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"Many 14 yr old girls could conceive and carry a baby. That doesnt mean itis okay for a 50 yr old man to have sex with them. clearly such a man would be taking adbvantage of the youth and inexperience of the child and also not giving a damn about f$%#g with her mind and emotions whih are still developing into the person she will one day be.

That's not clear at all. You have absolutely no argument backing up your assertions."

It is clear from my experience as a teacher who works with fourteen year old girls daily and is aware of what they are like and their level of development. It is an experience based argument.

"my robots"
Damn, I'm sure they wouldn't be any better than mine. :)

The stuff you said about choosing the people you fuck.

Oh good, I am glad you choose wisely and doint just choose anyone. Dont think i said anything to indicate it was otherwise for myself did i? Infact, im longtrem married and only choose one person at the moment. :)
It is clear from my experience as a teacher who works with fourteen year old girls daily and is aware of what they are like and their level of development. It is an experience based argument.

You watch, patronize and pump their heads with the drivel the schools tell you to pump them full of - and you think you know what they are like?

Oh good, I am glad you choose wisely and doint just choose anyone. Dont think i said anything to indicate it was otherwise for myself did i? Infact, im longtrem married and only choose one person at the moment.

So thus trusting someone has absolutely nothing to do with whether you are fucking them, yes? Sex need not encompass something as dishonourable as trust. It is just sex. Get over it.
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The fact stands that some fourteen year olds are capable of giving informed consent and some eighteen year olds aren't. Nor is having sex some momentous event that will cause China to launch its nuclear arsenal against Russia if done wrong - it's just sex.

To label it "paedophilia" just because you find it distasteful dilutes efforts to prevent actual paedophilia by putting a fifteen year old fucking her fourteen year old boyfriend on the same level as an uncle who harms his twelve year old neice. Somehow, I see a world of difference between the two situations.
I see a world of difference in the two situations too xev, as i think u will see if u read what i have posted.

And no i dont treat the kids in my classes like you describe at all. I would think it wrong.