Just when you think you've reached the bottom of the barrel...

They were instructed by your megalomaniac god to go back and murder the men and take off with any virgins .... obviously for sex and breeding purposes.

Perfect example of Bronze Age barbarity.

"obviously for sex and breeding purposes." No. Thats just your own conclusion derived from your own limited reasoning ability. Your adding to scriptures an intent without knowing the actual intent.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Did you miss the part where the innocent girls were RAPED!!?!

Did you miss where i said the man was a sinner. He made a bad decision because he was a man. Look to the examples down through the OT scriptures God is willing to work with sinners who are humble towards Him. He is a God of incredible forgiveness. Look at King David. He had a man killed to cover his adultery with the mans wife. But he was still loved by God because he was repentant when confronted with the fact of his guilt.

Now after re-reading the scriptures i cannot see where it says the girls where "RAPED", Micheal could you please find the verse that says they where raped and quote it for me. thanks

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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Hm. Quoting half sentences appears a syndrome. The texts also says the daughters thought the whole world was destroyed, and their act was thus a majestic supreme one - they wanted humanity to continue. If they wanted adultry why pick a drunken old father?


That was a later event to the one we are talking about. We are discussing Genesis 19. paticularly vs 4 and 5.

The incident you are referring to is later verses 30 onward.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days