The thread represents a key issue that many people have tried to address.
The choice is really quite clear -
1. A view where supernatural forces are the dominant factors in the universe and lives of people.
2. A view where natural forces are the only factors.
(1) Includes all religions and many related superstitions as well as countless imaginative mystical speculations.
(2) Has been adopted by many as a key idea in support of the Brights network. This is a serious attempt to move away from the array of confusing labels, such as atheism, humanism, skepticism, etc. All of which largely side with the positive naturalistic worldview concept.
The choice of the term "Bright" remains controversial and may indeed prevent many from accepting that label. In principle the basis is a sound idea and allows people to adopt a positive position on the big questions that religions also attempt to answer, but with equal weight, as opposed to the negative connotations that arise from disbelief or believing in a negative that come from atheism from example.
Here is a the link to the Brights network -
Quote -
What is a bright?
A bright is a person who has a naturalistic worldview
A bright's worldview is free of supernatural and mystical elements
The ethics and actions of a bright are based on a naturalistic worldview