Judgement & Forgivness


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I'm confused.

Two main lessons in the bible are:
1) Humans should not judge each other
2) Humans should forgive one another

Doesn't forgivness necessitate judgement?

In order to forgive someone you must have judged them first, otherwise the whole concept of excusing someone else's fault becomes absurd.

It seems we need to add yet another item to the list of inherent contradictions within Christianity.

Any ideas?

*edited- thanks one_raven**
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It seems we need to add yet another item to the list of inherent contradictions within Christianity.

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No contradictions, only lack of revelation, in those who can't understand.

The meaning of the scriptures have been Sealed, hidden from God's enemies.....

So they could not access the supernatural power within it's words..........

While the children of this world rant and rave, trying to read someone else's mail,

The same words speak life, and whispers of His love, to the children of the promise.....
So I can't understand it because I'm God's enemy?

If I'm his enemy, he must be pretty pathetic. Why doesn't he pick on someone his own size? :bugeye:

Please, if you are as enlightened as you claim to be, share your insights with those wishing to understand.
No, He is not your enemy Nebula; He wishes everyone well. :)

Here is the explanation:

There is actually no contradiction on that. The simple explanation for that is that God doesn't want us to judge one another; however, if we do so, we should forgive the other person.

So... forgiveness is only necessary when there is judgement. He knows that we are just growing, and that we will eventually do mistakes, so He adds all possibilities in the equation. :)
If he already knows we'll judge anyway, why does he bother telling us not too?

Does that mean that forgivness is the second degree of a sin?

ok.. wat about ppl that dont forgive after judging? it seems like a nice way of saying, u messed up but now u have a chance of reedeming urself cuz u screwed up in the first place... so u can judge someone else but hey, ur off the hook when u forgive em.. so it doesnt accomplish anything in the end..

If he already knows we'll judge anyway, why does he bother telling us not too?
Because He has faith that we won't do it. Unfortunatly, because of our free will, that doesn't happen all the time. ANd it is not everyone that will sin that way. Not everyone will judge others.

Does that mean that forgivness is the second degree of a sin?
No. It means that forgiveness wash the sins away.

ok.. wat about ppl that dont forgive after judging? it seems like a nice way of saying, u messed up but now u have a chance of reedeming urself cuz u screwed up in the first place... so u can judge someone else but hey, ur off the hook when u forgive em.. so it doesnt accomplish anything in the end..
Forgiveness accomplish peace. Condemnation creates only more condemnation.
Forgiveness accomplish peace. Condemnation creates only more condemnation.

Lets' just forgive Osama and forget the whole thing, shall we?

Forgiveness accomplish peace. Condemnation creates only more condemnation.

depends why you are forgiving in the first place... if you forgive someone just cuz ur supposed to, it doesnt serve any purpose.. it might make things more complicated and awkward... to forgive is a hard thing to do in the purest form... also, if you forgive to avoid more conflict because you do not wanna address the issues, it causes rift in the relationship and communication just breaks down... forgiveness also gives a sense of power to the person offering it... they were bold enough to forgive might be a nice ego boostin session em... they were spiritual enough to actually say the words without meaning it...

judge someone and then forgive em... and humans are weak so they'll make the same mistake.. they'll judge someone again.. its ridiculous... either dont place value on the judgement part or come up with a better solution if judgement takes place... forgiveness just seems like sweepin the issues under the rug kinda deal...
Well im certain everyone here has judged someone at some stage in their life.

That means we're all sinners....... but how convenient... we just ask for forgiveness from our sins... God has to forgive, otherwise he's just a hypocrite in telling us to do that very thing.... so we're all forgiven.... so who gives a fuck about judging? Why even mention judging others as being a problem when we just get forgiveness for our sins at a later date?

Visitor said: No contradictions, only lack of revelation, in those who can't understand.

That sounds very much like a judgment. Pray for forgiveness!!
Visitor said: No contradictions, only lack of revelation, in those who can't understand.
That sounds very much like a judgment. Pray for forgiveness!!

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Jugdment, ....everyone seems to think judgment is taboo....
And it is true "judge no man , lest ye be judged..
But I have said there are no contradictions ..right
and other scriptures say....

"Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man. 16 And yet if I judge, my judgment is true: for I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent me."

John 12:48 - He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day

The Word - Jesus, comes in the last day as the judge.

1 Corinthians 4:5 - Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.

1 Corinthians 6:2 - Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters

.Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?

Having our senses exercised, to disern good from evil...
This is not a crime but an expected attainment.
16 And yet if I judge, my judgment is true: for I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent me."

Ok.... I say you're a pompous imbecile... obviously God agrees with me on that :D
John 12:48 - He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day

The Word - Jesus, comes in the last day as the judge.

1 Corinthians 4:5 - Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.

1 Corinthians 6:2 - Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters

.Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?

Having our senses exercised, to disern good from evil...
This is not a crime but an expected attainment.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Feel free to keep pasting garbage written by junkie shephards all you like.... I still say you're a pompous imbecile :D

Lets' just forgive Osama and forget the whole thing, shall we?
I think it is too late for him. Forgiveness should be given soon after the sin, otherwise if the person develops hatred, then the person becomes really blind and doesn't care about anything anymore. Besides, Osama hurt the US because the US hurt him first. So who really needed to forgive was him, and as we know he didn't.


depends why you are forgiving in the first place... if you forgive someone just cuz ur supposed to, it doesnt serve any purpose.. it might make things more complicated and awkward... to forgive is a hard thing to do in the purest form... also, if you forgive to avoid more conflict because you do not wanna address the issues, it causes rift in the relationship and communication just breaks down... forgiveness also gives a sense of power to the person offering it... they were bold enough to forgive might be a nice ego boostin session em... they were spiritual enough to actually say the words without meaning it...
I understand what you are saying (oddly enough...:p ). But in the purest form, forgiveness is the best option.

judge someone and then forgive em... and humans are weak so they'll make the same mistake.. they'll judge someone again.. its ridiculous... either dont place value on the judgement part or come up with a better solution if judgement takes place... forgiveness just seems like sweepin the issues under the rug kinda deal...
Then why don't you forgive yourself for judging in the first place...:p
Originally posted by (Q)
Forgiveness accomplish peace. Condemnation creates only more condemnation.

Lets' just forgive Osama and forget the whole thing, shall we?

Yes, let's.
We, as humans, do not want to find God. Because that would mean that we would have to change our lives and start doing work for him. And then we complain that there is no God. How would we know if there is a God, if we do not want to find God?
It depends on what god you are talking to then. Then one I'm talking to sais that just being is work enough.
