Justice and Security: Neighborhood Watch Captain Attacks, Kills Unarmed Teenager

Art, have you ever considered that you might have some sort of undiagnosed personality disorder?

Not really.
I've held one job for 20+ years, got married and stayed married for 30 years, raised two nice kids, have nice friends, so I think ITRW I do ok.

It's really only on forums like this where I run into so many people with a friggin chip on their shoulder, posting things they would never say in real life, that I tend to retaliate in kind.

You know total BS like this:
Repo Man said:
I bet you had the most raging boner when you caught Tiassa in an error on page one
Here's an interesting development:

Neo-Nazis are currently conducting heavily armed patrols in and around Sanford, Florida and are "prepared" for violence in the case of a race riot. The patrols are to protect "white citizens in the area who are concerned for their safety" in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting last month, says Commander Jeff Schoep of the National Socialist Movement. "We are not advocating any type of violence or attacks on anybody, but we are prepared for it," he says. "We are not the type of white people who are going to be walked all over."

Because nothing diffuses racial tension like gun-toting racial separatists patrolling an already on-edge community.

Armed Neo-Nazis Now Patrolling Sanford, Say They Are "Prepared" For Post-Trayvon Martin Violence

"May the coolest minds prevail."
Derbyshire dismissed

Bells said:

They must be fans of Mr Derbyshire.

And for the record, the conservative magazine The National Review has fired John Derbyshire:

His latest provocation, in a webzine, lurches from the politically incorrect to the nasty and indefensible. We never would have published it, but the main reason that people noticed it is that it is by a National Review writer. Derb is effectively using our name to get more oxygen for views with which we’d never associate ourselves otherwise. So there has to be a parting of the ways. Derb has long danced around the line on these issues, but this column is so outlandish it constitutes a kind of letter of resignation. It’s a free country, and Derb can write whatever he wants, wherever he wants. Just not in the pages of NR or NRO, or as someone associated with NR any longer.


Lowry, Rich. "Parting Ways". The Corner. April 7, 2012. NationalReview.com. April 7, 2012. http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/295514/parting-ways-rich-lowry
Well this case just got weirder. Zimmerman's lawyers, you remember them? The ones who advised how Zimmerman had broken his nose, etc? Well the only contact they had ever had with their client was on the phone. They had apparently never even met him. And because they now no longer know where he is (they have never known where he was when they advised he was still in the country apparently) and are unable to reach him, but they suspect he is still in the US... Hilarious..

George Zimmerman's attorneys said in a press conference Tuesday afternoon that they will no longer be representing him. The attorneys claim that Zimmerman repeatedly rebuffed their legal advice, and that they have now lost contact with him.

"As of now we are withdrawing as counsel for Mr. Zimmerman," Craig Sonner, one of his attorneys, told reporters outside the Seminole County Courthouse in Sanford, Fla. "We've lost contact with him. Up to this point, we've had contact with him every day. He's gone on his own. I'm not sure what he's doing or who he's talking to, but at this point we're withdrawing as counsel. If he wants us to come back as counsel, he will contact us."

Sonner said that he has never met Zimmerman in person, and that their conversations have all taken place via telephone.

Amazingly enough, even though they now don't know where he is, they are still saying they suspect he is still in the US. And funnier still, their client is ready to surrender himself if he is charged... of course their former client has proven this by breaking off all contact with his lawyers...

Uhrig said that Zimmerman had stopped responding to their phone calls, and that they had a "pretty good idea" of where he was, while Sonner maintained that Zimmerman was "still in the United States." Last week, Zimmerman's lawyers said their client was ready to surrender if charged with a crime.

This is after they tried to claim that Zimmerman had suffered from shaken baby syndrome when Martin had shaken him before Zimmerman killed Martin.. A claim his lawyer apparently made without having met him in person once and without any proof that Zimmerman had even sought medical help for his broken nose or other injuries they kept saying Zimmerman had suffered - sure, they'd never met him and can't really know and just have to take Zimmerman's word for it, but hey, that's apparently acceptable and believable.

And it actually gets worse. Zimmerman's former lawyers also advised that Zimmerman was 'probably' suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome, without a psyche evaluation and without having met him. His lawyers also advised that they had attempted to set up a website to try to garner donations to help Zimmerman pay for his legal fees. That had apparently also gone pear shape when Zimmerman, without consulting his now former lawyers, set up his own website, spoke to Sean Hannity about his case without letting his lawyers know and then tried to contact the prosecutors office, again, without letting his lawyers know:

Uhrig said that last Thursday, he and Sonner helped George Zimmerman's father, Robert Zimmerman, set up a website to solicit donations for George's legal defense and living expenses. They said that they had not been able to reach Zimmerman on Sunday, the day before the site was to go live. The site's address, zimmermandefense.com, had been made available to news outlets.

"On Sunday we lost track of George in that he wouldn't return our phone calls, and we couldn't get hold of him," Uhrig said. "We had no reason at that time to believe that it was anything suspect."

But Zimmerman set up a different website that was different from the one set up by his attorneys and his father.

"On Monday we began fielding questions...'did we know anything about [therealgeorgezimmerman.com] website?' And our initial response was, well that's probably bogus, we don't know anything about that. And we started making inquiries and frankly confirmed that he, through friends or family, had in fact set that site up and it was legitimate. We immediately began telling the media, disregard the earlier website we gave you that we had set up. Go for the one we now know that he set up."

"We were happy enough with that, but disturbed that he had not communicated with us," Uhrig said.

The attorneys said that Zimmerman repeatedly ignored their legal advice.

"We learned that he had called Sean Hannity of Fox News directly — not through us," Uhrig said. "We believe that he spoke directly with Sean off the record and [Hannity's] not even willing to tell us what our client told him."

Uhrig said the "final straw" was Zimmerman's attempt to set up a meeting with the special prosecutor on the case, Angela Corey. But Uhrig said that Zimmerman had contacted the special prosecutor directly to come in to speak with them, as well. "We were a bit astonished and had some conversation back and forth with the prosecutor's office," Uhrig said."They told us what we expected, '[that they] were not going to talk to a criminal or [defendant] without counsel.'"

Uhrig said that Zimmerman told officials at the prosecutors office that Uhrig and Sonner were not his lawyers, but "his legal advisers."

As one legal scholar has pointed out, they may have damaged Zimmerman's defense by discussing his state of mind when they hadn't even met him and may possibly have breached client/lawyer privilege by divulging what they have about their client in that press conference.
Zimmerman is pretty simple in IQ level. He has proxy website, which the FBI could easily find him. Let's assume the police know his whereabouts.

He is making big cash from donations, and he feels he's an American hero. Until they indict him, this is going to get weirder.

Add: He's a homeboy small-town Florida guy. I doubt he would roam very far from Sanford. Maybe in the lake country west of Sanford area. He's making enough funds to hire someone to bring him groceries. Cash and a place to set his fat lazy behind.

Add: Skinhead Koresh Martyr. This could get really dicey.
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It already is dicey.

Apparently Loop 21 broke the story of Zimmerman speaking to Fox's Sean Hannity off the record, about god knows what and he advised them that he had set up his own 'fundraising' site, where people could directly send him money to help pay for his cost of living expenses and his supposed legal fees to lawyers he has never even met. Zimmerman's former lawyers confirmed Loop 21's story.

The issue with Zimmerman's website apparently arose when his now former lawyers and his father attempted to set up a website which would take donations for his legal fees. They had already provided news sites with that website's information when Zimmerman then advised, through his personal contact with Loop 21 that he had set up his own website, where people can give him money directly into an account he has set up, to help fund his living expenses and his supposed legal defense (which would be interesting to see how he can excuse that now that his lawyers have dropped him and had never even met him).

Zimmerman writes on his website:

I have created a Paypal account solely linked on this website as I would like to provide an avenue to thank my supporters personally and ensure that any funds provided are used only for living expenses and legal defense, in lieu of my forced inability to maintain employment. I will also personally, maintain accountability of all funds received. I reassure you, every donation is appreciated.

His now former lawyers confirmed that is the website that is now to be used. There is nothing on his website which details how he intends to "maintain accountability of all funds received", except a 'PS' at the bottom of the home page where he states he intends to respond personally (I assume via email) to each person who has donated...

Because that doesn't sound bogus at all..

Reminds me of a Nigerian money making scam.
Well this case just got weirder. Zimmerman's lawyers, you remember them? The ones who advised how Zimmerman had broken his nose, etc? Well the only contact they had ever had with their client was on the phone. They had apparently never even met him. And because they now no longer know where he is (they have never known where he was when they advised he was still in the country apparently) and are unable to reach him, but they suspect he is still in the US... Hilarious..

Actually your link doesn't say what you claim it says:

You say They had apparently never even met him

Your Link says: Sonner said that he has never met Zimmerman in person

But Sonner is not THEY.

As to your "Hilarious" comment, after they suspect he is still in the US, not sure why you find that funny since clearly Zimmerman has reason to fear for his safety or, given the hostile media, public demonstrations and calls for his arrest/prosecution by Florida officials, he also has reason to doubt the ability to get an impartial jury trial in Florida.



If I were him I'd certainly consider relocating, preferably to someplace without an extradition treaty, and since he is not under any form of detention by any state or federal authority, he has no legal reason to stay in the US.

Which would make, say a stay in Morocco or the Maldives, look like a pretty good place for an extended vacation about now.

Bells said:
Reminds me of a Nigerian money making scam.

Hardly. His notoriety is why he can't work and it takes money to live, so why not use your notoriety to raise money (and possibly relocate to a place with a better climate)?
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People are strange

Bells said:

It already is dicey.

It's even stranger than all that.

Both Craig Sonner and the attorney Hal Uhrig says they haven't talked to him for a couple of days and that he just stopped returning phone calls, text messages, emails, basically any kind of communication. They also cite the fact that they're - despite their advice against it, Zimmerman has been in contact with a lot of people, including the state prosecutor's office and some people in the media. They say that they're also involved in this new website that George Zimmerman has apparently put out, and that there was a mix-up over the website, how it was administered. They say that Zimmerman called Fox News directly to talk to some of the folks there.

And I guess the final decision today is that they said that they spoke with the special prosecutor's office in Jacksonville, and they were told that Zimmerman contacted that prosecutor directly and said that basically they were not his attorneys, just his legal advisers. I'm not sure what the difference is, neither are they. But they said today it's not so much they're resigning, but they announced that they can't represent him until George Zimmerman contacts them.


PTSD? Yeah, I can actually imagine that. The trauma of killing another human being is powerful enough, and then if we add on top of that the shock of going from hero in his own mind to public enemy, I can actually imagine this is all having its effect.


Lohr, Kathy. "Zimmerman's Attorneys Withdraw As Counsel". All Things Considered. April 10, 2012. NPR.org. April 11, 2012. http://www.npr.org/2012/04/10/150385272/zimmermans-attorneys-withdraw-as-counsel
Actually your link doesn't say what you claim it says:

You say They had apparently never even met him

Your Link says: Sonner said that he has never met Zimmerman in person

But Sonner is not THEY.

You are actually going to try and pick a point about "they"?

I have to ask, is there anything that you actually won't try and pick a fight about? Anything at all?

As to your "Hilarious" comment, after they suspect he is still in the US, not sure why you find that funny since clearly Zimmerman has reason to fear for his safety or, given the hostile media, public demonstrations and calls for his arrest/prosecution by Florida officials, he also has reason to doubt the ability to get an impartial jury trial in Florida.
So when all this broke nationally and internationally, Zimmerman disappeared and people thought his lawyers knew where he was and they did not. At least one of his lawyers has not even met him (doubt the others have to be honest) and now, no one knows where he is.. All this while an investigation is underway which could result in his being charged with at the very least, manslaughter.

You don't think he should have told the authorities where he was hiding out, at the very least the police and/or his own lawyers?

If I were him I'd certainly consider relocating, preferably to someplace without an extradition treaty, and since he is not under any form of detention by any state or federal authority, he has no legal reason to stay in the US.

Which would make, say a stay in Morocco or the Maldives, look like a pretty good place for an extended vacation about now.
Are you saying that a man who is currently being investigated for a homicide should skip the country now while he can and move to a country that has no extradition order with the US?

Are you suggesting he does something that could very well be illegal Adoucette? Are you aware that this site does not condone the promotion of illegal activities, such as suggesting a murder suspect skip town and move to where he cannot be extradited if it goes to trial? Are you also aware that members of this site have been banned before for promoting illegal activity?

And here I assumed you were a law abiding citizen, instead you are apperently "not defending" Zimmerman by saying that he should skip the country so that he cannot be arrested if the prosecutor does decide to press charges. While he is currently a free man, that could change in the very near future, and for you to suggest he leaves the country so that he cannot be arrested is quite despicable of you.

Hardly. His notoriety is why he can't work and it takes money to live, so why not use your notoriety to raise money (and possibly relocate to a place with a better climate)?
Be really funny if people donate and he uses that money to skip the country and he is then charged with manslaughter. I'm surprised you haven't donated and contacted him and advised him to skip town, since you know, that's what you would do to avoid being arrested.
It's even stranger than all that.

Both Craig Sonner and the attorney Hal Uhrig says they haven't talked to him for a couple of days and that he just stopped returning phone calls, text messages, emails, basically any kind of communication. They also cite the fact that they're - despite their advice against it, Zimmerman has been in contact with a lot of people, including the state prosecutor's office and some people in the media. They say that they're also involved in this new website that George Zimmerman has apparently put out, and that there was a mix-up over the website, how it was administered. They say that Zimmerman called Fox News directly to talk to some of the folks there.

And I guess the final decision today is that they said that they spoke with the special prosecutor's office in Jacksonville, and they were told that Zimmerman contacted that prosecutor directly and said that basically they were not his attorneys, just his legal advisers. I'm not sure what the difference is, neither are they. But they said today it's not so much they're resigning, but they announced that they can't represent him until George Zimmerman contacts them.


PTSD? Yeah, I can actually imagine that. The trauma of killing another human being is powerful enough, and then if we add on top of that the shock of going from hero in his own mind to public enemy, I can actually imagine this is all having its effect.


Lohr, Kathy. "Zimmerman's Attorneys Withdraw As Counsel". All Things Considered. April 10, 2012. NPR.org. April 11, 2012. http://www.npr.org/2012/04/10/150385272/zimmermans-attorneys-withdraw-as-counsel

Well it's better than the 'shaken baby syndrome' defense they tried to push out very recently..:cool:
Breaking news aparently charges will be announced wendsday and Zimmerman will finally be arrested for his killing of an innocent kid
Bells said:
Are you saying that a man who is currently being investigated for a homicide should skip the country now while he can and move to a country that has no extradition order with the US?

Are you suggesting he does something that could very well be illegal Adoucette? Are you aware that this site does not condone the promotion of illegal activities, such as suggesting a murder suspect skip town and move to where he cannot be extradited if it goes to trial? Are you also aware that members of this site have been banned before for promoting illegal activity?
Why would it be illegal for someone who is merely under investigation (not charged) to leave the country?

You are actually going to try and pick a point about "they"?

I have to ask, is there anything that you actually won't try and pick a fight about? Anything at all?

That's pretty funny Bells.
Since when is pointing out an error the same as "picking a fight"?

Bells said:
So when all this broke nationally and internationally, Zimmerman disappeared and people thought his lawyers knew where he was and they did not. At least one of his lawyers has not even met him (doubt the others have to be honest) and now, no one knows where he is.. All this while an investigation is underway which could result in his being charged with at the very least, manslaughter.

You don't think he should have told the authorities where he was hiding out, at the very least the police and/or his own lawyers?

This happened nearly 2 months ago. The police took him in, questioned him, questioned all the people in the area, looked at the evidence, looked at the autopsy results and at the end of all that he was not charged with any crime and released. He has no obligation to tell the police or anyone where he is going.

Are you saying that a man who is currently being investigated for a homicide should skip the country now while he can and move to a country that has no extradition order with the US? Are you suggesting he does something that could very well be illegal Adoucette?

Not at all.
He has not been charged with any crime and only the courts can order him to surrender his passport (as part of pre-trial release) and since he has never been to court for any of this he is totally free to go wherever he wants to, including out of the country.

Bells said:
Are you aware that this site does not condone the promotion of illegal activities, such as suggesting a murder suspect skip town and move to where he cannot be extradited if it goes to trial? Are you also aware that members of this site have been banned before for promoting illegal activity?

Yes, and I'm not promoting any illegal activities Bells. He never went to court, so he never had to surrender his passport and so he can leave the town, the state and the US legally. His lawyer in fact implied that he might have left the US but did you see any reports of any official saying he was breaking a law if he did so?


Bells said:
And here I assumed you were a law abiding citizen,

I am Bells.
Maybe you need to explain what law you think a man who has never been before a court and is not under indictement would be breaking by travelling?

Bells said:
instead you are apperently "not defending" Zimmerman by saying that he should skip the country so that he cannot be arrested if the prosecutor does decide to press charges. While he is currently a free man, that could change in the very near future, and for you to suggest he leaves the country so that he cannot be arrested is quite despicable of you.

No I said I don't think he is safe in the US (see the links) and in the current climate in Florida I don't think he can get a fair trial.
Just the comments made on this board would suggest that a great many people are already convinced he is guilty without even hearing the testimony or seeing the actual evidence, which suggests that giving him a fair trial would be difficult at best.

Bells said:
a case where a racist man guns down a minor

Bells said:
At the end of the day, stand your ground laws stop applying when you get out of your car, and chase a kid down a couple of streets against direct orders from a police dispatcher, before tackling him to the ground and then shooting him in the chest.

Bells said:
This case is horrific, not just because someone was shot and killed in cold blood, but also because the killer remains free, without charge

Bells said:
An unarmed teenage boy was killed because he was the black kid walking to his father's house and the over-zealot self appointed neighbourhood watch 'captain' saw a "fucking coon" acting suspiciously and decided to chase him, whereupon Martin stood his ground and defended himself before he was shot at close range..

Eyewitnesses placed Zimmerman sitting on Martin's chest when he shot Martin.

I could go on, but the point is clear, some people have not only made up their mind, but concocted their own evidence to prove it.

Bells said:
Be really funny if people donate and he uses that money to skip the country and he is then charged with manslaughter. I'm surprised you haven't donated and contacted him and advised him to skip town, since you know, that's what you would do to avoid being arrested.

Well it's clear he can't come back to his town, or even Florida as he's a "wanted man" with a bounty on his head and given the media coverage of this, I'm not sure where in the US he could find a job today anyway, so using the internet to raise money and putting some distance between him and the US seems like a reasonable choice.
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That's pretty funny Bells.
Since when is pointing out an error the same as "picking a fight"?

Since you dedicated 3/4 of your post to a rant because I said 'they' instead of 'he'.

This happened nearly 2 months ago. The police took him in, questioned him, questioned all the people in the area, looked at the evidence, looked at the autopsy results and at the end of all that he was not charged with any crime and released. He has no obligation to tell the police or anyone where he is going.
And knowing he is being investigated for a possible murder charge, you say that if you were him, you'd skip town and go somewhere that has no extradition orders with the US. Not only are you dishonest, but also encourage illegal and immoral activities. You are the gift that keeps on giving Arthur.

Not at all.
He has not been charged with any crime and only the courts can order him to surrender his passport (as part of pre-trial release) and since he has never been to court for any of this he is totally free to go wherever he wants to, including out of the country.
You don't think skipping town and leaving the country and going to where you can't be arrested while being investigated for murder is a bad thing?

Yes, and I'm not promoting any illegal activities Bells. He never went to court, so he never had to surrender his passport and so he can leave the town, the state and the US legally. His lawyer in fact implied that he might have left the US but did you see any reports of any official saying he was breaking a law if he did so?

You advised that if you were him, you would make sure to skip town during a murder investigation and go somewhere that you could not be extradited from. His then lawyer, unless they have now been re-instated, re-iterated that he was still in the US but they did not know where as they had lost all contact with him. You, knowing he is being investigated for murder, suggest he should leave the country and go where he cannot be extradited back if he is charged with murder and you that is acceptable?

I am Bells.
Maybe you need to explain what law you think a man who has never been before a court and is not under indictement would be breaking by travelling?
If you were a law abiding citizen, you would not suggest a man being investigated for murder skip town and go to where he cannot be extradited.

While leaving during the investigation is not illegal, going to where he would not be able to be extradited and refusing to turn himself in in the event of a charge is illegal. Really, this needs to be explained to you?

No I said I don't think he is safe in the US (see the links) and in the current climate in Florida I don't think he can get a fair trial.
Just the comments made on this board would suggest that a great many people are already convinced he is guilty without even hearing the testimony or seeing the actual evidence, which suggests that giving him a fair trial would be difficult at best.
Well considering that I do not live in Florida and would never be made to sit on a jury, you have nothing to worry about.

I could go on, but the point is clear, some people have not only made up their mind, but concocted their own evidence to prove it.
I take it you haven't even read your own posts in this thread?

We were saying he should be investigated and you were defending Zimmerman's actions in shooting an unarmed teenager simply. You refused to even acknowledge the evidence provided by others in this thread and instead kept on pushing his innocence. Well guess what, he has now been charged with second degree murder and will go to trial, which is what everyone, that he be investigated and if there was enough evidence for a trial, it be tried.

Well it's clear he can't come back to his town, or even Florida as he's a "wanted man" with a bounty on his head and given the media coverage of this, I'm not sure where in the US he could find a job today anyway, so using the internet to raise money and putting some distance between him and the US seems like a reasonable choice.
Well thankfully he is not you and he has turned himself in to police. You would have skipped the country and now would be considered the type of criminal who evades police and arrest.
Since you dedicated 3/4 of your post to a rant because I said 'they' instead of 'he'.
Apparently you are also poor in math.

And knowing he is being investigated for a possible murder charge, you say that if you were him, you'd skip town and go somewhere that has no extradition orders with the US. Not only are you dishonest, but also encourage illegal and immoral activities. You are the gift that keeps on giving Arthur.

No Bells, leaving the country would not be in any way illegal.

While leaving during the investigation is not illegal, going to where he would not be able to be extradited and refusing to turn himself in in the event of a charge is illegal. Really, this needs to be explained to you?

No Bells, if it's not illegal to leave (which you now finally admit) then it's not illegal to go to a country that doesn't have an extradition treaty.

We were saying he should be investigated and you were defending Zimmerman's actions in shooting an unarmed teenager simply.

Nope. You were making statements that he was in fact guilty. You even invented evidence, in contrast, I wasn't defending him, just pointing out based on the evidence we had seen why with the existing very lenient State Self Defense Law why the state didn't have the evidence to convict him (See the paper I linked to that explains this very lenient law in detail: Don't Dial 911. Use .357).

Now, after 3 weeks of investigation and nothing new released, the Special Prosecuter brings a 2nd Degree Murder charge.
Big surprise.
But so far we haven't seen what this special prosecuter is basing these new charges on, but I do find it interesting that she didn't convene a Grand Jury and did this unilaterally, because if she had good evidence why not take it to the Grand Jury?

I guess we'll just have to wait to see what she presents as actual new evidence.

Well thankfully he is not you and he has turned himself in to police. You would have skipped the country and now would be considered the type of criminal who evades police and arrest.

Yeah, I admit it, I would have left in a heartbeat.
I enjoy my freedom and I wouldn't risk losing it based on what 12 people think after the media circus this case has been, if I didn't have to.
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Apparently you are also poor in math.

Oh sorry, "half"..

Nope. You were making statements that he was in fact guilty. You even invented evidence, in contrast, I wasn't defending him, just pointing out based on the evidence we had seen why the state didn't have the evidence to charge him.

Now, after 3 weeks of investigation and NOTHING NEW released, the Special Prosecuter brings a 2nd Degree Murder charge, but so far we haven't seen what this special prosecuter is basing these new charges on, but it is interesting that she didn't convene a Grand Jury. If she had good evidence why not?

So I guell we'll just have to wait to see what she presents as actual new evidence before commenting further.
This is because Arthur says so?

I am sure if the police had actually done their jobs properly and not attempted to skew the original investigation (ie such as police trying to correct witnesses to tell them what they are supposed to have seen), things might have gone differently.

In fact, the Prosecutor also commented on what the police did and did not appear to be very approving of their actions:

During her news conference announcing the charges, Corey took an apparent swipe at Sanford police officials, who leaked confidential information about the case that appeared to bolster Zimmerman's claims of self-defense.

"So much information on the case got released that never should have been released," Corey said.

What I believe I made clear was that this case should have been investigated properly. It's not that hard Arthur.

Yeah, I admit it, I would have in a heartbeat.
I enjoy my freedom and I wouldn't risk losing it based on what 12 people think after the media circus this case has been, if I didn't have to.
Good to know that you are the type of person who would evade police and break the law.

Because that is what honest people do....

But Bells, did you actually say something good about Zimmerman?
Was not aware that was a requirement.

Ah SMS/Text speak...

Not really.
I've held one job for 20+ years, got married and stayed married for 30 years, raised two nice kids, have nice friends, so I think ITRW I do ok.

You're also a font of repellent political ideology.

It's really only on forums like this where I run into so many people with a friggin chip on their shoulder, posting things they would never say in real life, that I tend to retaliate in kind.

Oh, of course. You have no choice but to defend yourself from the evil hordes of... people you choose to seek out interactions with and provoke. It couldn't possibly be that you go out looking for such confrontations to feed your authoritarian streak, and then produce self-serving excuses when they turn ugly.

Like a certain wanna-be cop who killed an unarmed kid out in Florida and ended up in hot water.

By all means, though, carry on. I'm enjoying watching you die on this hill.

Speaking of which, did you notice the recent release of the report on the pepper-spray incident at UCD? It's outright scathing towards the cops and leadership:

Interesting, it could be argued that the 2nd degree murder charge is sort of doing a favor for Zimmerman.

Sure, the penalty if convicted is somewhat higher but it is also a a MUCH more difficult charge to prove than the Negligent Homicide the police wanted to charge him with and that the original DA turned down.

This is what they are charging him with:

Murder with a Depraved Mind
Murder with a Depraved Mind occurs when a person is killed, without any premeditated design, by an act imminently dangerous to another and evincing a depraved mind showing no regard for human life. http://www.richardhornsby.com/crimes/homicide/second-degree-murder.html#Definition

But that law also includes this:

Self Defense
Also known as the justified use of deadly force, self defense is a defense to the crime of Second Degree Murder.

And we already know the courts have ruled that the STATE has the burden of proving it WASN'T self defense and have to do that beyond a reasonable doubt.

So unless there is some very compelling evidence not yet made public, that does not appear to be a bar they can hurdle (and they can't retry him on a lesser charge).

Even Tiassa has said, based on the evidence presented so far that he couldn't convict.

And, in Florida, if they fail to convict, he can then sue the police/DA for damages for which the law expressly gives him standing to do.