Judicial Tyranny

Arquibus said:
I would agree that my scenario is implausible, unforseeable, and borderline clinical paranoia, but it is not impossible, and that is the only point I am trying to make.

But then, the pope could also slowly be turning Vatican City into the world's largest Gay-bar, and we can't say that it's entirely out of the realm of possibility, yet somehow I don't think we need to gird ourselves for the impact of the inherent implications of such a move.

Arquibus said:
Come on, most liberals have no care for morals

No care for morals? What rubbish. Is this how you view everyone who's morals happen to differ from your own? What ever happened to the idea that liberals were nothing but a bunch of altruistic do-gooders more concerned with noble ideas of helping their fellow man (in a rather Christian way, I might add) and not enough of cold-hard realists like conservatives typically viewed themselves? When did Conservatives start brandishing their status as a bunch of bleeding hearts?

Arquibus said:
and no view of anything but the inside of their wallet.

As far as money goes, this is generaly a better description of the more secular conservatives who are more typicaly the ones willing to sacrifice living standards and labor rights of others in order to line their own pockets. As far as poleticians go, both liberal and conservative are essentialy a bunch of bribe-taking shmucks.

Arquibus said:
Of Christian liberals, at the least we can say most aren't very good Christians...

I don't know, I'd have to disagree. I'd say that most liberals particular ethics situate them to be in compliance with the word of Jesus. Liberals are often accused of loving their fellow man too much! They're anti-war, in favor of social programs, labor laws, and some even believe in the redistribution of wealth - Just like Christ! Not to mention that the whole tolerance patience and understanding for you fellow man kick is something that Jesus seemed to be pretty keen on.

And for Christ's sake, how many times did the bible command that we help the poor?! Where does that factor into conservative "morals"?

The idea that Liberals are somehow against Christian ethics only comes into play when conservatives try to use radical evangelical zeal for political power to make the promotion of a irreligious governing body which refrains from trying to codify theological beliefs as it's law seem like some sort of attack on their ethics. You're still free to believe as you wish, and practice as you wish, Liberals, however - being pretty big on civil liberties - simply don't think it's right to use political power to force everyone to practice just as you do!
Mystech said:
. ---liberals have no morals--- Is this how you view everyone who's morals happen to differ from your own?

Precisely speaking, "liberals" have no morals of their own
They are parasites of morality that they do not want to support.
Killing a liberal is immoral due to 10 commandments, but the scoundrels fight 10 commandments while being protected by them.


e :D s
no morals "of their own"?

What do you call the ten commandments? Your very own creation?
"Your logic is sick.
I am ashamed of you and the rest of the liberal traitors."

It seems that certain members of the Bush administration are actually the real traitors, revealing a CIA agents identity, not to mention lying to congress about war. As usual your 'con rhetoric is almost completely backwards.
extrasense said:
Precisely speaking, "liberals" have no morals of their own
They are parasites of morality that they do not want to support.
Killing a liberal is immoral due to 10 commandments, but the scoundrels fight 10 commandments while being protected by them.


e :D s

Well I'm sure that there are a number of ways I could take this, but I guess I'll just ask why you seem to think that being a liberal and devoutly of Christian faith are mutually exclusive. Time was, Christianity was one of the largest organizing and motivating drive behind American liberalism. The idea that the two are somehow at odds with one another is a complete myth.

Also, what do you mean by "fighting the ten commandments"? I have no idea what you're refering too here.
Mystech said:
Time was, Christianity was one of the largest organizing and motivating drive behind American liberalism.

Really? Why not you stop lying?

Mystech said:
what do you mean by "fighting the ten commandments"? .
So, you do not know :rolleyes: Is not it liberal perverts, who demand that 10 commandements were not allowed here, there and everywhere?

e :D s
extrasense said:
Really? Why not you stop lying?

Dude, seriously, please go learn a little bit about American History. to get started on the right foot go read a bit about who exactly the major movers and shakers of the Civil rights movement of the 50s and 60s were. Christianity and American Liberalism have an extremely close nit relationship.

Seriously, don't just get all your news from hate-mongers and propaganda spewing talking heads, you owe it to yourself not to be manipulated by that revisionist history talking-point of the week type bullshit.

extrasense said:
So, you do not know :rolleyes: Is not it liberal perverts, who demand that 10 commandements were not allowed here, there and everywhere?

I'm not familiar with what you're talking about, however I do believe a number of civil libritarian groups have recently contested whether or not religious texts should be flaunted in court houses, and all that came down to was the Supreme Court saying "Well we'll look on it at a case by case basis, because some of these seem to establish and elevate one religion above another, which isn't our government's place." So uuh. . . quit yer bitchin' maybe?

Also, what, in this whole situation, do you consider to be a perversion? All I can think to apply that lable to would be the perversion of our first amendment rights into a justification for the government holding one religion above all others rather than simply not establishing any.

Before Hitler come to power or even get his party moving, he was sort of propagandist, discussing issues with anyone willing, including some jews.
He has found them evading persuasion, not considering an issue on its merits and arguments. This is what you are doing.

When did this become a religious or political issue? I need to star taking my memory medications again...anyway, we do I hope not consider pro-abortion a moral high ground of the Christian religion, I hope? I mean, liberals are antiwar and hate the death penalty for crime, but the are in full support of abortion. Anyway, I also know of at least two instances where the liberals and their ACLU buddies have had displays of the Ten Commandments removed from private property.
For the sake of the sciforums I would like to post this link to a <a href='http://www.dailygrammar.com/'>grammar</a> website. Just because the ascent of the Republicans coincides with the rise of the idiot doesn’t mean that <i>you</i> have to talk like one.

Arquibus said:
Anyway, I also know of at least two instances where the liberals and their ACLU buddies have had displays of the Ten Commandments removed from private property.

Its fine and good for you to say so, but the rest of us happen to know it hasn't happened, so unless you can provide links to credible news sources your statement will be considered bunk. Providing evidence for an outrageous claim is a staple of the art of argument.
extrasense said:
Before Hitler come to power or even get his party moving, he was sort of propagandist, discussing issues with anyone willing, including some jews.
He has found them evading persuasion, not considering an issue on its merits and arguments. This is what you are doing.

Okay, you're the first to call hitler, so I guess I win. Second, what in the hell are you talking about (in reguards to hitler) and third, I'm just asking you some questions and then replying to your rather random off-topic responces. If you want to blame anyone for deraililng the topic, then blame your own lack of ability to defend your stance.
Arquibus said:
I also know of at least two instances where the liberals and their ACLU buddies have had displays of the Ten Commandments removed from private property.

I hear that they drink the blood of goodly simpletons in their secret initiation rituals.
Mystech said:
I hear that they drink the blood of goodly simpletons in their secret initiation rituals.

Nice. I need to find my local community group.

Anyway, I knew that the private property issue would get no credit being that I don't have any kind of experience seeing it posted on the web, but as is typical for me, I posted it anyway. As for grammar, I was extremely tired and payed no attention to such an extraneous value. It meant nothing to me as long as the general gist of what I was saying got across. Anyway, I noticed how you deflected my initial inquiry. Very wise. Or, in the words of Minsc, "You are as smart as Boo sometimes."
Arquibus said:
Nice. I need to find my local community group.

Anyway, I knew that the private property issue would get no credit being that I don't have any kind of experience seeing it posted on the web, but as is typical for me, I posted it anyway. As for grammar, I was extremely tired and payed no attention to such an extraneous value. It meant nothing to me as long as the general gist of what I was saying got across. Anyway, I noticed how you deflected my initial inquiry. Very wise. Or, in the words of Minsc, "You are as smart as Boo sometimes."

I'm sure we couldn't identify a question in your train wreck of a previous post. Your lack of ability to find news items about courts ordering the ten commandments off of private property is due wholly to the fact that you just made it up. Also its fairly obvious to me that your piety is a sham, since you are clearly going to hell for playing Baulders gate.
SpyMoose said:
I'm sure we couldn't identify a question in your train wreck of a previous post. Your lack of ability to find news items about courts ordering the ten commandments off of private property is due wholly to the fact that you just made it up. Also its fairly obvious to me that your piety is a sham, since you are clearly going to hell for playing Baulders gate.

I suppose someone with limited intelligence couldn't see my questioning how democrats take abortion as a moral high ground despite their anti-violence, anti-war, and anti-death penalty views, because they obviously know while we do not that dictators, terrorists, and criminals have far more right to life than babies. Anyway, I didn't make it up, I saw it on CBN. As for Baldur's Gate (now who can't spell?), if I go to Hell it won't be for that. Question is, was that sarcastic, insulting, or Bible-thumping?
Arquibus said:
if I go to Hell it won't be for that.

Why not? Did god tell you the rules don't apply to you because you are so extra special, sinner? I mean, if he told you, ok. You get a pass, you are probably a prophet or something. If he didn't though I guess you are probably guilty of vanity as well.
I was in the meaning that I have done things far worse and earlier in my life than playing BG. Anyway, who are you to decide who gets into heaven?