Just Say No to Atheism


Encephaloid Martini
Valued Senior Member
The term "Atheism" should no longer be used. If theists wish their beliefs to be known as theism, that's fine.

Naturalism or Humanism would be more appropriate terms to use for those who do not begin from the position that gods exist, but instead begin from the position of nature or humans, which apparently do exist.

Theists themselves admit to faith as the primary driver of their beliefs, hence their views should be classified as "Ahuman" or "Anatural" since those views elevate the supernatural up onto a pedestal while degrading mankind to that which is scraped off a boot.

If theist's are to hold their contrasting and negative views of reality as firm beliefs, theirs should be categorized as opposing, and not the other way round.

Say Yes to Humanism - Say No to Atheism
Atheism is not believing in God. If you don't want to be described as an atheist, don't argue about religion. And humanism? Theists are also human. Dehumanisation of theists is not humanism. Didn't you learn anything from the Soviet experience?

Btw, this sounds like the kind of bs that Dawkins spouts, is he writing a new book?
IMO ,the term "humanism" suggests that humans are the focus of the debate which has never been the case.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
IMO ,the term "humanism" suggests that humans are the focus of the debate which has never been the case.
Correct me if I'm wrong.

You are correct. What I pose is that it should be that way rather than the other way round. Humans SHOULD be the focus of the debate.

Even theists themselves are atheists in regards to other religions, hence the term atheism applies to both, making the term meaningless.
Please explain. I'm still stuck on the Evolution/Creation noise.

The debate is about humans, not gods.

Humans indoctrinate their children into cults. This is the primary problem, not some debate of theists silly claims of the supernatural, which are totally irrelevant. The root of the problem is indoctrination and the preclusion of the rational and reasonable in children.

Humans are slaves to religious ideologies. No one should really gives a rat's patootie which *insert deity du jour* is the real god or whether or not creationism is valid. All that does is pander to theists claims and defers from the real problem with cults; indoctrination.

We need to move beyond kowtowing to theists ideologies as they are little more than fantasies, which theists themselves are even unable to agree.

Why debate fantasies when the real problem remains unattended?
What we don't need is more atheist nuts thinking they should determine what other people should or should not believe. Thats more dangerous to the world and its people than anything else.

Who are silent on the atrocities committed against "humans" simply because they are theists. That kind of humanism we do not need. Keep your meaningless pointless teddy bears.
What we don't need is more atheist nuts thinking they should determine what other people should or should not believe. Thats more dangerous to the world and its people than anything else.

Sam is attempting to rerail the discussion back to the claims of theism and beliefs. The problem is the indoctrination of children. The beliefs are irrelevant.

Who are silent on the atrocities committed against "humans" simply because they are theists. That kind of humanism we do not need. Keep your meaningless pointless teddy bears.

Gibberish rant.
Religious people do not refer to their religion as 'theism,' but by the name of their respective religions.

By your own admission and words, you demonstrate the irrelevancy of your core beliefs and the irrelevancy of labeling those beliefs.

Your cult dehumanizes people like any other and raises the supernatural over and above all else. In other words, cults are the same in principle, the indoctrination of people into them. The beliefs themselves are entirely irrelevant.
Yes and we do not want our children to become "humanists" who remain silent or cheer on the oppression of people who do not share their beliefs.
But it's a word that has a definition, atheists fit the definition of the word therefore they are atheists. Feel free to call yourself any ism you wan't your still an atheist even if it is a naturalistic humanistic atheist.

Yes and we do not want our children to become "humanists"

Yes, we know. You want to teach your children to cherish a medieval mindset of blind faith in the supernatural, teach them to lie and take violence as the option to settle differences, and teach them to hate those who don't share those beliefs.

Yes Sam, we know the problem.
But it's a word that has a definition, atheists fit the definition of the word therefore they are atheists. Feel free to call yourself any ism you wan't your still an atheist even if it is a naturalistic humanistic atheist.

I has as much credibility as the definition of Aunicornist or Aleprechaunist.
Yes, we know. You want to teach your children to cherish a medieval mindset of blind faith in the supernatural, teach them to lie and take violence as the option to settle differences, and teach them to hate those who don't share those beliefs.

Yes Sam, we know the problem.

Who's we? Why pretend you represent a world view? You're not an atheist, remember? And I don't see anyone here who agrees with you :rolleyes: