Just a Question

I'm a student of religious anthropology. I'm interested in the sociological aspect of the same.
Athelwulf said:
It develops my debating skills. I learn stuff in the Religion forum.
That, too.
I like to discuss these things with other people is why i am here...

Most of my close friends just take it as ranting prophet talk...but thats cause they know me..
I want to see where all the retards congregate.
And yet here you are..;)

Halcyon said:
I'm so getting banned.
You're so going to hell. Hhhheeeaaattthhhhheeennnnn... Deeeevvviiiiilll... :p

Halcyon said:
Just wait until they come out with anal rosary beads.
They already have. Why do you think all those nuns look so content all the time?
Warrior61 said:
Why are you in the religion section of Sciforums?
I just like to annoy the religious morrons :p :D
like so;
when jesus comes will you spit or swallow?
Divine-Interventions.Com Gawwwd I love that place! The "Jackhammer Jesus" is a product I often name characters after in Unreal Tournament and such - I'll have a character called "Jesus Shaped Dildo".

The really sad and sick part is that people with names like "Child Killer" or "KKK Burning" will tell me my name is ''offensive"! And I'll be like "wait, so talking about murder of people . . . of children is healthier than a sex/mythology name? Huh?"

Man it makes them mad, and in online gaming when you get somebody unhinged with emotion - it makes them much easier to defeat. Just like in real life! ;)
because the world is full of religious nuggets/muppets, and it's great fun playing games with them.

especially when, the're so strong in there belief.
Well it's kinda like asking why anyone would go to those "freak shows" at fairgrounds. Some of us just have this desire to look at weirdos, so where else better to go than a place full of religious people? :D
I like to explore and encourage people--who are interested in religion/spirituality--to re-member the origins of deep experience, as inspired from hallucinogenic experience.
It never ceases to surprise me the taboo about this, which may manifest as ignore-ance (actually members ignoring my posts) and even hostility and ridicule

to me this says more about successful drugwar propaganda than anything else
A great deal of religious experience and ''sacred'' writings (much writing within the Koran, Bible, Torah & etc) - likely actually stem from hallucinogenic experiences brought on by meditation, illness (mental or physical), fasting, or drugs.