Justice: For an unwed father to an unbornchild.

I would say she being married and divorced within the same year is a direct reflection of her instability.

And her rebuttal to that argument is that people do make mistakes and she had the foresight to end it quickly, before it caused further detriment to either party. Also you did not view her marital history as being "a direct reflection of her instability" when you fell in love with her and fathered her child.

That's all I want to do is be there for the baby, finacially, physically, mentally, soulfully, etc.

So you wish to be a responsible parent. Her argument to this is that she also wishes to do the same for her child. The important question here, however is, can you? You stated later on in your post that you would hope she could care for the child while you were at work. But you also claim that she is mentally unstable and unable to care properly for the child. So why would you leave the child with her for the better part of the day on a daily basis while you worked, but do not think she is well enough to have custody and care of the child? Do you see the contradiction in your argument and desire?

If she is not well enough or able to care for the child on a day to day basis, she is also probably not well enough for you to leave said child with her every day while you go to work.

You know I was thinking that since the courts act on "best interest" of the child, than wouldn't the more mentally and financially fit parent be granted custody since it would be in the "best interest" of child. I hope that IF we go to court the psychiatist deem the act of self-harm as evident proof that the baby maybe in harm, thats logical isn't it, considering that she was "cutting" not less than a couple of months ago. How can she care for a child fulltime if she can't care for herself?
But you think she is well enough to care for the child 35% of the time while you are at work?

Refer to above.

If the mother was not in her condition I would not apply for full custody whereas she could sufficiently and properly take care of the child and be able to give it the love it needs. I would fear for wellbeing of the child. I fear mentally she could break down and do something irrational to endanger our child. The analogy of car and care isn't the best of analogy for the disabled will hire someone to wash the car, change the oil, and in some cases even pump the gas, etc. She doesn't have anyone full time to do those things for her and the baby. Her depression has always been there but shes taking pills. I believe that the rise in hormones counteract the current pills she is taking now, I don't think she knows that. If I tell her, she'll probably blow up on me.
Okay. Let me see if I understand you properly. You do not think she could take care of the child properly and give it the love it will need, but you think she could care for the child 35% of the time while you were at work. So you would not fear for the wellbeing of the child while you were at work and the child was in her care? You don't think she could endanger the child while you were at work?

If you wish to have full custody of the child because you do not think the mother is in a fit mental state to care for it properly, you should not even consider leaving the child alone in her care while you were at work. You should be asking for supervised visits if the wellbeing of the child is at stake while in her care. If she posed such a danger to the child and herself, you would not be asking for her to mind the child while you were at work, thereby leaving her alone with the child 35% of the time.

You claim that she is treating her depression. Her argument to the court would state that she is aware of her depression and is receiving care for it. Depression is not a grounds for granting full custody to the other parent.

Yeah, she's pretty. Was really sweet and kind and caring before too. Again, I fell in love with her before I found out about all these issues. I told her I would help her get through the distress and disorders. She is good enough to be in a relationship with me, I'm a grown adult and blessed with the insight, and care to help an openmind, her openmind. In the case of raising a child herself alone, that's a different story, the baby will never get out of the crib and say, "Mommy, I understand your pain and your instabilities, I am here to help you. I will help with your mental excercises, your physical excercises, I am here to comfort your mind, and help free your spirit..." The baby can never do that, I'm more than willing to her and the baby, but I can't help her if she denies it. I can only fight for the protection of my child.
Again, refer to the points above.

You are basing your argument on something that has not even happened yet. Do you honestly think that she poses a danger to the child to the extent that she cannot care for it in any way, shape or form (keeping in mind you wish her to be alone with the child all day while you are working)?
And her rebuttal to that argument is that people do make mistakes and she had the foresight to end it quickly, before it caused further detriment to either party. Also you did not view her marital history as being "a direct reflection of her instability" when you fell in love with her and fathered her child.

"...Before it caused detriment to either party..." I would have to argue the unstable recurring patterns of her life. It's no mishap most things turn out bad in her life...its deeper than that. I considered her factors as unstable. I'm just caring enough to work it through with her...still am, but i cant do this alone. She has to be willing.


So you wish to be a responsible parent. Her argument to this is that she also wishes to do the same for her child. The important question here, however is, can you? You stated later on in your post that you would hope she could care for the child while you were at work. But you also claim that she is mentally unstable and unable to care properly for the child. So why would you leave the child with her for the better part of the day on a daily basis while you worked, but do not think she is well enough to have custody and care of the child? Do you see the contradiction in your argument and desire?

My thing is that she doesn't get the baby full time. It wouldn't be safe or healthy for her to have the baby MOST of the time with the baby trying her patience. Whereas I would have the baby during evening and night provided that this method the mother isn't overloaded by the babys crying and screaming. The healthy amount of time the mother has with the baby is what I'm promoting. The healthy amount of time the mother has with the baby cannot be MOST OF THE PERCENTAGE OF TIME DURING A 24HR DAY because I fear she might get too aggrivated and do something bad. Healthy Time with mother and baby is the key.

You claim that she is treating her depression. Her argument to the court would state that she is aware of her depression and is receiving care for it. Depression is not a grounds for granting full custody to the other parent.

Right, but define full custody for me please. What about her Borderline Personality and her Anxiety. Don't you think the baby should come into a more stable environment, or spend most time in a more stable environment??
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Do you advocate the abandoning of children who might be born with medical problems Baron? Should he be a 'dead beat dad' and walk out on taking responsibility for his actions (he is the father after all) because the child might be born with medical problems? Is this what you are saying Baron?

No, instead we should let them live and stuff them with medication that doesn't work and let them breed more and spread their diseases, creating more instances of the woman he's talking about.