just a question

pavlosmarcos said:
surprise surprise, her intelligents won , she said to me yesterday, dont know what I was thinking, when I thought about it, I realised I must of been daydreaming, or it was a trick of the light.
so for me this is great I have my friend back, but I am saddened by my own attitude towards her. I told her how I felt yesterday also, she was very forgiving, and said she would have proberly felt the same had it been me.
Good that you two sorted it out. Friendships shouldn't be ruined because of differing oppinions.

however leo you are not my friend, and you do have delusions, and I dont know you from adam.
so there is nothing intelligent, you could ever say, as I dont have to accept your illogical crap.
as I dont beleive in satan, he can laugh all he wants, it wont be me he's laughing at.
To go from there to this though...
this thread is about pavlos and his ability to understand illogic, leo has been declaring his delusions from the first day he came on sciforums.
so given that pavlos, could'nt understand it from a friend, then theres no wonder why, he wont take it leo.
I dont blame him leo is some what weird, he makes the hairs on my back tingle.
if I was a believer I say that he does'nt have any angels/gods on his shoulders just the exact opposite. (devils and demons)
fahrenheit 451 said:
this thread is about pavlos and his ability to understand illogic, leo has been declaring his delusions from the first day he came on sciforums.
so given that pavlos, could'nt understand it from a friend, then theres no wonder why, he wont take it leo.
I dont blame him leo is some what weird, he makes the hairs on my back tingle.
if I was a believer I say that he does'nt have any angels/gods on his shoulders just the exact opposite. (devils and demons)
I understand what you mean fahrenheit.

But that kind of hostile tone is never needed. It brings sadness not only to leo but to anyone else reading it.

That's my oppinion though. But I feel the need to express it.
pavlosmarcos said:
Let me start by stating I'm an atheist.
I have a question,
I have an aquaintence that I have always found to be a very intelligent person, wise beyond her years.
if I was stuck with any quiz etc, I could ask and she'd
have the answer.
just recently she claims, she had a divine experiance.
when she related it to me, I said you were dreaming, hulucinating, no she said I know what I know, I saw what I saw, I said was any body else there to back up you claim.
no, but that does'nt matter as I said, I saw what I saw.
well now here's my problem, I have lost all faith in her, nothing she says has any gredence, nothing she does has any worth, I am very fond of this person but, I just feel shes lost it.
this might appear bigoted of me, and perhaps it is.
however as I said I'm an atheist and therefore am a freethinker and humanist, she entitled to believe what she wants. but I cant except illogic.
know firstly you will proberly condemn me for what I've said.
especially you religious members, however I would be happy who every answers.
have you lost faith in someone for simular reasons.
or do you feel that people who act like the been touched by a god, or something simular have no credibility.
I would be very interested to find out, thank you all.

All you are saying here is that your affection must be earned.
Your friendship comes with the condition that your friend be as you like, or you will break up with her.
Your problem has nothing to do with religion, but with you being a conditional friend.

A year has passed since you posted this.
What happened with the two of you?