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what's wrong with having sex with underage kids?

there's a site i stumbled into recently (sorry, cant find the URL) that represents a society of adults who "love" children. they say they're not wild predators but gentle souls who wish to "take care" of kids.

i'm sure they think what they're doing, or want/attempting to do is moral. why are they wrong?

*disclaimer: if i ever got my hands on one of those f*ckers i'd tear off their heads. i just wanna see your objective opinions on this subject.
They are wrong because there is no informed consent from the children involved.
Originally posted by James R
They are wrong because there is no informed consent from the children involved.

WRONG James.

My four years old girl, would give consent to practically anything that would promise her a lolly pop. She would be quite informed and willing to engage in anything that resembels play. I heard about a down syndrom 22 year old girl who gave full consent to her boss at Kmart to have sex with her, because he convinced her that it was excercise. He told her that excercise is good for her and that all she needs to do is jump up and down 50 times while he couches her from underneath. Of course, cloth are not needed while excercising. This went on for two years and she even got pregnant, and as she was questioned on who had sex with her, she said noone, until oneday she was watching two making love on a TV show with her mom and she said, this is how I excercise with Mr. Y....
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But thats not informed consent, thats consent to something pretending to be something else that they know about.
Originally posted by guthrie
But thats not informed consent, thats consent to something pretending to be something else that they know about.

Tell that to the judge, because I didn't want to have sex with that bastard, but he told me that he loves me and wants to marry me and give me security. He lied to me and escaped instead. Should I take him to court for rape because he misinformed me about his intentions with me?

Think about it, it's not a consent issue, it's purely a moral issue supported by our current legal system. Our system is designed to help those that can't help themselves.....The gudge would dismiss my case though, because our courts don't protect the fools.
Originally posted by otheadp
what's wrong with having sex with underage kids?

It is considered morally wrong

there's a site i stumbled into recently (sorry, cant find the URL) that represents a society of adults who "love" children. they say they're not wild predators but gentle souls who wish to "take care" of kids.

These could be jaded adults with heavy mental issues who feel disenchantment with reality and relationships with adults so they resort back to love with childern...i guess they see their innocence in those kids......or maybe i am reading too much into this.

i'm sure they think what they're doing, or want/attempting to do is moral. why are they wrong?

Well obviously they find no fault in this but the question is does the child invloved truly knows what he/she is getting into. It may seem no harm to the child at that age but upon growing up they might hate themselves and express disgust at themselves. Some could be even maladaptive to themselves

or again i am reading too deep into this.
Your missing the point. The little girl cannot give informed consent to sex, becasue she doesnt know exactly what it involves, and the attendant potential impact on her life, in any way taht is likely. Thats why we have ages of consent. Whereas in your case, your presumably over the age of consent and therefore capable of exercising some sort of judgement on what was likely and not. It might be better if you could get him for breach of contract.
So you didnt want to, yet did? Whereas the little girl, doesnt know what sex is about, and is told its something completely different, therefore she is missing the informed bit.

You got the "consent" part, but you completely missed the "informed" part.

To be able to give informed consent to something, you need to understand what it is you are consenting to. A four year old child does not have a full understanding of the sexual act, and therefore is incapable of giving informed consent. Similarly, in your Downs syndrome example, there was no informed consent because the girl did not fully understand what she ws consenting to.
in other cultures and times girls would be married at 11 and have babies by 12, even today

it is/was not morally wrong in those societies
why did we (socieity) legally define the "correct"age at 18 when nature defined it at somewhere between 11 and 13 ?
another thing, re: down syndrome girl
how exactly was she hurt by this whole thing? (besides the pregnancy) i think she was having fun.
"in other cultures and times girls would be married at 11 and have babies by 12, even today

it is/was not morally wrong in those societies
why did we (socieity) legally define the "correct"age at 18 when nature defined it at somewhere between 11 and 13 ?"

Which correct age? Here you can have sex at 16. In I think Holland you can have sex at 12 or 13, if its with another child your own age. The laws were introduced precisely for the reasons given above, that hte 12 or 13 year old child, apart from often being unable to have children safely, waas also very easy to trick into promieses of marriage and jsut get dumped after sex. remember the value a girls virginity has. Moreover, you also dont want your daughter persuaded away from the family when she can still do work etc, and is still undergoing training, after all you want her to make a good marriage, not just waste herself on the first person to come along. So its a combination of concern for the girls wellbeing and for the families wellbeing, given the amount of effort that went into children in those days. Also you should bear in mind that children nowadays are reaching puberty earlier than before, thanks to more food and better nutrition. IN the old days I think it was more like 14 or so. In the UK, marriages at 12 or so were only carried out amongst the upper classes, if perhaps only royalty, for dynastic purposes. Everyone else was marrying more like their 20's. Enough time for them to get a handle on what theyre doing in life, what sex and emotions are about, etc etc. Whereas with a12 year old, unless theyve been brought up in a slum living off their wits, how much do you really expect them to be able to have knowing consent?
"another thing, re: down syndrome girl
how exactly was she hurt by this whole thing? (besides the pregnancy) i think she was having fun."

She likely was. It seems that she had no concept of sex and how it might affect her, therefore she was being taken advantage of. However, whether she enjoyed it all or not, you'd have to ask her. She might not have enjoyed the messier bits of childbirth though.
In different cultures maybe different ages of consent are appropriate as people grow up dfferently in different cultures.

that is no justification for abusing a child in our culture.

Children and young people are still growing and developing. I work closely with teenagers. i would say that girls under 17 in general are not old enough to give a true consent and boys at 18 are also unlikely to be able to give what i would call true consent.

That is to sex with an older person of either sex who has the social advantage of experience and being grown up, that means in any such sexual relationship there is a clear power disadvantage and clear potential for a more experienced person to abuse the trust placed in them by these young half-grown people.
According to Islamic scriptures Mohd married a 6 year old and had sex with her when she was 9 year old...I guess it depends on the society where you are brought up ...

Since now under pressure the age must have been raised ...also this raises the question of Circumcision of girls ... as Guys will have no problem with circumcision even if done without their consent at birth but for Girls it is losing their sexual response...

You can deform a child but you can not have sex with her without her consent... though both of them seems barbaric but still I would call them Double Standard:rolleyes:
We've had several discussions on age of consent in this forum, and I don't see this one going anywhere we haven't been before...

Anyway, It seems to me that it's inappropriate for adults to have sex with children before puberty, but past puberty, it seems like nature intended...

I'm not really attached to either side of this issue though...age of consent laws don't really bother me, but they do seem kind of pointless.
Originally posted by coolsoldier
We've had several discussions on age of consent in this forum, and I don't see this one going anywhere we haven't been before...

Anyway, It seems to me that it's inappropriate for adults to have sex with children before puberty, but past puberty, it seems like nature intended...

I'm not really attached to either side of this issue though...age of consent laws don't really bother me, but they do seem kind of pointless.

Well said. I exactly agree except that the laws annoy me a little as they seem to be a result of judeo christian psychological denial rather than good sense.
It's wrong to have sex with children let's say... under 13. It's ok, if the age difference is like.. 18-15, or 19-15, but 35-11 is sick :)
No, James has this one nailed and I'll take it a bit further. During your teen years, between 12 and around 18-19, you are also going through defiance and rebellion against your parents. Having sex is a GREAT way to rebel if your parents are very stern about not letting you do it.

In the end, the little teenyboppers did not think about what it was they were really doing and end up facing pregnancy and all the other consequences of an adult act. And yet, they wern't acting with the responsibility of adults in this particular example, but with the typical defiance of kids throwing a temper tantrum over a parents reproval.
I think something has been missed. It has been mentioned that children can give their consent, but children can also give their consent to smoke a cigarette, give their consent to drink a beer, or even give their consent to die for America. So why are the not allowed? Children are basically property until the age of 18, they are protected by law, but then again so is my car. So first of all, as another persons property they cannot legally give consent to do anything with out the consent of the owner (parents). It is then not legal with the consent of the parent (in most states) because as a person it requires their consent as well, but legally they are not considered mature enough to make such a decision. I am running into circular reasoning here...someone help.

- KitNyx
It's mostly an issue of personal maturity when a child is able to make informed decisions on their own. Some people never get to the point where they can make intelligent decisions, and some 12 year olds are perfectly capable of making informed decisions. Our society has apparently decided that people typically reach this level around 18-21 years old (I'm not sure if this is actually the case, it's an arbitrary legal distinction for the most part)

I should point out though, that making bad decisions is NOT synonymous with making uninformed decisions. It is entirely possible for a teenager to make an informed decision to be sexually deviant or rebellious -- and while in some situations that decision can be uninformed, it is entirely possible to make an informed, conscious decision that, in the eyes of those watching, is a bad decision. That fact alone does not make it an uninformed one.