
IMO, humans always make decisions in the direction *greatest satisfaction*. Morals are the controls we have imposed on ourselves to draw a mental framework of the limits of *unrestricted freedom* of movement in the direction of greatest satisfaction.
I wonder if you realise how utterly detestable this particular point of view is.
there is nothing detestable about it. criticism is one thing. ignorant mocking off is another. we should be critical of religion. but creating dishonest strawman arguments to attack concepts one doesn't understand is not ok. its the difference between saying the catholic church needs to do more about child molestation and claiming all catholic priests are child rapists.
In this particular case, it's being used to justify fighting insult with insult. Which is a perfectly natural reaction, mind you... it only becomes disgusting when one uses religion as a pretext or excuse.
that is in no way shape or form my justification. i treat all ignorant bigots the way i'm treating birch.

Also, the three-fold law is not even an moral basis for karma anyways. Its selfish, unethical and/or exploitive. If i pay for one can of beans, i dont deserve two more for free
this is so mind boggling ignorant and stupid. this is an epically bad strawman argument
there is nothing detestable about it. criticism is one thing. ignorant mocking off is another. we should be critical of religion. but creating dishonest strawman arguments to attack concepts one doesn't understand is not ok. its the difference between saying the catholic church needs to do more about child molestation and claiming all catholic priests are child rapists.

that is in no way shape or form my justification. i treat all ignorant bigots the way i'm treating birch.

this is so mind boggling ignorant and stupid. this is an epically bad strawman argument
how typical-- elementary minded whining, that is massively insignificant to the actual conversation.. congratulations. :) (shakes head)
simply cease the whining that you are initiating from your pathetic religious nonsense of being offended. :) MY GOD-- how pathetic.
karma is rather neutral, don't think ''it'' concerns itself with mortality, but rather it's merely about cause and effect. If I do 'a' enough, eventually 'b' will come back my way. ''b'' isn't a punishment, it's just the effect of my choosing ''a.'' Good or bad. This doesn't mean that ''bad'' things can't happen to ''good'' people, but it seems we keep looking at karma as something to be happy over when a ''bad'' person ''get theirs.'' We all reap what we sow, at the end of the day.

If there's anything about karma that remotely relates to ''justice'' it would be that our actions, good or bad, do have consequences.
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Retribution said:
Religious belief is now just one more suit of armour one can don in order to avoid either to explain themselves, or circumvent whatever law, moral tenet or tradition they choose.

To what degree does that depend on whether you are defining his religious belief or he is?
since its clear your more interested in attacking my beliefs based on your own ignorant opinions and aren't willing to listen to someone more knowledgable i'm just going to ignoring your ignorant ranting. given my limited interactions with you, you seem to have some extreme mental problems that require you to throw hissy fits. please get help and quit talking about shit you don't understand. i'm done with your childishness and bigotry.
I do not understand your emotional disparity.
birch simply stated that, " The universe doesnt work on some compassionate or fair moral system.
It doesnt even recognize it. Its rather simple and recognizes power.
These 'consequences' are just based on that. Can you compute that?? "
some extreme mental problems that require you to throw hissy fits
not only is this pathetic, but now you have resorted to being hypocritical?

besides that your endorphins are ruled by your emotions and when you perceive yourself suffering, there must be a chemical release by your emotional disparity
that is in no way shape or form my justification. i treat all ignorant bigots the way i'm treating birch.
that is because of your endorphins are ruled by your emotions and when you perceive yourself suffering, there must be a chemical release by your emotional disparity.
on a side note--this topic was suppose to be about KARMA-- not PJ's pathetic whining from him being offended of someone else comment about religion.
:) (shakes head)-- MY GOD. :)

Click to praise Jesus.

Krash661 said:
i do not understand what the significants of this even are.

The one criticizes a straw man, the other a substantive declaration of faith.

Seems rather a significant difference.

on a side note--this topic was suppose to be about KARMA-- not PJ's pathetic whining from him being offended of someone else comment about religion.

It's not entirely a digression, Krash; this is what happens when someone goes out of their way to pick a fight as Birch did. We can certainly criticize the content of PJ's response, but that seems rather beside the point since, to the one, he probably wouldn't welcome the advice and, to the other, this is what happens when someone goes out of their way to pick a fight.

That you might not like PJ or his faith is immaterial; Birch's hissy-cow is pretty much incomprehensible except for the part about wanting a fight.

Whatever sympathy I might hold toward the topic post↑ was pretty much shelved by subsequent discussion such that by the time we get down to our neighbor whining about critical thinking↑ the thought to mind is, "Yeah, sure, any time you're ready to start!" As I have already noted↑, critical thinking involves more than complaint and deununciation.

Quite honestly, it's an astounding mix of metaphors to look at such plump, inviting, low-hanging fruit, and watch someone swing and miss like that.

Tip-jar karma ought to be spattered all over the orchard right now, like a jelly-laden piñata meeting a '67 Fairlane on the interstate.

And, you know, smug fruit is not the name of my next band.
that is because of your endorphins are ruled by your emotions and when you perceive yourself suffering, there must be a chemical release by your emotional disparity.
while i'm making it a point to ignore the childish hissy fits you think are intelligent posts i do feel the need to mention that you did in fact get how the chemistry of brain works backwards, it is the chemicals that produce the emotions not the emotions ruling the chemicals.

also endorphins don't deal with emotions outside of causing euphoria, they inhibit pain signals. its naturally produced morphine.
You know, I'd really really love to get stuck into Tiassa right now, just for the sake of it, but unfortunately... he's right.

Actually, it isn't Tiassa I want to get into. It's that pjdude character.
Because, you know, while Tiassa is right for the right reasons, pj is just wrong... for all the right reasons.
while i'm making it a point to ignore the childish hissy fits you think are intelligent posts i do feel the need to mention that you did in fact get how the chemistry of brain works backwards, it is the chemicals that produce the emotions not the emotions ruling the chemicals.

also endorphins don't deal with emotions outside of causing euphoria, they inhibit pain signals. its naturally produced morphine.
well if you actually had the capability to understand the sentence, then you would have understood it.
:) (shrugs) and also, ahh, more of PJ's pathetic whining-- how typical.
You know, I'd really really love to get stuck into Tiassa right now, just for the sake of it, but unfortunately... he's right.

Actually, it isn't Tiassa I want to get into. It's that pjdude character.
Because, you know, while Tiassa is right for the right reasons, pj is just wrong... for all the right reasons.
In my irrelevant opinion, PJ is a typical narcissistic ignoramus with an elementary mentality-- which this site is actually overwhelm-ed with.
And if you have something to say which hasn't been said before, then say it. It isn't irrelevant.

If it has been said before, then ... ummm.

Here's where I come unstuck. I like to assume that people remember shit, but most of the time they don't. They just like to hear themselves talk.
I usually remember things. Or I like to think I do.

I also know for sure most don't.
The more I've come to learn about the concept of karma, the less I think it's about some universal revenge type of thing, outside of self. It seems to be more about reaping what one sows. Whatever flows from us out into the universe, will come back to us, whether it's due to our good or bad actions in life. You get what you give, kind of principle. Does anyone agree with this?
The more I've come to learn about the concept of karma, the less I think it's about some universal revenge type of thing, outside of self. It seems to be more about reaping what one sows. Whatever flows from us out into the universe, will come back to us, whether it's due to our good or bad actions in life. You get what you give, kind of principle. Does anyone agree with this?
wegs, you have a lovely mind and at the human level I agree this is usually the case. Symbiotic relationships tend to be beneficial to both partners. The honeybee produces a perfectly sterile and very healthy food for a host of other species. In addition it is the greatest pollinator of flowering plants which feed some 70# of the worlds herbivores. The flowers complete the cycle by developing the most attractive shapes, colors, fragrances, and electric fields recognizable to bees at long distances. A remarkable example of mutual dependency.

OTOH, we have predation, and most hominids (including humans) have always been predatory.

However, this does not quite work on a universal scale, which is much less selective.
Consider the Universal Constants. These functions have no moral properties. Mathematics are truly Secular, everything is included.

The universe functions by mathematical constants which are not influenced by our behavior and moralities, except in our immediate environment where, "as you sow, so shall you reap" is becoming evident all around us.
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