Justice and Security: Neighborhood Watch Captain Attacks, Kills Unarmed Teenager

Re the broken nose - I've had a couple of them, and after seeing the police video of Zimmerman in the station house I can't help but doubt his was broken: he is walking with his head down, tilted forward, casually - not a position of comfort with a broken nose, and likely to bleed.

Maybe he was still stunned and not hurting much, and clotted quick or drained down the throat, but even then one would expect the pressure and "stuffed" feeling to lift his face to at least vertical. It had to have been a very minor break, at most.
@ adoucette:

The "audio analysis" to which you linked in post #102, while perhaps sincere, is amateurish at best. Seriously, the guy only examined amplitude--he didn't even apply the most basic of notch or band-pass filters.

Now were the original recording made under the most optimal of conditions, i.e. in a studio with absolutely NO external disturbances, such an "analysis" might have been somewhat meaningful. But not really...

There's a reason that people use sophisticated hardware and software for these types of things.

The interesting thing about his analysis is the short audio drop out that occurs on a word like PUNKS but not on COONS and that audio drop out is in the recording.

I've said what I hear.
I've posted the 4 main things I found on the internet that others claim to hear. (Coons, Goons, Punks and Cones (I'm in the minority with Cones))
I've posted that sound analysis.
What seems clear though is we simply don't know for sure what was said.
Z forced an encounter, by going forward, after being told (taped record) not to, by the dispatcher.
Do we know that? Zimmerman claims that Martin approached him from behind as Zimmerman was walking back to his car after getting out to look at a street sign (so that he could tell the police where to go). Is there anything to prove that Zimmerman didn't stop following Martin after the 911 operator told Zimmerman that he didn't need to follow Martin?

Also, being told "we don't need you to do that" isn't exactly the same as being told to not do something.
Do we know that? Zimmerman claims that Martin approached him from behind as Zimmerman was walking back to his car after getting out to look at a street sign (so that he could tell the police where to go). Is there anything to prove that Zimmerman didn't stop following Martin after the 911 operator told Zimmerman that he didn't need to follow Martin?

Also, being told "we don't need you to do that" isn't exactly the same as being told to not do something.

missing a couple points here.. 1 even IF martin did fallow zimmerman he was unarmed.. and the use of deadly force was NOT warrented. even if zimmer was an officer.

2 zimmer was told NOT to follow anyone.

3. a bystander said they saw martin ontop of zimmerman yet didnt see the she shooting .. meaning if true martin let zimmerman up then zimmerman pulled out the weapon and shot him

so the judical system should work its way and ask 2 questions in this case
1. was the victim armed?
answer no and zimmer knew this
2. was the use of deadly force warrented?
answer no
this si a very sad case..

but whats even more sad. is people comming out saying shit like "this"

or pictures of black people killing white..
the one that comes to mind is 5 blacks 4 male one female kidnapped a couple and brutally murderd them with a heading "wheres the outrage here"

the big problem is people posting it are actually helping the trevon case and what all the outrage is about
why do you ask
in the picture you see the couple on the left then you see the offenders on the right.. the offenders WHERE procecuted and put in jail. this is how the criminal system is suppose to work. yet people posting it all over facebook arnt smart enough to see this. the offenders were convited so there is no need for outrage...

what people are missing here isnt the fact that a light skinned person killed a dark skinned person. Its the fact that IF zimmerman were teh dark skinned person and martin was the light skinned.. zimmer would have been convicted and in prision allready.. the sad part is there is more stories that are just as trajic

man ex cop shot 28 times then convicted of attempted murder. what on earth warrened 4 police officers to literally empty there clip on 1 man? yet howard DID live according to the wife.. howard verbally notified the police he was railroad police.. the didnt believe him took him to the ground disarmed him then proceded to shoot him 28 times

22year old girl hit in the head by an in accurate shot by an off duty detective in street clothing in an unmarked patrol car.. the list goes on and on
What obvious horseshit. You've been here playing defense attorney for Zimmerman for pages now.

Not the same as defending his actions though.
From my first post I've been looking at the case based on how it would be presented/prosecuted to see if the State of Florida has the evidence to charge/convict.

Like Tiassa I understand the difference between not guilty and innocent and have never claimed that Zimmerman was innocent.

My conclusion so far is that the testimony of just one witness is the key that is preventing the State from making it's burden of "beyond a reasonable doubt" that it was not self defense.

Indeed, there is no other witness statements but this one that provides any substantial support for Zimmerman.

If you want to dispute the validity of anything specific in the Wikipedia accounts, by all means do so. Or, go ahead and use any other source to your liking - I recommended google at the outset, you may recall.

Or, better yet, go on making a total asshat out of yourself by beating your chest at me instead of learning basic, widely-reported facts of the issue.

It's "won't," and you can go ahead and demand that the powers that be sanction me for my violation of the rules, if you think that's the situation.

But I've always seen that rule interpretted as proportional to the extraordinarity of the claim. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Statements of obvious, well-known fact are just that. You can go ahead and insist that basic, widely-known facts are claims in dispute, but I'm not going to go along, and so it's going to be obvious that you're trying to gin up a pretext to dismiss inconvenient facts. And so it is, and so you are getting zero traction here. All of which I'm quite happy with - so what makes you think you can browbeat me into going along? You have that much faith in your own petulance?

So since you WON'T try to prove your claim since you rest it on the fact that your claim is NOT extraordinary and have suggested I go to Wiki I have done so and guess what, no surprise, it doesn't support your claim at all.

Of course this agrees with my experience that this is almost ALWAYS the case on the internet when you run into someone who refuses to support their case with a link and simply claims it's "beyond dispute" or other similar BS.

From Wiki:

Zimmerman told police at the scene that he was the one crying out for help.

The statement was corroborated by an eyewitness who said that Martin was on top of Zimmerman, beating him, as Zimmerman called for help.

One witness, who had only heard but not seen the events, believed Martin was the one calling for help, and said that the police tried to get her to change her testimony to their assertion that it was Zimmerman calling for help.

Another witness who also heard but did not see the events, Mary Cutcher, said that she believed the cry was from Martin and said that she did not believe that Zimmerman acted in self-defense, contending that she and her roommate heard Martin cry out, followed by a gunshot, whereupon they saw Zimmerman standing over his body.

So only one witnes SAW the event and the testimony of the one that actually saw who was calling out for help can't be impeached by the two who didn't actually see the fight and only "believed" it was Martin.

We have gone over both of these statements in this thread (Bell brought them up and I already showed, by using actual quotes from them, that they didn't impeach that key witness)

Another section of Wiki tells the same story.

Witness accounts

An eyewitness to the physical altercation just prior to the shooting stated that Martin was on top of Zimmerman and beating him up, while the older man yelled for help. This witness, who identified himself as "John", stated to Fox News Orlando WOFL that "the guy on the bottom, who had a red sweater on, was yelling to me, 'Help! Help!' and I told him to stop, and I was calling 911...And then, when I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on the top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point."

Martin’s mother has identified the shouting for help as her son Trayvon's voice, although Zimmerman claims he was the one calling out.

A 13-year old boy walking his dog saw a man on the ground shortly before the shooting and identified him as wearing red. His mother later disputed the testimony and claimed that the police pressured him into arbitrarily choosing what color the man was wearing, and that her son couldn't see any details in the dark.

Another witness, Mary Cutcher, believes "there was no punching, no hitting going on at the time, no wrestling" just prior to the shooting, though she neither saw the shooting nor the preceding altercation. The police say she gave an official account to them that agreed with Zimmerman's story. However Cutcher and her roommate told CNN journalist Anderson Cooper that their own account of the incident to the police did not agree with Zimmerman's, and that they had demanded that the police retract that incorrect statement. They also said, about the police's attitude at the scene, that "they were siding with him [Zimmerman] from the start" and that they heard the pair in their backyard and a "very young voice" whining, with no sounds of a fight. They heard a gunshot; the crying stopped immediately, and they saw Zimmerman on his knees pinning Martin down on the ground.

So again, none of those other statements contain any observations that actually contradict his statements.

The Mother's claim, based on a poor recording, isn't sufficient to contradict the testimony of someone who was actually there and was even talking to the people during the struggle: I told him to stop, and I was calling 911

Yes, they say what they believe, but still only ONE person actually SAW the fight, and it's his testimony that has not been actually contradicted by people who now say what "they believe".
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missing a couple points here.. 1 even IF martin did fallow zimmerman he was unarmed.. and the use of deadly force was NOT warrented. even if zimmer was an officer.
First off, I wasn't "missing" anything, I was directly responding to the assertion that Zimmerman kept following Martin after the operator told Zimmerman that he didn't need to follow Martin. Second, your analysis of Florida's self defense law is just flat-out wrong.
2 zimmer was told NOT to follow anyone.
See above.
3. a bystander said they saw martin ontop of zimmerman yet didnt see the she shooting .. meaning if true martin let zimmerman up then zimmerman pulled out the weapon and shot him
That's one huge logical non sequitur.
missing a couple points here.. 1 even IF martin did fallow zimmerman he was unarmed.. and the use of deadly force was NOT warrented. even if zimmer was an officer.

2 zimmer was told NOT to follow anyone.

3. a bystander said they saw martin ontop of zimmerman yet didnt see the she shooting .. meaning if true martin let zimmerman up then zimmerman pulled out the weapon and shot him

so the judical system should work its way and ask 2 questions in this case
1. was the victim armed?
answer no and zimmer knew this
2. was the use of deadly force warrented?
answer no

Except that in Florida, when one claims Self Defense as Zimmerman is doing the bar for use of deadly force is simply that he has to be in fear of great bodily harm and the State has to prove that's not true "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt".


Following someone is not a crime (and advice from a 911 dispatcher does not have the force of law).

Asking someone a question is not a crime.

But Zimmerman claims Martin threw the first punch.

State's first problem, no one else claims to have seen the fight start, so they have nothing to show this is not true, beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

Then there IS a witness who saw much of the actual fight, and his version essentially corroborates what Zimmerman has claimed, that after Martin's punch to the face knocked him to the ground, that Martin was on top of him hitting his head into the ground, and that Zimmerman was calling for help.

One witness, who has since talked to local television news reporters, told police he saw Zimmerman on the ground with Trayvon on top, pounding him — and was unequivocal that it was Zimmerman who was crying for help. http://articles.orlandosentinel.com..._1_miami-schools-punch-unarmed-black-teenager

Which is the State's Second problem: This one and only eyewitness to the fight makes it very hard for the State to claim, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Zimmerman wasn't in fear of great bodily harm.

Third problem for the State: No one saw the actual shooting and Zimmerman is saying that Martin was going for his gun.

And I can certainly see Martin wanting to disarm him before letting him up, but this goes right back to the low bar of just "Fear of Great Bodily Harm" and so regardless of the motive (or even if it isn't true but no witnesses can dispute Zimmerman's claim) it still helps make Zimmerman's case, since the "fear of" clause means it wouldn't matter why Martin is going for his gun.

Which is why I've said from my first post on this subject, the law needs to be reworked.
As I mentioned earlier, I've seen a number of Florida cases that boggle the mind, most of them I tracked down via this informative paper on the issue of Florida's quite lenient laws.

It's called:

Making Murder Legal: How Laws Expanding Self-Defense Allow Criminals to "Get Away with Murder" by Elizabeth B. Megale

It's shorter title is:

Don’t Dial 911 – Use .357

http://works.bepress.com/cgi/viewco...6nRgo86YTe0j_ZOw#search="making murder legal"
The actual arrest record: ===========
Div 10
OKane, Julie H

Criminal Felony

Nope that charge wasn't accepted by the court, he was only tried for Resisting Officer Without Violence

See transfer of the first case to the second court on the 30th, and the Charges accepted by the Court on the 30th. The Court in essence said the Police's description of the event didn't meet the requirements of the 'with violence' charge.


Hmm. I guess Lee was lying when he said that . . "his department has neither the evidence nor legal grounds to arrest Zimmerman, who he said was legally carrying the concealed 9 mm pistol the night of the shooting." (CNN story, 03/22/12)

No, he was just repeating what the DA had told him.

Statement by Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi (March 20th):

the Seminole County State Attorney's Office has the sole authority regarding a charging decision by law

Same story: "SANFORD, Fla. -- The city commission on Wednesday gave a vote of “no confidence” to beleaguered police Chief Bill Lee Jr., under fire for his department’s investigation into the killing of Trayvon Martin, the unarmed teen shot last month by a neighborhood watch volunteer.

The measure was passed 3 to 2, and comes after a tumultuous two weeks for Lee, whose department has failed to bring charges against George Zimmerman, 28, who told investigators he shot Martin in self-defense after the teen attacked him on Feb. 26."

So? If you read the article you will find that the vote of no confidence has no force.

But I guess that's unrelated.

Sure it's related. People blame the chief and ignore the LAW itself and the DA's office which has the sole authority regarding a charging decision.

The DA does not arrest people - the police do. They did not arrest Zimmerman, which is what much of the outrage is over.

Well who cares if this rage is misplaced?
Sure the police can arrest him but if the DA isn't going to CHARGE him, then he gets released and no actual charges are filed.
The news reports say the police wanted to charge him (with Manslaughter) and that was nixed by the DA, so they let him go.
Now Quad claims that's because the DA is a Racist Hack but he provides no source for those charges.

Yep. And now the DA has been replaced by a special prosecutor over his handling of the issue. (Sorry, I meant he probably just took a temporary leave because the publicity around the issue was making it impossible to do his job.)

And again, taking it out on the people involved and not the LAW that they are stuck with (and the people who passed those laws) is silly.

See the previous article I posted about this law and decide where the blame actually rests.

Sure knee jerk reactions to blame the Chief and the DA are expected, but what is the real problem here since neither of them wrote the law they have to uphold?
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The Feds came in (better audio equip/other unknown evidence), and the local police possibly botched the crime scene, and proper procedures. There is a lot of witnesses, cellphone witness evidence, and camera evidence.
Z and family may have to go to jail (protection) or face public execution/vendetta, before his court date. This summer may see Florida cities torched/riots.
First off, I wasn't "missing" anything, I was directly responding to the assertion that Zimmerman kept following Martin after the operator told Zimmerman that he didn't need to follow Martin. Second, your analysis of Florida's self defense law is just flat-out wrong. See above.That's one huge logical non sequitur.

firstly i understand floridas self defence law quite well and its nothing more than a loop hole that is exploited as it is here.

another pont tho Duty-to-retreat is that a federal law? been searching and cannot find if it is or not. IF it is then federal law trumps floridas defense laws
firstly i understand floridas self defence law quite well and its nothing more than a loop hole that is exploited as it is here.

another pont tho Duty-to-retreat is that a federal law? been searching and cannot find if it is or not. IF it is then federal law trumps floridas defense laws

No, the Florida law used to have the "duty to retreat" but it was removed in 2005.

The Feds have no law at all that pertains to self defense, it, like murder, is a state issue.
Except that in Florida, when one claims Self Defense as Zimmerman is doing the bar for use of deadly force is simply that he has to be in fear of great bodily harm and the State has to prove that's not true "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt".


Following someone is not a crime (and advice from a 911 dispatcher does not have the force of law).

Asking someone a question is not a crime.

But Zimmerman claims Martin threw the first punch.

State's first problem, no one else claims to have seen the fight start, so they have nothing to show this is not true, beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

Then there IS a witness who saw much of the actual fight, and his version essentially corroborates what Zimmerman has claimed, that after Martin's punch to the face knocked him to the ground, that Martin was on top of him hitting his head into the ground, and that Zimmerman was calling for help.

Which is the State's Second problem: This one and only eyewitness to the fight makes it very hard for the State to claim, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Zimmerman wasn't in fear of great bodily harm.

Third problem for the State: No one saw the actual shooting and Zimmerman is saying that Martin was going for his gun.

And I can certainly see Martin wanting to disarm him before letting him up, but this goes right back to the low bar of just "Fear of Great Bodily Harm" and so regardless of the motive (or even if it isn't true but no witnesses can dispute Zimmerman's claim) it still helps make Zimmerman's case, since the "fear of" clause means it wouldn't matter why Martin is going for his gun.

Which is why I've said from my first post on this subject, the law needs to be reworked.

i agree BUT its a known fact zimmer was following martin in this case alone how can there defence be selft defence.. if your activly persuing someone there is no self defence.. and because of this even IF martin threw the first punch it would be in self defence. this person WAS following him
so he used floridas stand your ground law stood his ground and hit zimmerman once zimmerman was on the ground he decided to leave at which point zimmer pulled out his gun and shot him that is murder..

that is 100% specualtion.. but if your following someone you throw self defence out the window
No, the Florida law used to have the "duty to retreat" but it was removed in 2005.

The Feds have no law at all that pertains to self defense, it, like murder, is a state issue.

thanks for clarifying that law is still bullshit.. whoever passed it should be convicted.. way the law stands you can kill anyone just proclame self defence and get away scott free

another thing about the law.. wouldnt you have to believe your life is in mortal danger to use deadly force? and how in any streach of the imagination would a 28 year old be in fear of his life with an un armed 17 year old
And that may well happen when said Grand Jury is convened.

Or are you even aware that this case is headed to grand jury in early April? That's what happens when you argue from the cultivated ignorance of your right-wing propaganda outlets.


Norm Wolfinger, the state attorney for Seminole County who had the case before the governor moved it to Corey, had announced plans to convene a grand jury on April 10.

BUT then he was replaced by Angela Corey and...

State attorney Angela Corey indicated her office, not a grand jury, will decide whether to bring charges in the death of Trayvon Martin.

The prosecutor at the center of the national firestorm over whether the man who killed Trayvon Martin should be charged in his death says she’s not likely to need a grand jury to make the decision for her.

More probable, she said, is that she’ll be the one to decide.

Oh, and one thing in that story caught my eye and seems to rebut some assertions made here:

Corey said her investigators are painstakingly examining all the evidence, from Zimmerman’s gun to his clothes to witness statements to the autopsy on Trayvon’s corpse.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/03/...ed-prosecutor-in-spotlight.html#storylink=cpy

Oh, FYI, that "Read more" is put in by the source itself when you do a copy, not me.
So most of us know that when one sees a "read more" in front of a link, it was NOT put there by the poster but by the source.
thanks for clarifying that law is still bullshit.. whoever passed it should be convicted.. way the law stands you can kill anyone just proclame self defence and get away scott free

That is clearly true when you do so in your "Castle" which Florida extends beyond your home to your car and your workplace, not exactly true when out in public.

For instance if a witness had seen Zimmerman throw the first punch, the self defense claim goes out the window.
But words do not count.
No matter how vile they might be.
He could have called Martin's mother all sorts of names, still wouldn't matter if Martin threw the first punch.
But no one saw who did so the State can't prove it was Zimmerman.

another thing about the law.. wouldnt you have to believe your life is in mortal danger to use deadly force? and how in any streach of the imagination would a 28 year old be in fear of his life with an un armed 17 year old

The law simply says you have to fear that the person will cause you great bodily harm to use deadly force.

It would appear, based on other actual court rulings, that great bodily harm can be far below mortal danger.

In one particular Florida case, a guy got off for stabbing someone to death, who was swinging a bag of stolen radios at him.

From what I can tell, the guy never even hit him with the bag.
i agree BUT its a known fact zimmer was following martin in this case alone how can there defence be selft defence.. if your activly persuing someone there is no self defence.. and because of this even IF martin threw the first punch it would be in self defence. this person WAS following him
so he used floridas stand your ground law stood his ground and hit zimmerman once zimmerman was on the ground he decided to leave at which point zimmer pulled out his gun and shot him that is murder..

that is 100% specualtion.. but if your following someone you throw self defence out the window

You mean if I'm following you to return your wallet you can shoot me?

No you can't.

There is no Florida law that makes what Zimmerman did, when he was just following Martin, illegal.

They were both there legally.

But if Martin throws the first punch then, based on the one witness to the actual fight, what followed appears to be legal by Florida Self Defense law.

But if Zimmerman did so (or was shown to have threatened Martin by say pulling his gun) then he loses the self-defense claim.

But no one saw how the fight started, so the State can't presume that Zimmerman started it.

They would have to show he did and they have to do it "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt".

Which in this case is a high bar.