Kazaa Turns The Table on RIAA/MPAA

When you obtain a patented, trade marked, or copyrighted piece of media, in ways that the owner, or holder of those rights has not agreed to, undermining their ownership of that piece of media, and completely ignoring any idea of mutual agreement for mutual benefit, then you are stealing, it's pretty simple.

These are things that are being offered for sale, when you take them without paying the price that the owner requests, then you are stealing.

Sneakily taking things that don't belong to you against the wishes of their rightful owners is theft, it's not that difficult a concept.
Then why don't they charge them with theft? As yet I've heard of no such case.

I'm talking about legality, not morality - does the US criminal code recognize file-sharing as theft in this context? I'm not sure that it does.
Undecided said:
I am just wondering but shouldn't these investigations be done by legal authorities not some vigilante corporations? Where is it in the law where it allows this to happen? I mean I could understand "Private Eyes", but they are merely presenting facts, here it seems to be much more overt, and even bullying. I am sorry but a for profit NGO doing this seems well beyond the grasp of the law.
Copyright violation is (usually) a civil crime. The entire point of civil law is that people enforce it by suing each other. The government never charges people with civil crimes; people charge each other with them, and are responsible for building and presenting their own cases.
This is all real interesting legal philosophizing and everything, but you're all missing the point of the lawsuit. The RIAA used a modified version of Kazza Lite to access the Kazza network and track down people who shared copyrighted music. The Kazza Lite program that they wee using is an unauthorized version of the original Kazza network utility that the people who own Kazza have forbidden from being used to access their network. This is why they are being sued; violation of the license agreement that people are required to accept before they using Kazza.
used a modified version on Kazza Lite to access the Kazza network
Ohhhhhhh.... I figured they just macroed Kazza.

They may have a case after all.