ripped Arabic action star fighting for untruth, injustice, and the rest of the American way, or else a sensitive hearthrob on the silver screen will actually change people's fundamental perceptions of their Arab neighbors.

Admittedly, that would explain the jet airplanes.

But no amount of logic will change that American superficiality, and trying to bomb it out of us only seems to make the problem worse. Of course, we're a post-Christian nation, and it's largely in Christianity's interest to work toward the end of the world. Old habits die hard.

That, admittedly, explains Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson.
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You could try learning to read, Monkey.

Which lines are those?

Well ... there's these:

Comments: Imagine if this radio host said KILL ALL JEWS !! I am sure the whole Radio will be closed down !!!!

Hate and Islamophobia is the new disease sweeping the west nowadays, very sad !!!

• Minimal, perhaps. But sufficient.
• The issues contained in those lines are valid.
• Perhaps the boldfaced word Comments slipped by you.

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Many good points, however I note that you didn't condemn the statement either. Just an observation. I'm sure it was an oversight.

Proud Muslim,

What the guy said was stupid and wrong. I am not familiar with his radio show, but I imagine that he is a Howard Stern wannabe. After 9/11 Stern became the most blatant anti-muslim person I think I've ever heard. I am sure that he's made that very same comment more than once. I got tired of listening to his right wing crap and stopped listening to him for the most part.

I know that New Yorkers were outraged (and rightly so) after 9/11. They started to lash out at anyone and anything that they felt was connected to it in anyway. I imagine that the sentiment is similar in Washington D.C. as it too was targetted.

I would like to add that the DJ you were talking about did apologize (or at least said he was going to, not sure if he did or not) and I'm sure that if he says it again the response will be more extreme. I think he should have been fired, at the least he should have been severely fined for his words. Saying things like that is all some people, who are on the edge of sanity to begin with, need to start a killing spree.

Now, are there any muslim radio or tv personalities who have said "Kill all Americans" that you might wish to apologize for? Since we must apologize for our idiots, it is only fair that you apologize for yours.
I didn't think it was that hard to figure out, Spurious.

Spuriousmonkey said:
propaganda thread:

Ban PM
Move thread to cesspool.

Now ... would you care to enlighten me, please, insofar as what the hell was so hard to figure out about that?

Just because Arabs aren't worth enough in your eyes to grant human rights--e.g. free speech--doesn't mean your attitude problem should extend so far.

I mean, on the one hand, you don't even know what PM wrote that you're complaining about. To the other, you don't even know what you wrote.

So here's a nickel's worth of free advice for you, bigot: Get off the hate train. It's a dead-end ride.
Many good points, however I note that you didn't condemn the statement either. Just an observation. I'm sure it was an oversight.
Which statement am I supposed to be condemning?

The one about killing all Muslims that I called "stupidity," and noted that the guy should have known better than to say, and that he should be fired for saying?
tiassa said:
Now ... would you care to enlighten me, please, insofar as what the hell was so hard to figure out about that?

Sure: I'm not a mindreader.

tiassa said:
Just because Arabs aren't worth enough in your eyes to grant human rights--e.g. free speech--doesn't mean your attitude problem should extend so far.

Where did I state that?

tiassa said:
I mean, on the one hand, you don't even know what PM wrote that you're complaining about. To the other, you don't even know what you wrote.

PM didn't write anything. He copied and pasted a story.

tiassa said:
So here's a nickel's worth of free advice for you, bigot: Get off the hate train. It's a dead-end ride.

Did you know that there are no trains in Uruguay?

Ok, I guess you're right. I was looking for a more out and out it was wrong. You do say he should have been fired and then you mention Severin's stupidity, so I'll accept that.

Sorry to be a nitpicker.
Such statements by the radio presenter should have resulted in immediate dismissal. What he said was not only inflammatory, but also could result in the die hard fans out there who do not know right from wrong and who dote on every word to go out and commit the act. His comments added further instability to an already unstable relationship between the West and Muslims.

Tiassa said:
So here's a nickel's worth of free advice for you, bigot: Get off the hate train. It's a dead-end ride.
That advice should also apply to PM, don't you think? Especially seeing some of the statements he's been coming out with of late. In fact, it's advice that should apply to everyone.
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