just curious


Registered Senior Member
What makes the atheists come to the relgion section if they hate it so veamently, and constantly state atheism is not a relgion? Do you all want to just be agressive if not passive agressive. Given not all of you are like this, but a vast majorty are. If god does not exist why beat your head aganst the wall to prove it?
like i said just curios
I don't beat my head against the wall, I logically beat religious nutters' heads against the wall =].

if their beliefs are illogical, I believe that I should show them their stupidity. I expect anyone here to do the same for me. if I ever make a illogical statement, and claim it as fact, I expect, and hope that someone will point out my error.

whats the point of being a dumbass your entire life? very few people like to be told that they are wrong, but it is a good way to learn.

p.s. sometimes it just fun to piss off people who have no chance of winning the argument (SL would probably agree)
i'm sorry i couldn't hear what you were saying for all the samantic noise all i heard was "nutter", "stupidity", "dumdass" and that you like to be facetious(paraphrase), where in were you trying to convinse me of your side and/or show me my "illogic"
all i'm trying to point out is points don't get across for just that reason
points don't get across? points don't get across? wtf? you asked a question of atheists, but since there is no atheists doctrine, the answer can only come as individual reasons. I gave my reasons, as you asked. whats the problem? did you not get the point of your own thread?

Your assumption that acceleration causes time dilation is, from my analysis, is incorrect, but you are close.
a response to my first thread, and I would not want it any other way.
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if you were not really asking a question, then why ask it? in person, it is easy to convey sarcasm or imply a rhetorical question, it is not so easy to do in text. next time you want to complain just complain, don't waste peoples' time by asking questions to which you don't want answered.
if i saw someone trying to squeze coal into dimonds i would want to help him. I would state the facts and present it in a logical manner. Then when i completely denies it and insults me thats when i get pissed. You shouldnt deny logical reasoning with illogical babble. Another reason atheist may seem so hostile is because athiests are the most unpopular minority. says this survey http://www.law.gmu.edu/faculty/LegalTimes_Somin_OpEd.pdf When it comes to religion and they know your atheist they completely disrecard your beliefs. Without even hearing your arguments. I was once catholic I know both sides I made a completely logical decision and realized there is no higher bieng. And when i talk to my christian friends about religion i listen to there reasoning for believing and understand why they believe. But when the atheist speaks they really dont give a shit. But it really doesnt bother me because I am 100% positive i am right with no doubts, its only when people say stupid shit when i get pissed.
Little_Birdie said:
What makes the atheists come to the relgion section if they hate it so veamently, and constantly state atheism is not a relgion? Do you all want to just be agressive if not passive agressive. Given not all of you are like this, but a vast majorty are. If god does not exist why beat your head aganst the wall to prove it?
like i said just curios

Atheists have issue with the obvious irrationality of faith that effects aspects of tolerance, freedom, common sense, security etc in our societies dominated by stong religious beleifs.

When you have a religion section attatched to a science forum, then obviously the rational with come to blows with the irrational. Go to a Christian board if you want it any other way.
Little_Birdie said:
What makes the atheists come to the relgion section if they hate it so veamently, and constantly state atheism is not a relgion? Do you all want to just be agressive if not passive agressive. Given not all of you are like this, but a vast majorty are. If god does not exist why beat your head aganst the wall to prove it?
like i said just curios

Don't you think a more relevant question would be, why do theists come to a science forum to post in a single religious sub-forum?

Didn't you expect your beliefs to be seriously scrutinized here or did you think everyone would join in one big group prayer?

There are plenty of religious only forums on the internet in which one might safely wallow in their fantasies.
Wee avian,

Is it possible that the atheists who visit here are so horrified by the fruits of religious thought and terrified by the slightest hint that it might raise it's human-slaughtering head in the form of modern theocracies that we just need to express ourselves? I personally find religious thought to be an absolute horror for human beings. I believe it is inherent in us though, as a part of our evolutionary heritage. That's why I think that science in the form of modern studies of human nature and cognition are the only way we'll move beyond it. I find it almost impossible to understand why any semisentient human can give any credence whatsoever to what are clearly fantasies fueled by a fear of the unknown, a desire to be taken care of even as adults, and the intolerable knowledge that you will be snuffed out one day.

Examine the religion. Look for the level of evidence that you require for any practical transaction or decision you would make in your evryday life. Take what you do find and weigh it against what you know is real. Try to put aside your fears and desires and just think it through.

You are an intelligent human being. Is there anything other than god that you would accept given the same (lack of) evidence? Ignore the fact that 95% of the human race thinks that there is a deity in control of the universe. 95% of the human race thinks contact sports are the height of civilization too.

I will tell you a fact about atheists that most theists will deny vehemently and even laugh at. If there was good evidence for the existence of a diety we would almost, without exception, accept it and be fascinated to learn about it. Theists will say that's a lie. But I tell you, with no reservations, it is the truth. A theist can't make the same statement about their beliefs, since there is already no requirement for evidence to support them. This leaves a theist permanently immune, in my opinion, to reason and evidence.
Not permanently. Bombard someone with enough evidence to the contrary of their beliefs and eventually they'll overcome the cognitive dissonance and go "this is ridiculous." Like the ~20% of Americans who don't approve of the president anymore. A fine example of ideology crumbling under the crushing weight of painfully obvious evidence!

My guess is a lot of people get a real kick out of seeing (and causing) that, and what better place for the atheists among these to do it than a religion forum on a science board?
baumgarten said:
My guess is a lot of people get a real kick out of seeing (and causing) that, and what better place for the atheists among these to do it than a religion forum on a science board?
I have absolutely no doubt about that. Personally I enjoy the more sharp-edged aspects to this kind of "discussion". I freely admit it. Razorwire Oreo anyone??? :D
I must say baum, for someone who's at least two years younger than my youngest kid (of which I have three, plus grandkids), you're pretty sharp.
Little_Birdie said:
What makes the atheists come to the relgion section if they hate it so veamently, and constantly state atheism is not a relgion? Do you all want to just be agressive if not passive agressive. Given not all of you are like this, but a vast majorty are. If god does not exist why beat your head aganst the wall to prove it?
like i said just curios

i actually like the whole subject of religion. i like religious architecture, symbols, mythology. i find it interesting. i think that the religious myths of any particular culture offer a unique way to understand that group's perspective of the whole world.
i also like debating whether religion has or should have any formative influence in the laws and norms of a society. i happen to think that it shouldn't, but some people disagree. its interesting to see why.
the other thing about this forum is the ever-present science vs religion debate. i am interested in seeing what it is that religious people find unconvincing about science, when they are clearly completely convinced about their beliefs in god. i like the fact that someone calls theists out on their often ridiculous beliefs and demands justification for them, especially when some of them play a large role in determining public policy in some countries.
i think that if you can't figure out why any of that is interesting or important, you don't really get the point of the Religion sub in Sciforums.
superluminal said:
I must say baum, for someone who's at least two years younger than my youngest kid (of which I have three, plus grandkids), you're pretty sharp.
Thanks much! I love to have my ego stroked. :cool:
Little_Birdie, actually this is a Science Forum. In the Religious section logical questions about religion can be posed.

For example:
1) Can God do anything?
2) Does God know everything?

These are the sorts of questions an Atheist could postulate to a Theist. I don’t see what’s the harm in that?


PS: Feel free to answer those questions.
The rude obnoxious atheists that post here (NOTE: MOST ATHEISTS ARE NOT LIKE THIS..none I know in real life are) were indoctrinated with religion as children, perhaps oppressed by the dogma, made to feel like sinners for expressing quite normal behaviours.

So their frustrated rants in the religious section are about projection. They want to project the feelings of inferiority that were instilled in them as children and probably still carry into adult hood onto those they feel most to blame...the religious. Of course it's really their parents they blame but their indoctrination won't allow them to kick out at them. In fact their parents probably are unaware of their atheist views.

Then there are those that as fathers they enjoy telling their children Santa doesn't exist, they get a morbid pleasure out bursting the bubble.

The atheists that post here but are NOT rude and obnoxious fall into many camps, those that are against oppression and they see religion as being oppressive and dangerous.

Then there are those that 'believe' in science to such an extent that nothing exists outside of it until science says so.

There are also so many false ideas tied into many religions that some feel compelled to dispute them. No disrespect intended.

Most people I know are atheist, they are all loving, kind, tolerant, generous, compassionate human beings and regardless of their views re theism and religion would quietly keep them to themselves out of respect, but this would be different if we lived in a culture where religion was oppressive and affected our quality of life. Where I live it does not.

I also know Christians in my environment, and they are very community orientated and do lots of charitable works, and are non judgemental. So it really is more about people than 'labels' and people make up all groups.

There is good and bad in every group.
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KennyJC said:
Atheists have issue with the obvious irrationality of faith that effects aspects of tolerance, freedom, common sense, security etc in our societies dominated by stong religious beleifs.

When you have a religion section attatched to a science forum, then obviously the rational with come to blows with the irrational. Go to a Christian board if you want it any other way.
calling religion irrational is far from accrate, it starts from a given place that science cannot prove but then devels with that thought in a rather logical and calculated pattern what i don't understand is,
the way sciforums was presented to me by the friend who introdcued me to the site was in effect any person could go on and ask a question or strike up a diologue about anything under the specified topic and have an itellegent disscusion. what i have witnessed here for the most part is a handful of people trying to disscuss something and then some belligerant atheists come in and say the disscussion is irrelevent and turn every thread into the same argument. if one has nothing to add to a topic aside from the fact that what is being disscussed is irrelevant then why add to the "irrelevence" of it