just curious

The rude obnoxious atheists that post here (NOTE: MOST ATHEISTS ARE NOT LIKE THIS..none I know in real life are) were indoctrinated with religion as children, perhaps oppressed by the dogma, made to feel like sinners for expressing quite normal behaviours.

So their frustrated rants in the religious section are about projection. They want to project the feelings of inferiority that were instilled in them as children and probably still carry into adult hood onto those they feel most to blame...the religious. Of course it's really their parents they blame but their indoctrination won't allow them to kick out at them. In fact their parents probably are unaware of their atheist views.
thats not true. I simply find the fact that so many people are so attached to outrageous religious beliefs sickening. the more I learned about religion, logic, and rationality, the more it felt like I was gradually waking up in the twilight zone. I have no idea how someone can believe the crap in most religions. it like waking up one day, and everyone wipes their ass with their hand, and don't wash. sickening.

calling religion irrational is far from accrate
rationality: "that which is characterized by conformity with reason, adhering to qualities of thought such as intelligibility, coherence, consistency, order, logical structure, completeness, testability, and simplicity."
it does not meet those criteria, therefore it is not rational.

if you are going to question someone else's statement, you need something to back up your statement. although, religious arguments often have no real backing, maybe the religious don't have the ability to know when a statement requires some proof.
cato said:
rationality: "that which is characterized by conformity with reason, adhering to qualities of thought such as intelligibility, coherence, consistency, order, logical structure, completeness, testability, and simplicity."
how eactly does religion lack conformity with reason, adhering to qualities of thought such as intelligibility, coherence, consistency, order, logical structure, completeness, testability, and simplicity
be explicit if you will
virgin birth, ressurrection, bodily ascending to heaven (It was a winged horse for Mohammed was it not?), young, flat, 6 day created Earth...

To be honest I could go on for pages and pages detailing irrational, yet popularly believed myths as fact in religion.

If it was nothing more than a simple belief in a living/intelligent creator of the universe, that alone would still be irrational to a high degree... But in religion, asides for belief in such a thing, you have thousands of bizzarre claims per religion to go alongside it. For you to say religion is not irrational is stupid.
Why are you here, Little Birdy? You want discussion, but only along certain lines, it seems. You might as well ask why come to the religion section if you hate Satanism? If God exists, why beat your head against a wall to prove it?
spidergoat said:
Why are you here, Little Birdy? You want discussion, but only along certain lines, it seems. You might as well ask why come to the religion section if you hate Satanism? If God exists, why beat your head against a wall to prove it?
a satanist belives in things similar to myself from a different perspective, i hate no religion be it satanism, atheism, or otherwise but why prostilize one's lack of belif in a section of a forum based on different philosophies of belif
baumgarten said:
Not permanently. Bombard someone with enough evidence to the contrary of their beliefs and eventually they'll overcome the cognitive dissonance and go "this is ridiculous." Like the ~20% of Americans who don't approve of the president anymore. A fine example of ideology crumbling under the crushing weight of painfully obvious evidence!

My guess is a lot of people get a real kick out of seeing (and causing) that, and what better place for the atheists among these to do it than a religion forum on a science board?

That was absolutely brilliant! What have you done with the real baumgarten? :D (j/k)