Justice and Security: Neighborhood Watch Captain Attacks, Kills Unarmed Teenager

On March 16th, the Sanford police department released new details to the Orlando Sentinel. These details have been ignored or changed by the media.
The witness reports that George Zimmerman was on the ground and Trayvon is on top of him punching him.
The witness says that George Zimmerman was screaming and yelling for help.
Police arrive and find Zimmerman bleeding on his face and the back of his head. He also has had grass stains on his back. All this confirms the story told by Zimmerman and the witness.
Police play the 911 tape for Trayvon Martin’s father, who tells police that the voice screaming is not the voice of his son.

A "wanted dead or alive" poster is not an open contract on somebody's head. It's just an instance of colorful political speech, used for effect.

The only bounty offered was for the legal citizen's arrest of Zimmerman.
On March 16th, the Sanford police department released new details to the Orlando Sentinel. These details have been ignored or changed by the media.
The witness reports that George Zimmerman was on the ground and Trayvon is on top of him punching him.
The witness says that George Zimmerman was screaming and yelling for help.
Police arrive and find Zimmerman bleeding on his face and the back of his head. He also has had grass stains on his back. All this confirms the story told by Zimmerman and the witness.
Police play the 911 tape for Trayvon Martin’s father, who tells police that the voice screaming is not the voice of his son.

All of your - uncited - news there has been discussed at length in this very thread, before you ever posted at SciForums. Quit trolling.
A "wanted dead or alive" poster is not an open contract on somebody's head. It's just an instance of colorful political speech, used for effect.

The only bounty offered was for the legal citizen's arrest of Zimmerman.

Really, colorful political speech if from your side, but vile hatred coming from any other. you are intellectually dishonest.

Furthermore, a citizen's arrest based on what the panther's called "street law" not real law.

Really, colorful political speech if from your side, but vile hatred coming from any other. you are intellectually dishonest.

Show me where I've labelled similar speech as "vile hatred," if you want to pretend to some high standard of intellectual honesty. Or, better yet, just admit that you're lying and trolling, and stop posting here.

Furthermore, a citizen's arrest based on what the panther's called "street law" not real law.

Still not a crime.

George Zimmerman is no more white than Barack Obama.

This wasnt a race issue until the race baiters made it one.

Show me where I've labelled similar speech as "vile hatred," if you want to pretend to some high standard of intellectual honesty. Or, better yet, just admit that you're lying and trolling, and stop posting here.

Still not a crime.

Lying? You are full of yourself and more proof that education and intelligence are fickle friends.

DO you have the strength of character to apologize for your characterization of George Zimmerman if he is found innocent?
You are a retard, the Orlando sentinel and the police department are the citation.

And you are an idiot.

You are new here, so we are going to give you one chance. And this was it.

I would suggest you tone your language and manner of posting when addressing other members of this forum. If you persist in posting like a petulant child, you will be treated as one and denied the right to post here. It is that simple.

And really, trying to claim The Blaze is a valid news source...
You are new here, so we are going to give you one chance. And this was it.

I would suggest you tone your language and manner of posting when addressing other members of this forum. If you persist in posting like a petulant child, you will be treated as one and denied the right to post here. It is that simple.

And really, trying to claim The Blaze is a valid news source...

When trial is done, if he is found inncoent will you have the guts to admit you were wrong? You didnt answer.....
When trial is done, if he is found inncoent will you have the guts to admit you were wrong? You didnt answer.....

An unarmed teenager is dead. You are trying to get a 'I was right and you were wrong' scenario happening here?

And I wasn't the person you had first addressed that question to.

I was the one warning you to not insult and abuse members of this site because they don't happen to agree with you.
Also, I don't care if you ban me. It only proves your dislike for a divergent opinion.

An unarmed teenager is dead, most likely because HE assaulted someone who had a gun.

And you said the blaze is not a valid news source, OBVIOUSLY showing your politiccal bent.

The wanted dead or alive poster is REAL, and its on many sites. So I guess the blaze posting it must make it wrong in your eyes.....

I'm done posting until the trial is over. If Zimmerman was guilty, it must be proved there, you have already condemned him here for the crime of being assaulted while white. When he is found innocent, I will come back. AND I will laugh at your lamentations and accusations that the trial was rigged and the evidence was falsified. Until then enjoy your race-baiting.
Also, I don't care if you ban me. It only proves your dislike for a divergent opinion.
Not at all. I disagree with just about most people posting in this thread all the time, and they are still here.

An unarmed teenager is dead, most likely because HE assaulted someone who had a gun.
An unarmed teenager who was followed by an armed man at night.

Tell me, if an armed man followed your wife or teenage child, you would tell them to not try to defend themselves? Zimmerman followed from his car, disobeyed 911 dispatcher's request that he not follow Trayvon, he then followed Trayvon on foot. That to me is a threatening move.

And you said the blaze is not a valid news source, OBVIOUSLY showing your politiccal bent.
And you are showing yours by actually citing it here.

We have many conservatives who post here and even they do not use The Blaze as a news source. Possibly because Glenn Beck is a lunatic and possibly because people who frequent such sites are racist red necks (read the article about Derbyshire's dismissal and you would see just what I mean).

The wanted dead or alive poster is REAL, and its on many sites. So I guess the blaze posting it must make it wrong in your eyes.....
The Blaze will always report on things in a slanted manner. It is why they are so popular with the ultra right wing crazies, so much so that true conservatives give them and that site a wide berth.

And rightly so.

That you quote it here and expect to be taken seriously, well, sorry, it is kind of funny.

Not at all.

My request to you was that you stop insulting members of this site.
Glenn Beck is a lunatic and possibly because people who frequent such sites are racist red necks.

So you are calling me a racist redneck because i frequent a site YOU disapprove of.

AND at the same time lecturing me about insulting people.

If you want to wear the moderator hat you have to put your opinions in your back pocket.

Would calling you a hypocrite based on your own posts be insulting you?

Enjoy your groupthink and orthodoxy.

Would calling another member a liar and a troll be an insult?
So you are calling me a racist redneck because i frequent a site YOU disapprove of.

You are free to frequent whichever site you wish to frequent.

What I have said is that if you post something from a dodgy site, don't expect it to be taken seriously.

AND at the same time lecturing me about insulting people.
How have I insulted you? By saying that the people who frequent sites like the Blaze tend to be on the extreme and ugly right?

The reason The Blaze has the reputation it has can be seen in the comments section of its articles. Such as this one and this one.

If you want to wear the moderator hat you have to put your opinions in your back pocket.
About your sources?

Heh.. No.

As a moderator, I am well within my bounds to question your sources and to also request you not insult and abuse people on this site.

Would calling you a hypocrite based on your own posts be insulting you
You are angry that I do not agree with you?

That's okay.

Enjoy your groupthink and orthodoxy.
We shall!

We even have cookies.

Would calling another member a liar and a troll be an insult?
It isn't good to refer to yourself in such a negative way. Feeling so badly about yourself can and will have detrimental effects on your future outlook.

That aside, it isn't an insult if it is true.:)
Here is my opinion on the subject of the Florida shooting. Zimmerman used racial profiling and saw Trayvon as a potential threat. His racial profiling was based on the unusually high crime rate associated with black males, which is the highest of all demographic groups. He called in and followed orders to stop the following Trayvon. This was also based on racial profiling, which assumed the black man was strong and athletic and would kick his ass if he confronted him alone. Zimmerman looks too soft to be tough in battle.

Trayvon, also racially profiled and assumed all whites are prejudice and out to put down the black man. It did not dawn on Trayvon, due to his own profiling, that Zimmerman might be honest mall cop protecting his hood. When Zimmerman walk away to seek security until the police arrived, Trayvon became the hunter. He saw the animal run scared. Trayvon out flanked him because he was going to inflict justice for all black people who have been wronged. Trayvon got the edge and started to beat down that racist Zimmerman, while acting like a racists. He only saw a stereo type and not a person. Zimmerman in fear of his life, due to the rage in Trayvon, and his own profiling fear, took his gun and shot him dead.

The moral of the story are the race merchants who sell racism, planted the seeds that caused this tragedy. I would put the race mongers on trial as accomplishes since their propaganda helped accomplish this end, which even now they continue to exploit for money and political power.

This can be inferred by the racist action of blacks, when a large group of blacks beat a white couple with kicks, punches, sticks, rocks, etc. This was not given the same media playtime. This was far more brutal, and totally one-sided, but it did not fit the template needed for the racist jockeys.
On March 16th, the Sanford police department released new details to the Orlando Sentinel. These details have been ignored or changed by the media.
The witness reports that George Zimmerman was on the ground and Trayvon is on top of him punching him.
The witness says that George Zimmerman was screaming and yelling for help.
Police arrive and find Zimmerman bleeding on his face and the back of his head. He also has had grass stains on his back. All this confirms the story told by Zimmerman and the witness.
Police play the 911 tape for Trayvon Martin’s father, who tells police that the voice screaming is not the voice of his son.

and we also have witness saying the police changed their testimony to that making highly doubtful anything said by a witness for the defense here is perfectly credible
Not to throw gas back on this thread, but:

Documents shed new light on Trayvon Martin killing


ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Trayvon Martin was shot through the heart at close range. George Zimmerman had a broken nose, bruises and bloody cuts on the back of his head.

The lead investigator in the case wanted to charge Zimmerman with manslaughter in the weeks after the shooting but was overruled.

These are among the details revealed in nearly 200 pages of documents, photos and audio recordings released Thursday in a case that's riveted the nation. Yet it's still unclear what exactly happened and whether it was racially motivated.

The evidence supports Zimmerman's contention that he was being beat up when he fired the fatal shot. At the same time, it bolsters the argument of Martin's parents that Zimmerman was profiling Martin and that the whole confrontation could have been avoided if not for Zimmerman's actions.


Seems like that combined argument in the last paragraph I posted above might be the most reasonable interpretation. I'm not sure about the broken nose. Anyone else thinks it looks broken? It's definitely off-kilter, though I expected more bruising. I guess I'd say it does look broken.
Biased Media. Gotta have that sensationalism- Keep 'em stirred up.
Zimmerman who is a white man of Hispanic heritage.
Is he white or hispanic?
Doe it really matter? See below.
At the same time, it bolsters the argument of Martin's parents that Zimmerman was profiling Martin and that the whole confrontation could have been avoided if not for Zimmerman's actions.
It could have been avoided just as neatly if the kid, who had gotten out of Zimmermans view, hadn't returned to Zimmerman, Jumped on him from behind and Assaulted the man.

At this time, I'm unclear as to whether Zimmerman had on the jacket with bold SECURITY lettering on the back of it. I've heard both...
IF he did, how could Martin have missed it when he jumped him from behind?
Either way, Zimmerman was assaulted.
He was beaten pretty badly which is a bit unnerving when it's in the process of happening...

It could have been avoided if the Kid had gone ahead on HOME when he evaded Martin, a Watch man investigating a Suspect.
He CHOSE instead to go back and assault the Watch Man.

Yet it's still unclear what exactly happened and whether it was racially motivated.
Not according to the volume of reports that the article admits to being released.

And in all fairness, the only people crying out FOUL about the race issue are those that were not there.

The Media Misrepresented these facts when altering footage to make it appear as though Zimmerman said, "He looks like he's up to no good. He looks black."
They were motivated to Lie.
When in actuality, the Operator ASKED HIM what race the suspect was and saying, "he LOOKS black" smacks of Uncertainty on Zimmermans part as to whether he actually was black. He trusted the operator and answered the question and that was distorted against him to make him "Seem" racist.

In the meantime, all his friends and family find that baffling, attesting he is not really some mean old racist.

Biased Media and a lot of Racial hype that is Unnecesarry.
He didn't attack the kid - he saw as uspect, called 911 and the suspect assaulted him.

Did Zimmerman show poor judgment? YES.
