Justification of racism

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I came across this post on the white supremacist site ********** and I wanted to see if you agree/ disagree. Refute or support with logic please!

What is Racism?

Racism is the belief that human races exist and these races possess different abilities and characteristics and that some races are better at some things than others. Racists do not want to live in multi-racial societies, rather they want to live amongst their own kind.

What Racism is Not

Racists do not believe that they have a right to subjugate, exploit, or try to exterminate another race or races. Rather, racists believe that it is natural and necessary for each race to have its own land, its own nation or territory where the people of that race can live in freedom among their own kind according to the laws of their own culture. Exploitation only happen in multi-racial societies, not in ethnic societies. The simple solution to end racial exploitation and subjugation is to separate the races, and to keep them separate.

All multi-racial societies are unnatural and unethical. They all tend, sooner rather than later, to descend into turmoil, into oppression and exploitation (USA, Serbia, for example).
Despite the lies of governments, of liberal and marxist sociologists - all Western societies oppress the White people. They have outlawed our laws and customs and which has make it a crime for us to be proud of our culture, our people. We are now effectively second-class citizens in what once were our own lands, it is illegal (in most Western nations) for us to openly have White nationalist political, social and cultural organizations, although it is accepted, and indeed encouraged, for other races to have such organizations...why?

In Britain, there are groups like the Black Workers Association, although an association of White Workers would not be allowed. These other races have their own clubs, their own territories, which are tolerated and even encouraged while if Whites try to organize such things then those involved are swiftly arrested and charged with such things as "hate crimes".

In America and Britain there is now a double standard in respect of Policing with the Police often not interfering if there is trouble, or not arresting suspects, if those involved in such trouble and those suspected of some crime are non-White. For the Police do not want to be called "racist" and now often go out of their way to avoid any conflict with non-Whites even though they are now dealing with Whites more severely.

In work our jobs and recruitment standards have been lowered, and ethnic quotas introduced, in an attempt be to seen to be racially fair: which in practice means that ordinary white are denied opportunities.

And there are many, many more such examples of the anti-white bias that has come to dominate our societies. But even all this anti-white bias and all this anti-white oppression is not enough. Still, other races are not satisfied, just as any and all attempts by whites to do something about such injustice is ruthlessly suppressed by governments who use their Police, their security services, to harass, intimidate and prosecute any white who stands up for white rights.

So multi-racial societies do not work. There is always favouritism; always resentment; always racial tension which often explodes into violence. Of course, if the violence is Black on White, it can be and mostly is ignored or explained away as due to White racism. But if the violence is White on Black, then it is never ignored, with those Whites involved hounded, prosecuted and sent to prison for a very long time, and with the government launching yet more new "anti-racist" laws and initiatives.

Why Racism is Good

Racism is good because it aids Nature and the further evolution of Nature. Our different races are the product of many, many millennia, and it is both natural and right that the evolution of races continues. To continue the work of Nature - to continue the evolution, the development, of races - we must have ethnic nations.

Racism is good because it is the force which is driving us toward the creation of ethnic nations: toward the complete separation of the races, and thus toward better societies, societies without the racial resentment, the racial violence and the oppression which occur in all multi-racial societies.

Why We Whites Must Be Racist

We must be racist. We must believe that we are the superior race - because we are fighting for our freedom and for our very survival. We whites are a minority race, in the world, and our homelands our now occupied by other races. In less than 70 years time, we will be the minority in what once were our own nations, and not long after that - if current low white birth-rates and race-mixing continue - our race will be nearing extinction.

We must be racist because we are being dishonoured: because governments and other races want us to grovel, to submit, to endure oppression.

Racism gives us the faith that we need in this war for freedom and for survival. It proves us with a belief in ourselves, in our people. It gives us pride, and a sense of Destiny. Racism provides us with the motivation we need in order to act.

We are the superior race, having created civilization after civilization and indeed having created the greatest civilization ever known: our present Western one. From Ancient Greece, to Ancient Rome, to modern times, we as a folk have produced the greatest literature, the greatest Art, the greatest, most sublime, music, the greatest inventions, as we have explored the world and recently our Solar System itself. From Ancient Greece, to Ancient Rome, to modern times, we as folk have shown great heroism in adversity: we have fought, often stubbornly and to the last man, because we have refused to give in and preferred to die rather than be dishonoured.

To survive, to win back our freedom, we must regain our racial pride: we must know and be proud of the achievements of our White ancestors. For too long thanks to the anti-racist indoctrination we have been subjected to for decades - our people have been oppressed just as they are now allowing themselves, as individuals and as a race, to be dishonoured.

To be racist, is to be proud, to possess honour. To be openly racist is to resist the anti-white tyranny of our times.
Seriously dude? This is definitely going to get cesspool'd. Racism isn't allowed on sciforums, and defending THIS argument, is definitely racist.
Im not a racist, nor am I the writer. I am using this forum post within a lesson and I want to hear probable ways to refute it. If someone is in support of racism (which many people are) I would like to hear their potential justification. PS I am not a racist.
It's goading people into racism man, it'll get you into trouble(possibly - depending on how far you take it). This thread will probably be given a slim chance of survival, and it's a really slim one.
Firstly, there is no such thing as "Race". It doesn't refer to anything real. It's just another intolerant ideological meme we need to deal with - like monotheism. What the author is REALLY worried about is their culture. And that's fair enough. You can see that they begin confusing "Race" with "Culture" right off the bat. Often race is confused with Religion. It's common to hear of a "Jewish Race". Again, not true, but I'm sure that's what this Author thinks is true.

This is simply a fault in reasoning. We can and do need to acknowledge that people having different appearances. But so what? No two people look exactly alike anyway. Other than twins.
Anyway, IMO exactly the opposite of this author's hypothesis is true. I think a somewhat multicultural tolerant society makes for a more competitive and progressive society. Maybe not, but, I'd like to think so.
I completely agree!

Let's see, your nick is Islamsmylife, you mentioned in your other posts that you believe in Islam, now you are saying that you agree with above statement.
If you read it back, you will see that Michael said this:

It's just another intolerant ideological meme we need to deal with - like monotheism.

And you agreed with this statement means that you accepted that monotheism (like Islam, Christianity) is just another intolerant ideology we need to deal with.

Congratulations; do you agree with Qur'an in similar way, without reading it?...
I ignored that part because that's not the issue that I want to address here. Everytime I post something up, my religious beliefs alway dilute my orginal message. I dont come on sciforums to debate my religious beliefs I come on here to debate non-religious topics. I'm comfortable with my beliefs and I am not trying to convert anyone so I just skipped over that part and agreed with everything else.
It's goading people into racism man, it'll get you into trouble(possibly - depending on how far you take it). This thread will probably be given a slim chance of survival, and it's a really slim one.

I don't see how the act of posting and discussing this is racist. I don't see any grounds for him/her to get in any trouble. And it's certainly not "goading people into racism". It's simply discussing racism. I see this as a good opportunity to discuss such a subject. The poster provided direct evidence and asked a question in which I'm sure they would appreciate our participation.

To the OP: Just for future reference and to prevent any confusion, you may want to edit your original post so that the provide literature is in a quote format. :) It keeps people from thinking you wrote this.
I don't see how the act of posting and discussing this is racist. I don't see any grounds for him/her to get in any trouble. And it's certainly not "goading people into racism". It's simply discussing racism. I see this as a good opportunity to discuss such a subject. The poster provided direct evidence and asked a question in which I'm sure they would appreciate our participation.

To the OP: Just for future reference and to prevent any confusion, you may want to edit your original post so that the provide literature is in a quote format. :) It keeps people from thinking you wrote this.

I don't see how defending this isn't racism. Which is what I said. I didn't call him racist, or accuse him of racism. I did however say it would be considered goading if one were to defend this argument. It's obvious to most people why racial superiority can be bad. When he said

If someone is in support of racism (which many people are) I would like to hear their potential justification.

this mean in all honesty, if you defend racism. Odds are, you'll end up getting banned. In my opinion, it's goading people into getting themselves banned. :shrug:
Now, in response to the provided material:

I don't agree with it. It's not the subject matter that I necessarily disagree with but rather how they wrote it and their definition of racism. They do make a legitimate point when referring to why certain races are allowed certain benefits where others are not, however I think that their meaning of racism is a little too black and white, no pun intended.

And whether people would like to believe it or not, racism occurs naturally in all cultures. I don't agree in the writers view that all multicultural societies are automatically doomed from the get-go, but I do understand that it can create some hostilities, and not because of just any one race.

It's been statistically proven that blacks commit more crime than whites (in America). But where as it seems the writer of the provided material see's it as a justification to support a segregated society, appearantly for the protection of their own race, I do not agree.

It's also been proven that males and females in one race have more in common, genetically, than two males in different races.

And lastly, it's been proven that whites have a higher IQ than blacks.

I think society at large has become a little to ignorant of race. We like to be completely colorblind and imagine that the ONLY thing that separates the races is skin tone. And that is simply not the case.

I know that my black male coworker is different from me. Their facial structure, characterists, hair, eyes, nose, skin and even bones and muscles are VERY different from mine as a white man. Our brains also function differently.

BUT, my personal belief is that we must ACCEPT and overcome our differences. I believe racism to be the outright disapproval, disagreement and rejection of any member or group of members from a specific race because of their differences.

And the problem comes when we learn not to look past our differences and thus forget or refuse to do what is possible: Co-exist.

I think we should be completely open to discussing race relations, differences and how we can all learn from and help each other despite those differences.
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MC said:
It's also been proven that males and females in one race have more in common, genetically, than two males in different races.
No, it hasn't.

In the first place, there is no genetic definition of race, to use a basis for such an investigation. In the second, because human males differ from females by an entire chromosome, it's likely that by some measures human males have more in common with chimpanzee males than they do with human females. What measures are you using?

MC said:
And lastly, it's been proven that whites have a higher IQ than blacks.
It has not been shown that that has anything to do with their race, though.
MC said:
I know that my black male coworker is different from me. Their facial structure, characterists, hair, eyes, nose, skin and even bones and muscles are VERY different from mine as a white man. Our brains also function differently.
Even given the accuracy of that, which is both unlikely and trivial, you would still have to show that the differences between different kinds of black coworkers were smaller - pick some from Kenya, some from the Congo, some from Micronesia, and compare.

It could be that you and the Kenyan are in one race, the Congolese in another. Or maybe it's the Kenyan and the Congo in one, you and the Micronesian in another. Throw in a Han Chinese, for more complications. There are a lot of different kinds of people with melanistic skin.

Which is a central problem with racial pride. The "race" of white people only started to include the Irish and European Jews fairly recently, and it's still defined mostly by exclusion of others on cultural or ethnic grounds - are the Turks "white"? The Beduoins? The Ainu?
One of the reasons I've recently heard: architectural contiguity


Some colours just clash when put together.

It has not been shown that [IQ differences] has anything to do with their race, though.

More than that, it has been shown not to have anything to do with their intelligence. Cultural bias of this sort is a well-known flaw in IQ testing; it is actually illegal for schools to administer standard IQ tests to black students in many states, for exactly this reason.

So people are putting the cart before the horse, on this one.
No, it hasn't.

In the first place, there is no genetic definition of race, to use a basis for such an investigation. In the second, because human males differ from females by an entire chromosome, it's likely that by some measures human males have more in common with chimpanzee males than they do with human females. What measures are you using?

It has not been shown that that has anything to do with their race, though.
Even given the accuracy of that, which is both unlikely and trivial, you would still have to show that the differences between different kinds of black coworkers were smaller - pick some from Kenya, some from the Congo, some from Micronesia, and compare.

It could be that you and the Kenyan are in one race, the Congolese in another. Or maybe it's the Kenyan and the Congo in one, you and the Micronesian in another. Throw in a Han Chinese, for more complications. There are a lot of different kinds of people with melanistic skin.

Which is a central problem with racial pride. The "race" of white people only started to include the Irish and European Jews fairly recently, and it's still defined mostly by exclusion of others on cultural or ethnic grounds - are the Turks "white"? The Beduoins? The Ainu?

Ok, instead of debating, I'm just going to throw a few resources at you.





mc said:
Ok, instead of debating, I'm just going to throw a few resources at you.
They all support what I said. For example:
wiki link said:
The 0.1% genetic difference that differentiates any two random humans is still the subject of much debate. The discovery that only 8% of this difference separates the major races led some scientists to proclaim that race is biologically meaningless. They argue that since genetic distance increases in a continuous manner any threshold or definitions would be arbitrary. Any two neighboring villages or towns will show some genetic differentiation from each other and thus could be defined as a race. Thus any attempt to classify races would be imposing an artificial discontinuity on what is otherwise a naturally occurring continuous phenomenon.

However, other scientists disagree by claiming that the assertion that race is biologically meaningless is politically motivated and that genetic differences are significant. Neil Risch states that numerous studies over past decades have documented biological differences among the races with regard to susceptibility and natural history of a chronic disease. Effectively Neil Risch is attempting to redefine "race" for human populations to represent that small proportion of variation that is known to vary between continental populations. It is well established, that the level of differentiation between the continental human groups, as measured by the statistic FST is about 0.06-0.1 (6-10%), with about 5-10% of variation at the population level (that is between different populations occupying the same continent) and about 75-85% of variation within populations.(Risch et al., 2002; Templeton, 1998; Ossorio and Duster, 2005; Lewontin, 2005). Tempeton (1998) states that in biology a level of 0.25-0.3 (20-30%) of differentiation normally accepted in biological literature for a population to be considered a race or subspecies.

"A standard criterion for a subspecies or race in the nonhuman literature under the traditional definition of a subspecies as a geographically circumbscribed, sharply differentiated population is to have FST values of at least 0.25 to 0.3 (Smith et al. 1997). Hence as judged by the criterion in the nonhuman literature, the human FST value is too small to have taxonomic significance under the traditional subspecies definition."(Templeton, 1998)

Indeed Neil Risch himself avoids defining race, when asked to respond to the comment "Genome variation research does not support the existence of human races.” he replied
Your point?
Did you read them? I really don't think so. No offense or anything. But a few of those articles clearly state that there are genetic differences between the races. And by going around saying that there are no differences between them or even that there is no such thing as race, that it's a "social construct" is completely invalid.
"We are now effectively second-class citizens in what once were our own lands"...

after we killed the natives, stole it from them, and laid it to waste.

i'm assuming these people are in the US.
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